Module InversionClassification

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Layers.
Require Import Types.
Require Import TypeEquality.
Require Import MoreTypeEquality.
Require Import Programs.
Require Import ValueLists.
Require Import Environments.
Require Import Multiplicity.
Require Import Typing.
Require Import PreliminaryLemmas.
Require Import Canonical.
Require Import Resources.
Require Import ResourcesContinued.
Require Import Erasure.


Inversion of ji, applied to a singleton list.

Lemma ji_singleton_inversion:
  forall R v T,
  ji R (VCons v VNil) T ->
  jv R nil nil v T.
  introv h. dependent destruction h. eauto using j_value_resource_weakening.

Ltac ji_singleton_inversion :=
  match goal with h: ji ?R (VCons ?v VNil) ?T |- _ =>
    generalize (ji_singleton_inversion h); clear h; intro h


Prediction: when the head constructor of a value is known, what can we say about its type?

Lemma prediction_vabs:
  forall R M E t U,
  jv R M E (VAbs t) U ->
  exhibits_tycon TyConArrow U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.

Lemma prediction_vpair:
  forall R M E layer1 layer2 v1 v2 U,
  jv R M E (VPair layer1 layer2 v1 v2) U ->
  exhibits_tycon (TyConPair layer1 layer2) U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.

Lemma prediction_vunit:
  forall R M E layer U,
  jv R M E (VUnit layer) U ->
  exhibits_tycon (TyConUnit layer) U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.

Lemma prediction_vtyabs:
  forall R M E t U,
  jv R M E (VTyAbs t) U ->
  exhibits_tycon (TyConQ QForall) U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.

Lemma prediction_vpack:
  forall R M E t U,
  jv R M E (VPack t) U ->
  exhibits_tycon (TyConQ QExists) U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.

Lemma prediction_vbang:
  forall R M E t U,
  jv R M E (VBang t) U ->
  exhibits_tycon TyConBang U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.

Lemma prediction_vloc:
  forall R M E l v U,
  jv R M E (VLoc l v) U ->
  exhibits_tycon TyConRef U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.

Lemma prediction_vregioncap:
  forall R M E vs U,
  jv R M E (VRegionCap vs) U ->
  exists rk,
  exhibits_tycon (TyConRegionCap rk) U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.
  forwards: IHh. eauto. unpack. eauto.

Lemma prediction_vregioncappunched:
  forall R M E vs U,
  jv R M E (VRegionCapPunched vs) U ->
  exhibits_tycon TyConRegionCapPunched U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.

Lemma prediction_vinhabitant:
  forall R M E v U,
  jv R M E (VInhabitant v) U ->
  exhibits_tycon TyConAt U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.

Ltac prediction :=
  match goal with h: jv ?R ?M ?E ?v ?T |- _ =>
    first [
      forwards: (prediction_vabs h)
    | forwards: (prediction_vpair h)
    | forwards: (prediction_vunit h)
    | forwards: (prediction_vtyabs h)
    | forwards: (prediction_vpack h)
    | forwards: (prediction_vbang h)
    | forwards: (prediction_vloc h)
    | forwards: (prediction_vregioncap h); unpack
    | forwards: (prediction_vregioncappunched h)
    | forwards: (prediction_vinhabitant h)


Inversion: when the head constructor and the type of a value are known, what can we say?

Lemma inversion_tval:
  forall R M E v T,
  jt R M E (TVal v) T ->
  jv R M E v T.
  introv h; dependent induction h; eauto.

Ltac inversion_tval :=
  forwards: inversion_tval; [ eassumption | idtac ].

Lemma inversion_vabs:
  forall R M E t U T1 T2,
  jv R M E (VAbs t) U ->
  tyeq U (TyArrow T1 T2) ->
  wf (TyArrow T1 T2) ->
  jt R (M;; MOne) (E;; T1) t T2.
  introv h; dependent induction h; intros.
  eapply JTEq.
    eapply jvit_enveq; eauto. econstructor. econstructor. eauto using tyeq_symmetric. eauto.
  eauto using tyeq_transitive.

Lemma inversion_vpair:
  forall R M E layer1a layer2a layer1b layer2b v1 v2 U T1 T2,
  jv R M E (VPair layer1a layer2a v1 v2) U ->
  tyeq U (TyPair layer1b layer2b T1 T2) ->
  wf (TyPair layer1b layer2b T1 T2) ->
  exists R1 R2 M1 M2,
  layer1a = layer1b /\
  layer2a = layer2b /\
  star R1 R2 R /\
  star M1 M2 M /\
  jv R1 M1 E v1 T1 /\
  jv R2 M2 E v2 T2.
  introv h; dependent induction h; intros.
  tyeq. intuition eauto 14.
  eauto using tyeq_transitive.

Lemma inversion_vunit:
  forall R M E layer1 layer2 U,
  jv R M E (VUnit layer1) U ->
  tyeq U (TyUnit layer2) ->
  layer1 = layer2.
  introv h; dependent induction h; intros.
  tyeq. eauto.
  eauto using tyeq_transitive.

Lemma inversion_vtyabs:
  forall R M E v T2 T1,
  jv R M E (VTyAbs v) T2 ->
  tyeq T2 (TyForall T1) ->
  wf (TyForall T1) ->
  jv R M (E!) v T1.
  introv h; dependent induction h; intros.
  intuition eauto.
  eauto using tyeq_transitive.

Lemma inversion_vpack:
  forall R M E v T2 T1,
  jv R M E (VPack v) T2 ->
  tyeq T2 (TyExists T1) ->
  wf (TyExists T1) ->
  exists U,
  jv R M E v (subst_ty U 0 T1) /\
  wf U.
  introv h; dependent induction h; intros.
  eexists. split. econstructor. eassumption. eauto using tyeq_subst. eauto. eauto.
  eauto using tyeq_transitive.

Lemma inversion_vbang:
  forall R M E v U T,
  jv R M E (VBang v) U ->
  tyeq U (TyBang T) ->
  wf (TyBang T) ->
  jv (neutral R) (neutral M) E v T.
  introv h; dependent induction h; intros.
  intuition eauto.
  eauto using tyeq_transitive.

Lemma inversion_vregioncap:
  forall R M E rk sigma T U vs,
  jv R M E (VRegionCap vs) U ->
  tyeq U (TyRegionCap rk sigma T) ->
  wf (TyRegionCap rk sigma T) ->
  exists R1 R2 r,
  r < reglimit R /\
  (forall rv, region_map R r rv -> some (fun v => erase_value v = rv) vs) /\
  (forall v, member v vs -> region_map R r (erase_value v)) /\
  star R1 R2 R /\
  ji R2 vs T /\
  permission_map R1 r = Some tt /\
  (rk = Singleton -> count vs = 1) /\
  tyeq (TyRegion r) sigma /\
  wf sigma.
  introv h; dependent induction h; intros.
  tyeq. intuition eauto 16 using ji_tyeq.
  intuition eauto using tyeq_transitive.
Lemma inversion_vregioncappunched:
  forall R M E rho sigma T U vs,
  jv R M E (VRegionCapPunched vs) U ->
  tyeq U (TyRegionCapPunched rho T sigma) ->
  wf (TyRegionCapPunched rho T sigma) ->
  exists R1 R2 r1 r2 w,
  r1 < reglimit R /\
  r2 < reglimit R /\
  (forall rv, region_map R r1 rv -> some (fun v => erase_value v = rv) (VCons w vs)) /\
  (forall v, member v (VCons w vs) -> region_map R r1 (erase_value v)) /\
  star R1 R2 R /\
  ji R2 vs T /\
  region_map R r2 (erase_value w) /\
  closed_value w /\
  permission_map R1 r1 = Some tt /\
  tyeq (TyRegion r1) rho /\
  tyeq (TyRegion r2) sigma /\
  wf rho /\
  wf sigma.
  introv h; dependent induction h; intros.
  tyeq. exists R1 R2 r1 r2 w. intuition eauto using ji_tyeq.
  intuition eauto using tyeq_transitive.

Lemma inversion_vinhabitant:
  forall R M E v U r,
  jv R M E (VInhabitant v) U ->
  tyeq U (TyAt (TyRegion r)) ->
  r < reglimit R /\
  region_map R r (erase_value v) /\
  closed_value v.
  introv h; dependent induction h; intros.
  tyeq. intuition eauto.
  eauto using tyeq_transitive.

Lemma inversion_vloc:
  forall R M E l v U T,
  jv R M E (VLoc l v) U ->
  tyeq U (TyRef T) ->
  wf (TyRef T) ->
  exists R1 R2,
  l < reflimit R /\
  star R1 R2 R /\
  jv R2 nil nil v T /\
  location_map R1 l = Some (erase_value v).
  introv h; dependent induction h; intros.
  tyeq. intuition eauto 8.
  eauto using tyeq_transitive.

Ltac here :=
  solve [ simpl in *; eauto using tyeq_at | eapply tyeq_symmetric; simpl in *; eauto using tyeq_at ].

Ltac jvi finalizer :=
  match goal with h: jv ?R ?M ?E ?v ?T |- _ =>
    match v with
      VAbs _ =>
        forwards: (>>> inversion_vabs h); [ here | here | unpack ]
    | VPair _ _ _ _ =>
        forwards: (>>> inversion_vpair h); [ here | here | unpack; try subst ]
    | VUnit _ =>
        forwards: (>>> inversion_vunit h); [ here | try (instantiate; subst) ]
for some reason subst alone does not work
    | VTyAbs _ =>
        forwards: (>>> inversion_vtyabs h); [ here | here | unpack ]
    | VPack _ =>
        forwards: (>>> inversion_vpack h); [ here | here | unpack ]
    | VBang _ =>
        forwards: (>>> inversion_vbang h); [ here | here | unpack ]
    | VRegionCap _ =>
        forwards: (>>> inversion_vregioncap h); [ here | here | unpack;
        tyeq; try singleton_list; try ji_singleton_inversion; try two_regions ]
    | VRegionCapPunched _ =>
        forwards: (>>> inversion_vregioncappunched h); [ here | here | unpack;
        try two_regions ]
    | VInhabitant _ =>
        forwards: (>>> inversion_vinhabitant h); [ here | unpack ]
    | VLoc _ _ =>
        forwards: (>>> inversion_vloc h); [ here | here | unpack ]
    finalizer h; try nil

Ltac noop h :=

Ltac drop h :=
  clear h.

Ltac jv_inversion :=
  jvi drop.

Ltac jv_inversion_keep :=
  jvi noop.


Classification: when the type of the value is known, what can we say about its head constructor?

Ltac toplevel :=
  false; eapply jenv_nil; eauto.

Ltac classification :=
  introv hj; dependent induction hj; introv hc heq; try tyeq;
  try solve [ eauto using tyeq_transitive, tyeq_at | impossible | inversion hc | toplevel ].

Lemma classification_arrow:
  forall R v T U1 U2,
  jv R nil nil v T ->
  canonical v ->
  tyeq T (TyArrow U1 U2) ->
  exists t, v = VAbs t.

Lemma classification_pair:
  forall R v T layer1 layer2 U1 U2,
  jv R nil nil v T ->
  canonical v ->
  tyeq T (TyPair layer1 layer2 U1 U2) ->
  exists w1 w2, v = VPair layer1 layer2 w1 w2.

Lemma classification_unit:
  forall R v T layer,
  jv R nil nil v T ->
  canonical v ->
  tyeq T (TyUnit layer) ->
  v = VUnit layer.

Lemma classification_forall:
  forall R v T U,
  jv R nil nil v T ->
  canonical v ->
  tyeq T (TyForall U) ->
  exists w, v = VTyAbs w.

Lemma classification_exists:
  forall R v T U,
  jv R nil nil v T ->
  canonical v ->
  tyeq T (TyExists U) ->
  exists w, v = VPack w.

Lemma classification_bang:
  forall R v T U,
  jv R nil nil v T ->
  canonical v ->
  tyeq T (TyBang U) ->
  exists w, v = VBang w.

Lemma classification_at:
  forall R v T sigma,
  jv R nil nil v T ->
  canonical v ->
  tyeq T (TyAt sigma) ->
  exists w r,
  v = VInhabitant w /\
  tyeq (TyRegion r) sigma.

The following variant of classification_at is convenient: it essentially offers a quick and easy way of proving that TyAt is duplicable. One could live without it, but it would not be worth the trouble.

Lemma classification_at_neutral:
  forall R v sigma T,
  jv R nil nil (VInhabitant v) T ->
  tyeq T (TyAt sigma) ->
  jv (neutral R) nil nil (VInhabitant v) T.
  introv hj; dependent induction hj; introv heq.
  eauto with resources.
  eauto using tyeq_transitive, tyeq_at.

Lemma classification_regioncap:
  forall R v U rk sigma T,
  jv R nil nil v U ->
  canonical v ->
  tyeq U (TyRegionCap rk sigma T) ->
  exists vs,
  v = VRegionCap vs.

Lemma classification_regioncappunched:
  forall R v U rho T sigma,
  jv R nil nil v U ->
  canonical v ->
  tyeq U (TyRegionCapPunched rho T sigma) ->
  exists vs,
  v = VRegionCapPunched vs.

Lemma classification_loc:
  forall R v U T,
  jv R nil nil v U ->
  canonical v ->
  tyeq U (TyRef T) ->
  exists l w,
  v = VLoc l w.

Ltac classify :=
  simpl in *;
  repeat match goal with
  | h: each_canonical (VCons ?v VNil) |- _ =>
      depelim h
  match goal with
  | h1: jv ?R _ _ ?v ?T, h2: canonical ?v |- _ =>
      match T with
      | TyArrow _ _ =>
          forwards: (>>> classification_arrow h1 h2); [ here | idtac ]
      | TyPair _ _ _ _ =>
          forwards: (>>> classification_pair h1 h2); [ here | idtac ]
      | TyUnit _ =>
          forwards: (>>> classification_unit h1 h2); [ here | idtac ]
      | TyForall _ =>
          forwards: (>>> classification_forall h1 h2); [ here | idtac ]
      | TyExists _ =>
          forwards: (>>> classification_exists h1 h2); [ here | idtac ]
      | TyBang _ =>
          forwards: (>>> classification_bang h1 h2); [ here | idtac ]
      | TyAt _ =>
          forwards: (>>> classification_at h1 h2); [ here | try two_regions ]
      | TyRegionCap _ _ _ =>
          forwards: (>>> classification_regioncap h1 h2); [ here | idtac ]
      | TyRegionCapPunched _ _ _ =>
          forwards: (>>> classification_regioncappunched h1 h2); [ here | idtac ]
      | TyRef _ =>
          forwards: (>>> classification_loc h1 h2); [ here | idtac ]
      try (subst v; inversion_clear h2)


This tactic applies classification and inversion as much as possible.

Ltac classify_and_invert :=
  first [ classify; classify_and_invert | jv_inversion; classify_and_invert | idtac ].


A variable cannot be well-typed at toplevel.

Lemma toplevel_var:
  forall R x T,
  jv R nil nil (VVar x) T ->
  introv h; dependent induction h. toplevel. eauto.


Inversion of the region inhabitation conditions.

If v1 inhabits a singleton region whose only inhabitant is v2, then v1 and v2 are equal up to erasure.

Lemma singleton_inhabitation_preliminary:
  forall R r w1 v2,
  region_map R r w1 ->
  (forall rv, region_map R r rv -> some (fun v => erase_value v = rv) (VCons v2 VNil)) ->
  erase_value v2 = w1.
  intros. apply some_singleton with (P := fun v2 => erase_value v2 = w1). auto.

Lemma singleton_inhabitation_preliminary_variant:
  forall R1 R2 r v rv,
  (forall rv, region_map R2 r rv -> v = rv \/ False) ->
  region_map R1 r rv ->
  (forall r rv, region_map R1 r rv -> region_map R2 r rv) ->
  v = rv.
  introv h1 h2 h3. forwards [ ? | ? ]: h1; eauto; false.

Lemma singleton_inhabitation:
  forall R1 R2 R v1 v2 sigma T,
  jv R2 nil nil (VRegionCap (VCons v2 VNil)) (TyRegionCap Singleton sigma T) ->
  jv R1 nil nil (VInhabitant v1) (TyAt sigma) ->
  star R1 R2 R ->
  erase_value v1 = erase_value v2.
  intros. classify_and_invert.
  symmetry. eapply singleton_inhabitation_preliminary. eassumption. eauto with resources.

If w inhabits a group region whose inhabitants are vs, then there exists a member v of vs such that w and v are equal up to erasure.

Lemma group_inhabitation:
  forall R r w vs,
  region_map R r w ->
  (forall rv, region_map R r rv -> some (fun v => erase_value v = rv) vs) ->
  exists v,
  member v vs /\
  erase_value v = w.
  introv rm s. forwards: some_member. eapply (s w). auto. auto.


This tactic inverts the typing judgement for primitive operations.

Ltac jp_inversion :=
  match goal with h: jp _ _ _ |- _ => depelim h end.