Module FocusPaths

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Layers.
Require Import Types.
Require Import TypeEquality.
Require Import TypeContexts.

A focus path is an indication of where focus (or defocus) should take place.

Inductive path : Set :=
| PathRoot: path
| PathPairLeft: layer -> layer -> path -> path
| PathPairRight: layer -> layer -> path -> path
| PathRef: path -> path
| PathRegionCapSingleton: path -> path
tex: focus paths

pi is a focus path for a type context TC if, for every type T, pi leads from a root value of type TC T down to a sub-value of type T.

Inductive jpath : path -> ty_ctx -> Prop :=
| JPathRoot:
    jpath PathRoot hole
| JPathPairLeft:
    forall pi TC T2 layer1 layer2,
    jpath pi TC ->
    wf T2 ->
    jpath (PathPairLeft layer1 layer2 pi) (TyPair layer1 layer2 TC (constant T2))
| JPathPairRight:
    forall pi TC T1 layer1 layer2,
    jpath pi TC ->
    wf T1 ->
    jpath (PathPairRight layer1 layer2 pi) (TyPair layer1 layer2 (constant T1) TC)
| JPathRef:
    forall pi TC,
    jpath pi TC ->
    jpath (PathRef pi) (TyRef TC)
| JPathRegionCapSingleton:
    forall pi TC sigma,
    jpath pi TC ->
    wf sigma ->
    jpath (PathRegionCapSingleton pi) (TyRegionCap Singleton (constant sigma) TC)

Hint Constructors jpath.


Lemma jpath_lift:
  forall pi TC k,
  jpath pi TC ->
  jpath pi (lift_ty_ctx k TC).
  induction 1; unfold lift_ty_ctx, hole, constant in *; simpl in *; eauto;
  rewrite <- lift_lift_ty; eauto.

Lemma jpath_subst:
  forall pi TC k U,
  jpath pi TC ->
  wf U ->
  jpath pi (subst_ty_ctx U k TC).
  induction 1; unfold subst_ty_ctx, hole, constant in *; simpl in *; eauto;
  rewrite <- lift_subst_1_ty; eauto.

Lemma jpath_wf_1:
  forall pi TC,
  jpath pi TC ->
  wf TC.
  induction 1; unfold fill, hole, constant; simpl; eauto.

Lemma jpath_wf_2:
  forall TC pi T,
  jpath pi TC ->
  wf (fill TC T) ->
  wf T.
  unfold fill; induction 1; simpl; intros; eauto.

Hint Resolve jpath_wf_1.