Module Environments

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import DeBruijn.
Require Import Types.
Require Import TypeEquality.
Require Import Programs.
Require Export List.


A kind environment assigns kinds to type variables. For the time being, we have no kinds, so a type environment would be just an integer, and we can dispense with it.


A type environment assigns types to value variables. It is just a list of types.

A coercion environment assigns coercion types to coercion variables. It is again just a list of types.

Definition env :=
  list ty.


When a new type variable is introduced, every type in the type and coercion environments must be lifted.

Definition lift_ty_env k : env -> env :=
  map (lift_ty k).

When a type variable is substituted away, every type in the type and coercion environments is affected.

Definition subst_ty_env U k : env -> env :=
  map (subst_ty U k).


Syntax for environments.

Notation "E ;; T" := (T :: E) (at level 59, left associativity) : env_scope.
Notation "E !" := (lift_ty_env 0 E) (at level 60) : env_scope.
Open Scope env_scope.
Bind Scope env_scope with env.


Environment access.

Inductive jenv (A : Type) : list A -> nat -> A -> Prop :=
| JEnvNil:
    forall E T,
    jenv (E;; T) 0 T
| JEnvCons:
    forall E U x T,
    jenv E x T ->
    jenv (E;; U) (S x) T.

Hint Constructors jenv.


Removing a binding in an environment.

Fixpoint remove_env_entry (A : Type) (k : nat) (E : list A) { struct E } :=
  match E, k with
  | (E;; T), 0 =>
  | (E;; T), S k =>
      (remove_env_entry k E);; T
  | nil, _ =>


Inserting a binding in an environment.

Fixpoint insert_env (A : Type) k (T : A) (E : list A) :=
  match k, E with
  | 0, _ =>
      (E;; T)
  | S k, nil =>
  | S k, (E;; U) =>
      (insert_env k T E;; U)


The proposition enveq E1 E2 holds if the type environments E1 and E2 are equal -- up to type equality.

Inductive enveq : env -> env -> Prop :=
| EnvEqNil:
    forall E,
    enveq E E
| EnvEqCons:
    forall E1 E2 T1 T2,
    enveq E1 E2 ->
    tyeq T1 T2 ->
    wf T1 ->
    enveq (E1;; T1) (E2;; T2).

Hint Constructors enveq : enveq.

Lemma enveq_lift:
  forall E1 E2,
  enveq E1 E2 ->
  enveq (E1!) (E2!).
  induction 1; simpl; eauto using tyeq_lift with enveq.


A commutation lemma.

Lemma env_lift_lift:
  forall E k,
  (lift_ty_env k E)! = lift_ty_env (S k) (E!).
  unfold lift_ty_env. induction E; simpl; intros; f_equal; eauto. apply lift_lift_ty. omega.

Lemma env_subst_lift:
  forall U E k,
  (subst_ty_env U k E)! = subst_ty_env (lift_ty 0 U) (S k) (E!).
  unfold subst_ty_env. induction E; simpl; intros; f_equal; eauto. apply lift_subst_1_ty. omega.

Lemma le_length_map:
  forall A k (xs : list A) (f : A -> A),
  k <= length xs ->
  k <= length (map f xs).
  intros. rewrite map_length. assumption.

Lemma lift_ty_env_preserves_length:
  forall E,
  length (E!) = length E.
  induction E; simpl; auto.

Lemma lift_ty_env_preserves_length_le:
  forall E k,
  k <= length E ->
  k <= length (E!).
  intros. forwards: (@lift_ty_env_preserves_length E). omega.


Environment access lemmas.

No variable is well-typed in an empty environment.

Lemma jenv_nil:
  forall A x T,
  ~ jenv (nil : list A) x T.
  introv h. inversion h.

Lemma jenv_well_scoped:
  forall A E k (T : A),
  jenv E k T ->
  k < length E.
  induction 1; simpl; eauto.

Environment access is a (partial) function.

Lemma jenv_uniqueness:
  forall A E x (T : A),
  jenv E x T ->
  forall U,
  jenv E x U ->
  T = U.
  induction 1; introv h; dependent destruction h; simpl; eauto; false; congruence.

Ltac jenv_uniqueness :=
  match goal with h1: jenv ?E ?x ?T1, h2: jenv ?E ?x ?T2 |- _ => generalize (jenv_uniqueness h1 h2); intro; subst end.

Environment access is compatible with environment equality.

Lemma jenv_enveq:
  forall E2 x T2,
  jenv E2 x T2 ->
  forall E1,
  enveq E1 E2 ->
  exists T1,
  jenv E1 x T1 /\ ((wf T1 /\ tyeq T1 T2) \/ T1 = T2).
  induction 1; introv e; dependent destruction e; simpl; intuition eauto.
  forwards* [ ? [ ? [ [ ? ? ] | ? ]]] : (IHjenv _ e). intuition eauto 6.

Ltac jenv_enveq :=
  match goal with
  | h1: jenv ?E2 _ _, h2: enveq _ ?E2 |- _ =>
      generalize (jenv_enveq h1 h2); intros [ ? [ ? [ [ ? ? ] | ? ]]]; [ idtac | subst ]

Environment access commutes with environment transformations.

Lemma jenv_map:
  forall A E x T,
  jenv E x T ->
  forall B (f : A -> B) y,
  y = f T ->
  jenv (map f E) x y.
  induction 1; simpl; intros; subst; eauto.

Lemma jenv_lift:
  forall E x T,
  jenv E x T ->
  forall k,
  jenv (lift_ty_env k E) x (lift_ty k T).
  unfold lift_ty_env. eauto using jenv_map.

Lemma jenv_type_substitution:
  forall E x T,
  jenv E x T ->
  forall k U,
  jenv (subst_ty_env U k E) x (subst_ty U k T).
  unfold subst_ty_env. eauto using jenv_map.

Hint Resolve jenv_type_substitution tyeq_subst : type_substitution.

Lemma subst_lift_env:
  subst_lift lift_ty_env subst_ty_env.
  unfold subst_lift, subst_ty_env, lift_ty_env.
  intro E; induction E; intros k T; simpl; auto.
  f_equal; eauto using subst_lift_ty.

Environment access gives rise to a notion of inclusion between environments.

Definition env_inclusion (A : Type) (E F : list A) : Prop :=
  forall x a, jenv E x a -> jenv F x a.

Lemma env_inclusion_extension:
  forall A (E F : list A) (a : A),
  env_inclusion E F ->
  env_inclusion (E;; a) (F;; a).
  unfold env_inclusion. introv ? h. destruct x; dependent destruction h; eauto.

Lemma env_inclusion_nil:
  forall A (E : list A),
  env_inclusion nil E.
  introv h. inversion h.


Lemmas about the removal (or, conversely, the insertion) of an entry in the environment.

Lemma remove_env_entry_simpl:
  forall A k E (T : A),
  (remove_env_entry k E;; T) = remove_env_entry (S k) (E;; T).

Weakening -- insertion of a new entry in the environment -- requires adjusting variables via lift_var.

Hint Extern 1 => rewrite lift_var_old : jenv_weakening.
Hint Extern 1 => rewrite lift_var_succ : jenv_weakening.

Lemma jenv_weakening:
  forall A E k x (T : A),
  jenv (remove_env_entry k E) x T ->
  jenv E (lift_var k x) T.
  cut (
    forall E x (T : A),
    jenv E x T ->
    forall k F,
    E = remove_env_entry k F ->
    jenv F (lift_var k x) T
  ). eauto.
  induction 1; simpl; introv h;
F must be non-empty; argue so
  destruct F; simpl in h; try congruence;
analyze k
  destruct k; try (false; omega);
decompose the equation; conclude
  inversion h; eauto with jenv_weakening.

Removal of a binding commutes with map.

Lemma map_remove:
  forall A B (f : A -> B) E k,
  map f (remove_env_entry k E) = remove_env_entry k (map f E).
  induction E; simpl; intros; auto.
  destruct k. auto. simpl. f_equal. auto.

Removal of a binding commutes with lifting.

Lemma remove_lift_env:
  forall E k,
  (remove_env_entry k E)! = remove_env_entry k (E!).
  induction E; intros.
  destruct k. auto.
  simpl. f_equal. auto.

Removal of a binding does not affect more recent indices, and requires adjusting older indices by one.

Lemma jenv_substitution_recent:
  forall A E x (T : A),
  jenv E x T ->
  forall k,
  x < k ->
  jenv (remove_env_entry k E) x T.
  induction 1; simpl; intros; destruct k; try (false; omega); auto.

Lemma jenv_substitution_old:
  forall A E x (T : A),
  jenv E x T ->
  forall k,
  x > k ->
  jenv (remove_env_entry k E) (x - 1) T.
  induction E; introv h ?; dependent destruction h; try solve [ false; omega ].
  replace (S x - 1) with x; try omega.
  destruct k; simpl.
  replace x with (S (x - 1)); try omega. eauto.

Provided we have some term (of unknown type A) to substitute for the variable that is being removed, and provided the judgement j depends directly on the judgement jenv for variables, the judgement j is preserved by substitution.

Lemma jenv_substitution:
  forall A E x (T : A) (wf : A -> Prop),
  wf T ->
  jenv E x T ->
  forall k U,
  jenv E k U ->
  forall B (j : list A -> B -> A -> Prop) (var : nat -> B),
  (forall E x T, wf T -> jenv E x T -> j E (var x) T) ->
  forall u,
  j (remove_env_entry k E) u U ->
  j (remove_env_entry k E) (subst_var var u k x) T.
  introv ? h ? ? ?. unfold subst_var. inspect_cases; intro.
x < k
  auto using jenv_substitution_recent.
x = k
  subst. assert (T = U). eauto using jenv_uniqueness. congruence.
x > k
  auto using jenv_substitution_old.


Lemmas about the insertion of an entry in the environment.

Lemma lift_insert_env:
  forall k U E,
  (insert_env k U E)! = insert_env k (lift_ty 0 U) (E!).
  induction k; destruct E; simpl; eauto. f_equal; eauto.

Lemma remove_insert_env:
  forall (A : Type) k (T : A) E,
  E = remove_env_entry k (insert_env k T E).
  induction k; destruct E; simpl; intros; eauto. f_equal; eauto.

Lemma jenv_insert:
  forall (A : Type) k (T : A) E,
  k <= length E ->
  jenv (insert_env k T E) k T.
  induction k; destruct E; simpl; eauto.
  intro. false. omega.


Application of tensor to the typing environment.

Notation env_tensor E U :=
  (map (fun T => TyTensor T U) E).

Lemma lift_env_tensor:
  forall E U k,
  lift_ty_env k (env_tensor E U) = env_tensor (lift_ty_env k E) (lift_ty k U).
  induction E; simpl; intros; f_equal; eauto.

Lemma enveq_env_tensor:
  forall U,
  wf U ->
  forall E1 E2,
  enveq E1 E2 ->
  enveq (env_tensor E1 U) (env_tensor E2 U).
  induction 2; simpl; econstructor; eauto using tyeq_tensor.

Lemma env_tensor_remove_env_entry:
  forall U E k,
  env_tensor (remove_env_entry k E) U = remove_env_entry k (env_tensor E U).
  induction E; destruct k; simpl; f_equal; eauto.

Lemma jenv_env_tensor:
  forall E k T,
  jenv E k T ->
  forall U,
  jenv (env_tensor E U) k (TyTensor T U).
  induction 1; simpl; eauto.