Module WeakRefWithAffineContent

Require Import DeBruijn.
Require Import Coercions.
Require Import FocusPaths.
Require Import Programs.
Require Import Layers.
Require Import WellLayeredness.
Require Import Types.
Require Import TypeEquality.
Require Import TypeContexts.
Require Import Subtyping.
Require Import DerivedSubtyping.
Require Import DerivedTyping.
Require Import Environments.
Require Import Typing.
Require Import Resources.
Require Import ResourcesContinued.
Require Import Multiplicity.
Require Import MultiplicityEnvironments.
Require Import AntiFrameSwitch.
Require Import RawPrograms.
Require Import Erasure.

In this file, we focus on an example: the encoding of weak references with affine content in terms of strong references and the anti-frame rule. This example is explained in the journal paper.


The primitive operation PReadCap is restricted to references whose content is duplicable. For this reason, in order to be able to read a reference whose content is affine, one must first ``focus'' on the content of the reference. This changes the type of the content from T to TyAt sigma, for a fresh region sigma, and creates a capability for this region, of the form TyRegionCap Singleton sigma T.

In the code that follows, we need to perform this operation at a moment where we have a pair of a value and a capability for the reference. Thus, the ``focus'' operation must go down into the pair, into the capability, into the reference, and focus on the content there. Thus, we need the following ``focus path''.

Definition pair_cap_ref : path :=
  PathPairRight Physical Logical (
    PathRegionCapSingleton (PathRef PathRoot)

In order to simplify the type derivation that follows, let us give a derived typing rule for the ``focus'' operation at this particular path.

Lemma focus_pair_cap_ref:
  forall T T1 rho,
  wf T ->
  wf T1 ->
  wf rho ->
    (PFocus pair_cap_ref)
    (TyMixPair T1 (TyRegionCap Singleton rho (TyRef T)))
    (TyExists (TyMixPair
        (lift_ty 0 T1)
        (TyRegionCap Singleton (lift_ty 0 rho) (TyRef (TyAt (TyVar 0))))
      (TyRegionCap Singleton (TyVar 0) (lift_ty 0 T))
  set (TC :=
    (TyMixPair (constant T1) (TyRegionCap Singleton (constant rho) (TyRef hole)))
    (TyMixPair T1 (TyRegionCap Singleton rho (TyRef T)))
    (fill TC T)
    (unfold TC, fill, constant, hole; simpl; repeat f_equal; eapply subst_lift_ty).
      (lift_ty 0 T1)
      (TyRegionCap Singleton (lift_ty 0 rho) (TyRef (TyAt (TyVar 0))))
    (fill (lift_ty_ctx 0 TC) (TyAt (TyVar 0)))
    (unfold TC, fill, constant, hole; simpl; repeat f_equal;
     rewrite <- lift_lift_ty by omega; eapply subst_lift_ty).


We now define the term of interest, in the instrumented calculus.

The main function is mkwref, which means ``make a weak reference''. This function initializes a strong reference r, creates a closure which has access to r, and hides r from the outside world.

The closure constructed by mkwref is swap. It is a weak reference with affine content, viewed as an object that offers a single method, namely swap.

Coq requires that we define swap first, but it makes sense to read the definition of mkwref first.

The code must unfortunately be expressed in de Bruijn style. In order to make slightly more readable, we use the following convention. When a new variable is introduced, we mention its name in a comment. When a variable is referred to, we mention its name, preceded with an exclamation mark, in a comment.

The definition of swap implicitly assumes that two type variables are in scope, namely alpha, the type of the content of the reference, and rho, the region which the reference inhabits. The definition assumes that one term variable is in scope, namely r, the reference. It assumes that r has infinite multiplicity and has type TyAt rho.

Definition swap :=

swap is a duplicable function. Its argument newvc is a pair of a new value newv and a capability c for the reference r.

  VBang (VAbs (

As announced above, we must focus on the content of the reference before we are allowed to read it.

Technical/personal remark: it may seem surprising that we focus on the content of the reference prior to destructuring the pair newvc. One might wish to instead decompose the pair into newv and c, and apply the focus operation to c alone. However, we cannot do this, because of our overly restrictive well-layeredness rule for TPrimApp, whose argument and result must be physical.

    TLet (TPrimApp (PFocus pair_cap_ref) (VVar 0 )) (

The focus operation has produced an existential package whose content is a triple of the value newv, a capability c1 for the reference, and a capability c2 for the content of the reference. Decompose all this. We refer to the newly created singleton region as sigma.

    TLetUnpack (VVar 0 ) (
    TLetMixPair (VVar 0 ) (
    TLetMixPair (VVar 1 ) (

The capability c1 testifies that r is a reference who content has type TyAt sigma. This is a duplicable type, as witnessed by the coercion CoAtBang. Thus, the capability c1 allows reading r via the primitive operation PReadCap. The result is a pair of the current value of the reference, oldv, and an unchanged capability, which we informally keep referring to as c1.

      (TPrimApp PReadCap (VMixPair
        (VVar 7 )
        (VCoApp (CoRegionCap (CoRef CoAtBang)) (VVar 0 ))
    TLetMixPair (VVar 0 ) (

The capability c1 allows us to write the value newv into r. This produces a pair of a unit value u and an updated capability for r, which we informally keep referring to as c1. This new capability witnesses that r is now again a reference with affine content.

      (TPrimApp PWriteCap (VMixPair
        (VPhyPair (VVar 10 ) (VVar 4 ))
        (VVar 0 )
    TLetMixPair (VVar 0 ) (

There remains to return a pair of the value oldv and the capability c1. We must be careful, however, because oldv currently has type TyBang (TyAt sigma). We deal with this in two steps. First, we get rid of the replication using dereliction. This allows us to view oldv as a value of type TyAt sigma. Then, we focus again: since we have a capability c2 for the region sigma, we bring these two pieces of information together and forget about sigma.

    TVal (VMixPair
        (CoDefocus PathRoot)
        (VMixPair (VCoApp CoDereliction (VVar 4 )) (VVar 8 ))
      (VVar 0 )

mkwref is a closed value.

Definition mkwref :=

mkwref is a polymorphic, duplicable function. Its argument initv is the initial value of the reference that must be created.

  VTyAbs (VBang (VAbs (

First, we allocate a strong reference. This creates an existential package of a fresh singleton region rho and of a pair rc of the fresh reference and of the capability that controls it. We open up this existential package.

    TLet (TPrimApp PNewCap (VVar 0 )) (
    TLetUnpack (VVar 0 ) (

Next, we apply the anti-frame rule, so as to hide the existence of r. The nature of the ``hidden invariant'' is not visible here (because terms do not refer to types) but will be evident in the type derivation.

In this particular case, we are fortunate that the code in the scope of the hide construct naturally has exactly one free variable, namely rc, so the fact that THide requires the code to have exactly one free variable is not a problem. No superfluous tupling/untupling is necessary.

    THide (VVar 0 ) (

Open up the pair of r and c.

    TLetMixPair (VVar 0 ) (

Because r has type TyAt rho, it is duplicable. The coercion CoAtBang is a witness of this fact. Then, the TLetBang construct allows us to assign multiplicity MInfinity to r. This is important, because swap claims to be a duplicable function and would not be allowed to capture a non-duplicable variable.

    TLetBang (VCoApp CoAtBang (VVar 1 )) (

Now, construct a pair of the function swap and the capability c. The function swap *is* the weak reference that we are constructing: it is an object with one method, swap. The capability c proves that the hidden invariant initially holds: its presence is required by the anti-frame rule, which consumes it.

    TVal (VMixPair swap (VVar 1 ))


mkwref is well-layered.

Lemma mkwref_well_layered:
  wlv nil mkwref Physical.
  repeat econstructor.


Here is the invariant (the capability) that is hidden by the anti-frame rule. The invariant is parameterized by rho and alpha. It basically states that we own the singleton region rho, which contains a value of type alpha. As usual, the invariant is recursive, so as to encode the fact that the invariant preserves itself. In other words, if the naïve intended invariant is N, then the actual invariant should satisfy the equation I = TyTensor N I.

Notation invariant rho alpha :=
  (TyMu (
      (TyRegionCap Singleton (TyVar (S rho)) (TyRef (TyVar (S alpha))))
      (TyVar 0 )

The invariant satisfies the following two recursive equations.

The first equation is simply the characterization of a recursive type. It is a consequence of the lemma tyeq_fold.

Lemma equation1:
  forall rho alpha,
       (TyRegionCap Singleton (TyVar rho) (TyRef (TyVar alpha)))
       (invariant rho alpha)
     (invariant rho alpha)
  eapply tyeq_transitive; [ | eapply tyeq_fold; wf | eauto using wf_unfold ].
  unfold unfold. simpl. unfold subst_var. simpl.
  repeat match goal with |- context[?n - 0] => replace (n - 0) with n by omega end.
  eapply tyeq_reflexive. wf.

The second equation is a variant of the previous one. We use the fact that TyTensor commutes with TyRegionCap and with TyRef. This allows us to push the tensor inside.

Lemma equation2:
  forall rho alpha,
     (TyRegionCap Singleton (TyVar rho)
       (TyRef (TyTensor (TyVar alpha) (invariant rho alpha)))
     (invariant rho alpha)
  eapply tyeq_transitive; [ | eapply equation1 | wf ].
  eapply tyeq_transitive; [ | eapply tyeq_symmetric; eapply tyeq_tensor_regioncap; wf | wf ].
  eapply tyeq_regioncap.
  eapply tyeq_reflexive; wf.
  eapply tyeq_symmetric. eapply tyeq_tensor_ref; wf.


The following tactics help clean up the goal (a typing judgement) by abstracting away the type of a variable when this variable has zero multiplicity.

These tactics are ugly. First, there is code duplication: I need at least one tactic for each de Bruijn index. Second, the use of generalize T is brittle: if the type T happens to occur elsewhere, every occurrence of T is abstracted away, which is not desired. I work around this issue by using generalize T at k, for some fixed k, but this is brittle.

Another approach would be to apply a weakening lemma (see TermSubstitution) in order to get rid of the unused variables. In principle, it should work. It might be a bit painful, though, and it will cause a renumbering of the variables that will not help me understand what I am doing. So I am sticking with the simple-minded approach.

Ltac cleanup1 :=
  match goal with
  |- jt _ (_ :: MZero :: _)%list
          (_ :: ?T :: _)%list
          _ _ =>
    generalize T
  let T := fresh "T" in
  intro T.

Ltac cleanup1at1 :=
  match goal with
  |- jt _ (_ :: MZero :: _)%list
          (_ :: ?T :: _)%list
          _ _ =>
    generalize T at 1
  let T := fresh "T" in
  intro T.

Ltac cleanup2 :=
  match goal with
  |- jt _ (_ :: _ :: MZero :: _)%list
          (_ :: _ :: ?T :: _)%list
          _ _ =>
    generalize T
  let T := fresh "T" in
  intro T.

Ltac cleanup3 :=
  match goal with
  |- jt _ (_ :: _ :: _ :: MZero :: _)%list
          (_ :: _ :: _ :: ?T :: _)%list
          _ _ =>
    generalize T
  let T := fresh "T" in
  intro T.

Ltac cleanup5 :=
  match goal with
  |- jt _ (_ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: MZero :: _)%list
          (_ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: ?T :: _)%list
          _ _ =>
    generalize T at 2
  let T := fresh "T" in
  intro T.


swap is well-typed.

The type derivation for swap assumes that r has multiplicity MInfinity and type TyAt rho. The type of swap is the tensor of the duplicable function type alpha -> alpha by the invariant.

Lemma swap_well_typed:
  forall M E,
  duplicable M ->
  jv void
     (MInfinity :: M)%list
     (TyAt (TyVar 0 ) :: E)%list
       (TyBang (TyArrow (TyVar 1 ) (TyVar 1 )))
       (invariant 0 1 )
TyTensor distributes over TyBang.
  econstructor; [
  | eapply tyeq_symmetric; tyred_tyeq
  | wf
  do 2 (rewrite <- duplicable_implies_core; [ | eauto using @duplicable_void ]).
TyTensor distributes over TyArrow.
  econstructor; [
  | eapply tyeq_symmetric; tyred_tyeq
  | wf
  econstructor; [ | wf ].
  eapply JTLet.
    eapply duplicable_void.
TPrimApp (PFocus pi) (VVar 0)
VVar 0
      eapply JVEq.
Rewrite invariant using equation2.
        eapply tyeq_pair; [
          eapply tyeq_reflexive; wf
        | eapply tyeq_symmetric; eapply equation2 ].
PFocus pair_cap_ref
      eapply focus_pair_cap_ref; wf.
Clean up.
  unfold lift_ty_ctx, fill, constant, hole; simpl. unfold lift_var, subst_var; simpl.
  econstructor; [ eapply duplicable_void | | eauto | ]. eauto.
  simpl. unfold lift_var; simpl.
  econstructor; [ eapply duplicable_void | eauto | eauto | ].
  econstructor; [ eapply duplicable_void | | eauto | ].
  instantiate (3 := MZero). eauto 8.
  eapply JTLet.
    eapply duplicable_void.
TPrimApp PReadCap ...
VMixPair ...
      eapply JVPairDelayedSplit.
        eapply duplicable_void.
VVar 7
        eapply JVVarInfinity; repeat econstructor.
VCoApp ... (VVar 0)
        econstructor; eauto.
        eauto 10.
      econstructor; wf.
    eauto 10.
  econstructor; [ eapply duplicable_void | | eauto | ].
    eapply star_commutative. eauto 10.
  eapply JTLet.
    eapply duplicable_void.
TPrimApp PWriteCap ...
VMixPair ...
      eapply JVPairDelayedSplit.
        eapply duplicable_void.
VPhyPair ...
        eapply JVPairDelayedSplit.
          eapply duplicable_void.
VVar 10.
          eapply JVVarInfinity; repeat econstructor.
VVar 4
          repeat econstructor.
          eauto 12.
VVar 0
        repeat econstructor.
        eauto 12.
      econstructor; wf.
    eauto 12.
  econstructor; [ eapply duplicable_void | | eauto | ].
  eapply star_commutative. eauto 14.
  eapply JVPairDelayedSplit.
    eapply duplicable_void.
VCoApp ...
    instantiate (1 := (M;; MInfinity;; MZero;; MZero;; MZero;; MZero;; MOne;; MZero;; MZero;; MZero;; MOne;; MZero;; MZero;; MOne;; MZero)).
    econstructor; [ | | eauto ].
VMixPair ...
      eapply JVPairDelayedSplit.
        eapply duplicable_void.
VCoApp CoDereliction ...
        repeat econstructor.
VVar 8
        repeat econstructor.
        eauto 16.
      eapply JCoDefocusRoot; wf.
VVar 0
    eapply JVEq; [ repeat econstructor | eapply equation2 | wf ].
    eauto 16.


mkwref is well-typed.

We use the resource void, which is used to type-check source programs. The only property that is required of void is that void be duplicable. The multiplicity environment and the type environment are empty.

The type of mkwref is forall a. a -> (a -> a), where the arrow denotes a duplicable function type. In other words, when applied to an initial value, mkwref produces a fresh reference with affine content, which is an abstract object equipped with a swap method.

Lemma mkwref_well_typed:
  anti_frame_enabled ->
      (TyBang (TyArrow (TyVar 0 )
                       (TyBang (TyArrow (TyVar 0 ) (TyVar 0 )))
  econstructor. simpl.
  do 2 (rewrite <- duplicable_implies_core; [ | eauto using @duplicable_void ]).
  econstructor; [ | wf ].
  eapply JTLet; [ eapply duplicable_void | eauto | wf | eauto | ].
  econstructor; [ eapply duplicable_void | eauto | eauto | ]. simpl; unfold lift_var; simpl.
  econstructor; [
  | eauto
  | eapply duplicable_void
  | wf
  | wf
  | instantiate (1 := invariant 0 1); wf
TyTensor distributes over TyPair.
  econstructor; [ eapply duplicable_void | | eapply JVEq; [ eauto | tyred_tyeq | wf ] | ].
  econstructor. eapply duplicable_void. Focus 2.
VCoApp CoAtBang (VVar 1)
    econstructor; [ | eauto | eauto ].
TyTensor distributes over TyAt.
    eapply JVEq; [ eauto | tyred_tyeq | wf ].
    eapply star_commutative. eauto.
    eapply duplicable_void.
    eapply star_commutative. eauto.
    eapply swap_well_typed; eauto.
The second component of the pair proves that the invariant initially holds. It is the capability c.
    eapply JVEq; [ eauto using equation1 | eauto | wf ].


We can now look at the erasure of mkwref and check (by visual inspection) that this is the desired untyped code.

There is actually an extraneous beta-redex (a definition of the form let x = x in ...) which remains after we erase the ``focus'' operation. I am forced to introduce this let construct because TPrimApp is not a value and cannot directly become the left-hand side of the TLetUnpack construct that follows. It is a bit silly. Probably one could fix this, but I am not going to attempt it...

Eval compute in (erase_value mkwref).