Module PreliminaryLemmas

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import DeBruijn.
Require Import Types.
Require Import TypeContexts.
Require Import FocusPaths.
Require Import TypeEquality.
Require Import MoreTypeEquality.
Require Import Coercions.
Require Import Programs.
Require Import Subtyping.
Require Import Typing.
Require Import Environments.
Require Import Multiplicity.
Require Import MultiplicityEnvironments.
Require Import Resources.
Require Import ResourcesContinued.
Require Import ResourcesReconfiguration.
Require Import ValueLists.
Require Import Erasure.

Hint Extern 1 => rewrite env_lift_lift : weaken_ty.
Hint Extern 1 => rewrite <- lift_lift_ty : weaken_ty.
Hint Extern 1 => rewrite <- lift_lift_ty_ctx : weaken_ty.


A type that appears in the right-hand side of a judgement is well-formed.

Lemma jco_wf:
  forall C c T,
  jco C c T ->
  wf T.
  induction 1; eauto; eauto 8; eauto 10.

Lemma jco_wf_left:
  forall C c T U,
  jco C c (T --> U) ->
  wf T.
  introv h. generalize (jco_wf h). eauto.

Lemma jco_wf_right:
  forall C c T U,
  jco C c (T --> U) ->
  wf U.
  introv h. generalize (jco_wf h). eauto.

Lemma jp_wf_1:
  forall p T1 T2,
  jp p T1 T2 ->
  wf T1.
  induction 1; eauto 6.

Lemma jp_wf_2:
  forall p T1 T2,
  jp p T1 T2 ->
  wf T2.
  induction 1; eauto 6.

Hint Resolve jp_wf_1 jp_wf_2.

Lemma jvit_wf:
    forall R M E v T,
    jv R M E v T ->
    wf T
  ) /\ (
    forall R vs T,
    ji R vs T ->
    wf T
  ) /\ (
    forall R M E t T,
    jt R M E t T ->
    wf T
  apply jvit_ind; eauto 2 using wf_lift_inverse, jco_wf_left, jco_wf_right.

Ltac jwf :=
  match goal with
  | h: jco _ _ _ |- _ =>
      generalize (jco_wf h); clear h; jwf
  | h: jv _ _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
      generalize (pi1 jvit_wf _ _ _ _ _ h); clear h; jwf
  | h: ji _ _ _ |- _ =>
      generalize (pi2 jvit_wf _ _ _ h); clear h; jwf
  | h: jt _ _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
      generalize (pi3 jvit_wf _ _ _ _ _ h); clear h; jwf
  | _ =>

Hint Extern 1 (wf _) => jwf.


The region inhabitation judgement is compatible with type equality.

Lemma ji_tyeq:
  forall R vs T,
  ji R vs T ->
  forall U,
  tyeq T U ->
  wf U ->
  ji R vs U.
  induction 1; intros; eauto.


Typing is compatible with environment equality.

Lemma jvit_enveq:
    forall R M E2 v T,
    jv R M E2 v T ->
    forall E1,
    enveq E1 E2 ->
    jv R M E1 v T
  ) /\ (
    forall R vs T,
    ji R vs T ->
  ) /\ (
    forall R M E2 t T,
    jt R M E2 t T ->
    forall E1,
    enveq E1 E2 ->
    jt R M E1 t T
Local Hint Extern 0 =>
  match goal with
  | |- (enveq (_;; ?T) (_;; ?T)) =>
      econstructor; [ idtac | apply tyeq_reflexive; eauto 3 | eauto 3 ]
By induction...
  apply jvit_ind; simpl in *; intros;
  match goal with
  | |- jv _ _ _ (VVar _) _ =>
VVar is the interesting case.
      jenv_enveq; eauto
  | _ =>
Every other case is trivial.
      econstructor; simpl; eauto using enveq_lift


Weakening by introducing a new type variable binding.

Hint Resolve tyeq_lift jenv_lift jpath_lift : weaken_ty.

Hint Extern 3 => rewrite lift_subst_2_ty : weaken_ty.
Hint Extern 3 => rewrite <- lift_subst_2_ty : weaken_ty.
Hint Extern 1 => rewrite map_length : weaken_ty.

Lemma jco_ty_weakening:
  forall C c T,
  jco C c T ->
  forall k,
  jco (lift_ty_env k C) c (lift_ty k T).
  induction 1; simpl in *; intro;
repeat rewrite lift_fill; simpl;
  eauto 7 with weaken_ty.
  repeat rewrite lift_tensors; simpl. econstructor; eauto with weaken_ty.

Lemma jco_ty_weakening_arrow:
  forall C c T1 T2,
  jco C c (T1 --> T2) ->
  forall k,
  jco (lift_ty_env k C) c (lift_ty k T1 --> lift_ty k T2).
  intros. apply jco_ty_weakening with (T := T1 --> T2); auto.

Lemma jco_ty_weakening_nil_arrow:
  forall c T1 T2,
  jco nil c (T1 --> T2) ->
  forall k,
  jco nil c (lift_ty k T1 --> lift_ty k T2).
  intros. apply jco_ty_weakening with (C := nil) (T := T1 --> T2); auto.

Hint Resolve jco_ty_weakening_nil_arrow : weaken_ty.

Hint Extern 3 => rewrite lift_lift_ty : weaken_ty.

Lemma jp_ty_weakening:
  forall p T1 T2,
  jp p T1 T2 ->
  forall k,
  jp p (lift_ty k T1) (lift_ty k T2).
  induction 1; simpl; intros;
  repeat rewrite lift_fill; simpl;
  eauto 6 with weaken_ty.

Hint Resolve jp_ty_weakening : weaken_ty.
Hint Extern 1 => rewrite <- lift_env_tensor : weaken_ty.

Lemma j_ty_weakening_general:
    forall R M E v T,
    jv R M E v T ->
    forall k,
    jv R M (lift_ty_env k E) v (lift_ty k T)
  ) /\ (
    forall R vs T,
    ji R vs T ->
    forall k,
    ji R vs (lift_ty k T)
  ) /\ (
    forall R M E t T,
    jt R M E t T ->
    forall k,
    jt R M (lift_ty_env k E) t (lift_ty k T)
  apply jvit_ind; intros; simpl in *; econstructor; simpl in *; eauto 3 with weaken_ty.

Lemma j_ty_weakening_value:
  forall R M E v T,
  jv R M E v T ->
  jv R M (E!) v (lift_ty 0 T).
  intros. eapply j_ty_weakening_general; eauto.

Lemma j_ty_weakening_value_remove:
  forall R M E v T k,
  jv R M (remove_env_entry k E) v T ->
  jv R M (remove_env_entry k (E!)) v (lift_ty 0 T).
  intros. rewrite <- remove_lift_env. eauto using j_ty_weakening_value.

Lemma j_ty_weakening_term:
  forall R M E t T,
  jt R M E t T ->
  jt R M (E!) t (lift_ty 0 T).
  intros. eapply j_ty_weakening_general; eauto.


Weakening by introducing a new term variable binding.

Lemma j_term_weakening_general:
    forall R N F v T,
    jv R N F v T ->
    forall k M E,
    N = remove_env_entry k M ->
    F = remove_env_entry k E ->
    jv R M E (lift_value k v) T
  ) /\ (
    forall R vs T,
    ji R vs T ->
  ) /\ (
    forall R N F t T,
    jt R N F t T ->
    forall k M E,
    N = remove_env_entry k M ->
    F = remove_env_entry k E ->
    jt R M E (lift_term k t) T
Local Hint Extern 1 ((_;; _) = (_;; _)) => f_equal.
Local Hint Extern 1 ((_;; _) = remove_env_entry _ (_;; _)) => simpl.
Local Hint Extern 1 (_ = _) => congruence.
  apply jvit_ind; simpl; intros; subst;
In cases that involve splitting the environment, apply split_as_you_like.
  match goal with
  | h: star ?N1 ?N2 (remove_env_entry ?k ?M) |- _ =>
      unpack (split_as_you_like _ _ h); clear h
  | _ =>
Now look for a proof...
  econstructor; simpl;
  eauto using jenv_weakening, remove_lift_env, neutral_remove;
  try (rewrite closed_value_lift; auto).

Lemma j_value_weakening:
  forall R M m E T u U,
  jv R M E u U ->
  jv R (M;; m) (E;; T) (lift_value 0 u) U.
  intros. eapply j_term_weakening_general; eauto.

Lemma j_value_weakening_remove:
  forall R M m Mm k E T u U,
  jv R M (remove_env_entry k E) u U ->
  Mm = (M;; m) ->
  jv R Mm (remove_env_entry (S k) (E;; T)) (lift_value 0 u) U.
  intros. subst. simpl. auto using j_value_weakening.

Lemma j_value_weakening_insert:
  forall R M E v T k m U,
  jv R M E v T ->
  jv R (insert_env k m M) (insert_env k U E) (lift_value k v) T.
  intros. eapply (pi1 j_term_weakening_general). eauto. eapply remove_insert_env. eapply remove_insert_env.

Lemma j_term_weakening:
  forall R M m E T t U,
  jt R M E t U ->
  jt R (M;; m) (E;; T) (lift_term 0 t) U.
  intros. eapply j_term_weakening_general; eauto.

Lemma j_term_weakening_2:
  forall R M E m0 T0 m1 T1 m2 T2 u U,
  jt R (M;; m1;; m0) (E;; T1;; T0) u U ->
  jt R (M;; m2;; m1;; m0) (E;; T2;; T1;; T0) (lift_term 2 u) U.
  intros. eapply j_term_weakening_general; eauto.

Lemma j_term_weakening_insert:
  forall R M E t T k m U,
  jt R M E t T ->
  jt R (insert_env k m M) (insert_env k U E) (lift_term k t) T.
  intros. eapply (pi3 j_term_weakening_general). eauto. eapply remove_insert_env. eapply remove_insert_env.


Weakening by introducing a new coercion variable binding.

Hint Extern 1 => simpl : j_term_substitution.
Hint Extern 2 => rewrite remove_lift_env : j_term_substitution.
Hint Extern 2 => rewrite <- remove_lift_env : j_term_substitution.

Lemma jco_weakening_general:
  forall D c T,
  jco D c T ->
  forall k C,
  D = remove_env_entry k C ->
  jco C (lift_co k c) T.
  induction 1; simpl; intros; subst; eauto using jenv_weakening with j_term_substitution.

Lemma jco_weakening:
  forall C T c U,
  jco C c U ->
  jco (C;; T) (lift_co 0 c) U.
  intros. eapply jco_weakening_general; eauto.


A resource weakening lemma.

This lemma shows that the system is affine: judgements remain valid as more resources are added.

Lemma j_resource_weakening:
    forall R1 M E v T,
    jv R1 M E v T ->
    forall R2 R,
    star R1 R2 R ->
    jv R M E v T
  ) /\ (
    forall R vs T,
    ji R vs T ->
  ) /\ (
    forall R1 M E t T,
    jt R1 M E t T ->
    forall R2 R,
    star R1 R2 R ->
    jt R M E t T
  apply jvit_ind; intros; simpl; eauto 4 with resources;
In the cases where the resource is split, we must split the excess resources, and can do so in an arbitrary way.
  try solve [ star_associative; eauto 4 with resources ].
  permute_left. econstructor; eauto 3 with resources.
  permute_left. econstructor; eauto 3 with resources.

Definition j_value_resource_weakening :=
  pi1 j_resource_weakening.

Definition j_term_resource_weakening :=
  pi3 j_resource_weakening.


A multiplicity weakening lemma.

This lemma shows that the system is affine: judgements remain valid as more variables are introduced.

Lemma j_multiplicity_weakening:
    forall R M1 E v T,
    jv R M1 E v T ->
    forall M2 M,
    star M1 M2 M ->
    jv R M E v T
  ) /\ (
    forall R vs T,
    ji R vs T ->
  ) /\ (
    forall R M1 E t T,
    jt R M1 E t T ->
    forall M2 M,
    star M1 M2 M ->
    jt R M E t T
  apply jvit_ind; intros; simpl; eauto;
In the cases where the multiplicity environment is split, we must split the excess resources, and can do so in an arbitrary way.
  try solve [ star_associative; eauto ].
  forwards [ ? [ ? ? ]] : present_star; eauto.


A combination of the above two lemmas.

Lemma j_resource_multiplicity_weakening:
    forall R1 M1 E v T,
    jv R1 M1 E v T ->
    forall R2 R M2 M,
    star R1 R2 R ->
    star M1 M2 M ->
    jv R M E v T
  ) /\ (
    forall R1 M1 E t T,
    jt R1 M1 E t T ->
    forall R2 R M2 M,
    star R1 R2 R ->
    star M1 M2 M ->
    jt R M E t T
  split; intros; eapply j_multiplicity_weakening; try eassumption; eapply j_resource_weakening; try eassumption.

Lemma j_resource_multiplicity_weakening_term:
  forall R1 M1 E t T,
  jt R1 M1 E t T ->
  forall R2 R M2 M,
  star R1 R2 R ->
  star M1 M2 M ->
  jt R M E t T.
  exact (proj2 j_resource_multiplicity_weakening).