Module Layers


We distinguish two layers, the physical layer and the logical layer. Values or terms that inhabit the logical layer are erased.

We do not wish to rigidly stratify the syntax of values and terms in two layers, as this would lead us to duplicating many constructs. Instead, we duplicate only one construct: pairs. A pair carries two annotations, which indicate which layer each component inhabits. This gives rise to four pair constructs: physical/physical, logical/physical, physical/logical, and logical/logical. As far as type-checking is concerned, these four constructs behave analogously; the layer annotations are reflected in the types. The layer annotations are effectively taken into account in the definition of erasure, where physical/physical pairs become pairs, mixed pairs are mapped to their single physical component, and logical pairs are erased. They are also taken into account in the definition of well-layeredness. Annotating pairs with layers allows us to define erasure without requiring any type information, and to keep the definitions of well-typedness and well-layeredness separate.

Inductive layer :=
| Physical
| Logical
tex: layers

A pair has some physical existence if at least one of its component is physical. This is reflected in the following definition.

Definition layer_conj (layer1 layer2 : layer) : layer :=
  match layer1, layer2 with
  | Physical, _
  | _, Physical =>
  | Logical, Logical =>

This tactic performs case analysis on the layer variables found in the context.

Ltac layers :=
  match goal with
  | layer: layer |- _ => destruct layer; layers
  | _ => simpl

Basic lemmas.

Lemma layer_conj_commutative:
  forall layer1 layer2,
  layer_conj layer1 layer2 = layer_conj layer2 layer1.
  intros. layers; auto.

Lemma layer_conj_associative:
  forall layer1 layer2 layer3,
  layer_conj (layer_conj layer1 layer2) layer3 = layer_conj layer1 (layer_conj layer2 layer3).
  intros. layers; auto.

Lemma layer_logical_neutral_left:
  forall layer,
  layer_conj Logical layer = layer.
  intros; layers; auto.

Lemma layer_logical_neutral_right:
  forall layer,
  layer_conj layer Logical = layer.
  intros; layers; auto.