Library typesystem

Require Import Omega.
Require Import List.
Require Import Equality.

Require Import ext.
Require Import list.

Inductive type : Set :=
| Var (x : nat)
| Arr (t : type) (s : type)
| Prod (t : type) (s : type)
| For (d : nat) (t12s : type) (t : type)

| Mu (t : type)
| Bot
| Top
| Snil
| Scons (t : type) (ts : type)
| Spair (d : nat) (t1 : type) (t2 : type)
Definition Var_a := Var.
Hint Unfold Var_a.

Definition traverse f := fix g i t :=
  match t with
  | Var af a i
  | Arr t sArr (g i t) (g i s)
  | Prod t sProd (g i t) (g i s)
  | For d t12s rFor d (g (d + i) t12s) (g (d + i) r)
  | Mu tMu (g (1 + i) t)
  | BotBot
  | TopTop
  | SnilSnil
  | Scons t tsScons (g i t) (g i ts)
  | Spair d t1 t2Spair d (g (d + i) t1) (g i t2)

Definition lift_idx d a i := Var (if le_gt_dec i a then d + a else a).
Definition lift d := traverse (lift_idx d).
Definition shift := lift 1.
Hint Unfold lift_idx lift shift.

Definition subst_idx vecs a i :=
  match le_gt_dec i a with
    | right _Var a
    | left _
      match le_gt_dec (i + length vecs) a with
        | right _lift i 0 (nth (a - i) vecs Top)
        | left _Var (a - length vecs)
Definition subst vecs := traverse (subst_idx vecs).
Hint Unfold subst_idx subst.

Definition subst1 s i t := subst (s :: nil) i t.

Ltac subst_lift_var := repeat first
  [ rewrite app_length in ×
  | rewrite map_length in ×
  | match goal with
      | |- context[subst_idx] ⇒ unfold subst_idx
      | |- context[lift_idx] ⇒ unfold lift_idx
      | |- context[le_gt_dec ?x ?y] ⇒ destruct (le_gt_dec x y); try (exfalso; omega); simpl; auto
    end ].

Notation type_env := nat.
Definition coer_env := list (type × type).
Definition pmap (f : typetype) xy :=
  match xy with
    | (x, y)(f x, f y)
Definition dmap (f : typetype) xs := map (pmap f) xs.
Hint Unfold pmap dmap.

Definition term_env := list type.

Inductive sort : Set :=
| Stype
| Sprod (e1 : sort) (e2 : sort)
| Slist (e : sort)
| Scoer (Y0 Y1 : coer_env) (dH : type_env) (dZ : coer_env)

Notation Sprodtype := (Sprod Stype Stype).
Notation Slistprodtype := (Slist Sprodtype).
Notation Slisttype := (Slist Stype).
Notation Slistcoer := (Slist (Scoer nil nil 0 nil)).

Fixpoint sort_type e :=
  match e with
    | Stypetype
    | Sprod e1 e2prod (sort_type e1) (sort_type e2)
    | Slist elist (sort_type e)
    | Scoer _ _ _ _prod type type

Inductive extract : (e : sort), typesort_type eProp :=
| Etype : t, extract Stype t t
| Enil : e, extract (Slist e) Snil nil
| Econs : e t ts x xs,
            extract e t x
            extract (Slist e) ts xs
            extract (Slist e) (Scons t ts) (x :: xs)
| Epair : e1 e2 t1 t2 x1 x2,
            extract e1 t1 x1
            extract e2 t2 x2
            extract (Sprod e1 e2) (Spair 0 t1 t2) (x1, x2)
| Ecoer : dH dZ Y0 Y1 t s,
            extract (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ) (Spair dH t s) (t, s)

Tactic Notation "dep" hyp(H) :=
  do_depelim' ltac:(fun hypidtac) ltac:(fun hypdo_case hyp) H.

Ltac destruct_extract := repeat
  match goal with
    | H : extract Stype _ _ |- _dep H
    | H : extract _ ?x _ |- _ ⇒ (is_var x; fail 1) || dep H
    | H : extract _ _ ?x |- _ ⇒ (is_var x; fail 1) || dep H

Lemma extract_eq : {e t x y}, extract e t xextract e t yx = y.
Proof. induction 1; intros Hy; dep Hy; first [reflexivity|f_equal; auto]. Qed.

Lemma extract_inj : {e t x}, extract e t x {s}, extract e s xt = s.
Proof. induction 1; intros ? Hy; dep Hy; first [reflexivity|f_equal; auto]. Qed.

Definition inj_list A (inj : Atype) := fix f xs :=
  match xs with
    | nilSnil
    | cons x xsScons (inj x) (f xs)

Fixpoint inject e (x : sort_type e) : type :=
  match e return sort_type etype with
    | Stypefun xx
    | Sprod e1 e2fun x
      match x with
        | (x1, x2)Spair 0 (inject e1 x1) (inject e2 x2)
    | Slist einj_list (sort_type e) (inject e)
    | Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZfun x
      match x with
        | (t, s)Spair dH t s
  end x.
Hint Unfold inj_list inject.

Lemma extract_inject : e x, extract e (inject e x) x.
induction e; intros; simpl.
apply Etype.
  destruct x as [x1 x2].
  apply Epair; auto.
  induction x as [|x xs]; [apply Enil|].
  apply Econs; auto.
  destruct x.
  apply Ecoer.

Lemma inject_extract : {e x t}, extract e t xt = inject e x.
apply (extract_inj H).
apply extract_inject.

Inductive wfsort := WF | NE.

Inductive jwf : type_envtypewfsortProp :=
| WFVar : a, jwf a (Var_a a) NE
| WFArr : a t s, jwf a t NEjwf a s NEjwf a (Arr t s) WF
| WFProd : a t s, jwf a t NEjwf a s NEjwf a (Prod t s) WF
| WFFor : wf a d t12s s12s t, t12s = shift (d + a) s12s
                                        jwf (d + a) t wfjwf a (For d t12s t) wf

| WFMu : wf a t, jwf 0 t WFjwf (1 + a) t wfjwf a (Mu t) wf
| WFwf : a t s, t = shift a sjwf a t WF
| WFne : a t, jwf a t WFjwf a t NE

Inductive jerasable M : type_envcoer_envtypesortProp :=
| JTVar : H Z n,
            jerasable M H Z (Var n) Stype
| JTArr : H Z t s,
            jerasable M H Z t Stype
            jerasable M H Z s Stype
            jerasable M H Z (Arr t s) Stype
| JTProd : H Z t s,
             jerasable M H Z t Stype
             jerasable M H Z s Stype
             jerasable M H Z (Prod t s) Stype
| JTFor : H Z dH dZ t12s wits vecs t,
            extract Slistprodtype t12s dZ
            extract Slisttype wits vecs
            length vecs = dH
            jerasable M (dH + H) (dmap (lift dH 0) Z) t12s Slistprodtype
            jerasable M (dH + H) (dZ ++ (dmap (lift dH 0) Z)) t Stype
            jerasable M H Z wits Slisttype
            jerasable M H Z (subst vecs 0 t12s) Slistcoer
            jerasable M H Z (For dH t12s t) Stype

| JTMu : H Z t,
           jwf 0 t WF
           jerasable M (1 + H) (dmap (lift 1 0) Z) t Stype
           jerasable M H Z (Mu t) Stype
| JTBot : H Z,
            jerasable M H Z Bot Stype
| JTTop : H Z,
            jerasable M H Z Top Stype
| JSNil : H Z e,
            jerasable M H Z Snil (Slist e)
| JSCons : H Z t ts e,
             jerasable M H Z t e
             jerasable M H Z ts (Slist e) →
             jerasable M H Z (Scons t ts) (Slist e)
| JSPair : H Z t1 t2 e1 e2,
             jerasable M H Z t1 e1
             jerasable M H Z t2 e2
             jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 t1 t2) (Sprod e1 e2)
| JCRefl : H Z Y0 Y1 t,
             (1 Mjerasable M H Z t Stype) →
             jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 t t) (Scoer Y0 Y1 0 nil)
| JCTrans : dH1 dH2 H dZ1 dZ2 Z Y0 Y1 t1 t2 t3,
              jerasable M (dH2 + H) (dZ2 ++ (dmap (lift dH2 0) Z)) (Spair dH1 t1 t2)
                        (Scoer (dmap (lift dH2 0) Y0) (dmap (lift dH2 0) Y1) dH1 dZ1) →
              jerasable M H Z (Spair dH2 t2 t3) (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH2 dZ2) →
              jerasable M H Z (Spair (dH1 + dH2) t1 t3) (Scoer Y0 Y1 (dH1 + dH2) (dZ1 ++ (dmap (lift dH1 0) dZ2)))
| JCWeak : dH H dZ Z Y0 Y1 t s,
             (1 Mjerasable M H Z t Stype) →
             jerasable M H Z (Spair dH (lift dH 0 t) s) (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ) →
             jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 t s) (Scoer Y0 Y1 0 nil)
| JCArr : dH H dZ Z Y0 Y1 t' s' t s,
            (2 Mjerasable M (dH + H) (dZ ++ (dmap (lift dH 0) Z)) t' Stype) →
            (2 Mjerasable M (dH + H) (dZ ++ (dmap (lift dH 0) Z)) s' Stype) →
            jerasable M H Z t Stype
            jerasable M (dH + H) (dZ ++ (dmap (lift dH 0) Z)) (Spair 0 (lift dH 0 t) t')
                      (Scoer (dmap (lift dH 0) (Y1 ++ Y0)) nil 0 nil) →
            jerasable M H Z (Spair dH s' s) (Scoer (Y1 ++ Y0) nil dH dZ) →
            jerasable M H Z (Spair dH (Arr t' s') (Arr t s)) (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ)
| JCProd : dH H dZ Z Y0 Y1 t' s' t s,
             (2 Mjerasable M (dH + H) (dZ ++ (dmap (lift dH 0) Z)) t' Stype) →
             (2 Mjerasable M (dH + H) (dZ ++ (dmap (lift dH 0) Z)) s' Stype) →
             jerasable M H Z (Spair dH t' t) (Scoer (Y1 ++ Y0) nil dH dZ) →
             jerasable M H Z (Spair dH s' s) (Scoer (Y1 ++ Y0) nil dH dZ) →
             jerasable M H Z (Spair dH (Prod t' s') (Prod t s)) (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ)
| JCVar : H Z Y0 Y1 c t s,
            (1 Mjerasable M H Z t Stype) →
            (1 Mjerasable M H Z s Stype) →
            nth c (Y0 ++ Z) (Top, Top) = (t, s)
            jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 t s) (Scoer Y0 Y1 0 nil)
| JCGen : dH H dZ Z Y0 Y1 t12s wits vecs t,
            (1 Mjerasable M H Z (For dH t12s t) Stype) →
            extract Slistprodtype t12s dZ
            extract Slisttype wits vecs
            length vecs = dH
            jerasable M (dH + H) (dmap (lift dH 0) Z) t12s Slistprodtype
            jerasable M H Z wits Slisttype
            jerasable M H Z (subst vecs 0 t12s) Slistcoer
            jerasable M H Z (Spair dH t (For dH t12s t)) (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ)
| JCInst : dH H Z Y0 Y1 t12s t insts vecs,
             (1 Mjerasable M H Z (For dH t12s t) Stype) →
             extract Slisttype insts vecs
             length vecs = dH
             jerasable M H Z insts Slisttype
             jerasable M H Z (subst vecs 0 t12s) Slistcoer
             jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 (For dH t12s t) (subst vecs 0 t)) (Scoer Y0 Y1 0 nil)

| JCUnfold : H Z Y0 Y1 t,
               (1 Mjerasable M H Z (Mu t) Stype) →
               (M 1 → jwf 0 t WF) →
               jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 (Mu t) (subst1 (Mu t) 0 t)) (Scoer Y0 Y1 0 nil)
| JCFold : H Z Y0 Y1 t,
             jerasable M H Z (Mu t) Stype
             jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 (subst1 (Mu t) 0 t) (Mu t)) (Scoer Y0 Y1 0 nil)
| JCFix : H Z Y0 Y1 t s,
            (M 1 → jerasable M H Z s Stype) →
            jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 t s) (Scoer Y0 ((t, s) :: Y1) 0 nil) →
            jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 t s) (Scoer Y0 Y1 0 nil)

| JCBot : H Z Y0 Y1 t,
            jerasable M H Z t Stype
            jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 Bot t) (Scoer Y0 Y1 0 nil)
| JCTop : H Z Y0 Y1 t,
            (1 Mjerasable M H Z t Stype) →
            jerasable M H Z (Spair 0 t Top) (Scoer Y0 Y1 0 nil)

Definition jtype M H Z t := jerasable M H Z t Stype.
Definition jcoer M H Z Y0 Y1 dH dZ t s := jerasable M H Z (Spair dH t s) (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ).
Hint Unfold jtype jcoer.

Ltac jerasable_induction H :=
  induction H; intros;
[ apply JTVar
| apply JTArr
| apply JTProd
| eapply JTFor
| apply JTMu
| apply JTBot
| apply JTTop
| apply JSNil
| apply JSCons
| apply JSPair
| apply JCRefl
| eapply JCTrans
| eapply JCWeak
| apply JCArr
| apply JCProd
| eapply JCVar
| eapply JCGen
| eapply JCInst
| apply JCUnfold
| apply JCFold
| apply JCFix

| apply JCBot
| apply JCTop].

Definition jerasable_bind M H Z dH dZ := vecs,
  length vecs = dH
  jerasable M (dH + H) (dmap (lift dH 0) Z) (inject Slistprodtype dZ) Slistprodtype
  jerasable M H Z (inject Slisttype vecs) Slisttype
  jerasable M H Z (subst vecs 0 (inject Slistprodtype dZ)) Slistcoer.
Inductive jerasable_env M : type_envcoer_envProp :=
| JEnil : jerasable_env M 0 nil
| JEcons : H Z dH dZ dHH dZZ,
  jerasable_env M H Z
  jerasable_bind M H Z dH dZ
  dHH = dH + H
  dZZ = dZ ++ dmap (lift dH 0) Z
  jerasable_env M dHH dZZ
Hint Unfold jerasable_bind.

Definition jterm_env M H Z G := (1 Mjerasable_env M H Z) Forall (jtype M H Z) G.
Hint Unfold jterm_env.

Lemma jterm_env_extract_jerasable_env : {M H Z G}, 1 M
  jterm_env M H Z Gjerasable_env M H Z.
Proof. intros ? ? ? ? I [H ?]; exact (H I). Qed.

Lemma lift_0 : t i, lift 0 i t = t.
Proof. induction t; intros i; simpl; [subst_lift_var|..]; f_equal; auto. Qed.

Lemma lift_fusion : t d l jl ij,
  jl ljl ij + l
  lift d jl (lift ij l t) = lift (d + ij) l t.
induction t; intros; simpl; [|f_equal..];
try (first [reflexivity|rewrite IHt|rewrite IHt1|rewrite IHt2]; auto; omega).
subst_lift_var; f_equal; omega.

Lemma lift_lift : t a b i ij, i ij
  lift a i (lift b ij t) = lift b (a + ij) (lift a i t).
induction t; intros; simpl; [|f_equal..];
try (repeat rewrite plus_assoc;
     first [reflexivity|rewrite IHt|rewrite IHt1|rewrite IHt2];
     repeat rewrite <- plus_assoc;
     f_equal; omega).
subst_lift_var; f_equal; omega.

Lemma lift_subst1 : o vecs j t i,
  lift o i (subst vecs (i + j) t) =
  subst vecs (i + o + j) (lift o i t).
induction t; intros; simpl; [|f_equal..];
try (repeat rewrite plus_assoc;
     first [reflexivity|rewrite IHt|rewrite IHt1|rewrite IHt2];
     repeat rewrite <- plus_assoc;
     f_equal; omega).
subst_lift_var; [f_equal; omega|].
rewrite lift_fusion; [|omega..].
f_equal; [omega|].
f_equal; omega.

Lemma lift_subst2 : off o vecs t i,
  lift off (i + o) (subst vecs i t) =
  subst (map (lift off o) vecs) i (lift off (i + length vecs + o) t).
induction t; intros; simpl; [|f_equal..];
try (repeat rewrite plus_assoc;
     first [reflexivity|rewrite <- IHt|rewrite <- IHt1|rewrite <- IHt2];
     repeat rewrite <- plus_assoc;
     f_equal; omega).
subst_lift_var; [f_equal; omega|].
replace Top with (lift off o Top) by reflexivity.
rewrite map_nth; simpl.
apply eq_sym.
apply lift_lift; omega.

Lemma lift_subst1_0 : o vecs t j,
  lift o 0 (subst vecs j t) =
  subst vecs (o + j) (lift o 0 t).
pose proof (lift_subst1 o vecs j t 0).
simpl in H; assumption.

Lemma lift_subst2_0 : off o vecs t,
  lift off o (subst vecs 0 t) =
  subst (map (lift off o) vecs) 0 (lift off (length vecs + o) t).
pose proof (lift_subst2 off o vecs t 0).
simpl in H; assumption.

Lemma lift_subst2_0_1 : off o s t,
  lift off o (subst1 s 0 t) =
  subst1 (lift off o s) 0 (lift off (1 + o) t).
pose proof (lift_subst2 off o (s :: nil) t 0).
simpl in H; assumption.

Lemma subst_lift : t b i j h,
  j ij + length b i + h
  subst b j (lift h i t) = lift (h - length b) i t.
induction t; intros; simpl; [|f_equal..];
try (first [reflexivity|rewrite IHt|rewrite IHt1|rewrite IHt2]; auto; omega).
subst_lift_var; f_equal; omega.

Lemma subst_lift_0 : t b j h,
  j + length b h
  subst b j (lift h 0 t) = lift (h - length b) 0 t.
pose proof (subst_lift t b 0 j h).
simpl in H0.
rewrite H0; auto; omega.

Lemma omega_shit_0 : a b c d, a + b - c - d - a = b - c - d.
Proof. intros; omega. Qed.

Lemma omega_shit_1 : a b c, a - b - c = a - c - b.
Proof. intros; omega. Qed.

Lemma subst_subst : t xs vecs i j,
  subst xs (i + j) (subst vecs i t) =
  subst (map (subst xs j) vecs) i (subst xs (i + length vecs + j) t).
induction t; intros; simpl; [|f_equal..];
try (repeat rewrite plus_assoc;
     first [reflexivity|rewrite IHt|rewrite IHt1|rewrite IHt2];
     repeat rewrite <- plus_assoc;
     repeat first [omega|f_equal]).
f_equal; apply omega_shit_1.
    rewrite subst_lift_0; repeat rewrite map_length; [|omega].
    f_equal; [omega|].
    f_equal; omega.
    replace Top with (subst xs j Top) by reflexivity.
    rewrite map_nth; simpl.
    rewrite lift_subst1_0.
  replace (S (i + j)) with (1 + i + j) by reflexivity.
  rewrite IHt; f_equal; f_equal; omega.

Lemma subst_subst_0 : t xs vecs j,
  subst xs j (subst vecs 0 t) =
  subst (map (subst xs j) vecs) 0 (subst xs (length vecs + j) t).
pose proof (subst_subst t xs vecs 0 j).
simpl in H; auto.

Lemma subst_subst_0_1 : t xs s j,
  subst xs j (subst1 s 0 t) =
  subst1 (subst xs j s) 0 (subst xs (1 + j) t).
pose proof (subst_subst t xs (s :: nil) 0 j).
simpl in H; auto.

Lemma subst_app : x2s x1s t i,
  subst (map (subst x2s 0) x1s ++ x2s) i t = subst x2s i (subst x1s i t).
induction t; intros; simpl; [|f_equal..]; auto.
f_equal; omega.
  rewrite app_nth2; rewrite map_length; [|omega].
  f_equal; f_equal; apply omega_shit_1.
  rewrite app_nth1; repeat rewrite map_length; [|omega].
  replace Top with (subst x2s 0 Top) by reflexivity.
  rewrite map_nth; simpl.
  rewrite lift_subst1_0.
  f_equal; omega.

Lemma subst_app_0 : x2s x1s t,
  subst (map (subst x2s 0) x1s ++ x2s) 0 t = subst x2s 0 (subst x1s 0 t).
Proof. intros; pose proof (subst_app x2s x1s t 0); auto. Qed.

Ltac dmap_tac t :=
  intros Z; induction Z as [|[? ?] Z]; intros; simpl; f_equal; auto;
  simpl; f_equal; apply t; omega.

Lemma dmap_lift_0 : Z i, dmap (lift 0 i) Z = Z.
Proof. dmap_tac lift_0. Qed.

Lemma dmap_lift_fusion : Z d l jl ij,
  jl ljl ij + ldmap (lift d jl) (dmap (lift ij l) Z) = dmap (lift (d + ij) l) Z.
Proof. dmap_tac lift_fusion. Qed.

Lemma dmap_lift_plus : d1 d2 Z i,
  dmap (lift (d1 + d2) i) Z = dmap (lift d1 i) (dmap (lift d2 i) Z).
Proof. intros; rewrite dmap_lift_fusion; auto; omega. Qed.

Lemma dmap_lift_lift : Z a b i ij, i ij
  dmap (lift a i) (dmap (lift b ij) Z) = dmap (lift b (a + ij)) (dmap (lift a i) Z).
Proof. dmap_tac lift_lift. Qed.

Lemma dmap_lift_subst1 : Z o vecs j,
  dmap (lift o 0) (dmap (subst vecs j) Z) =
  dmap (subst vecs (o + j)) (dmap (lift o 0) Z).
Proof. dmap_tac lift_subst1_0. Qed.

Lemma dmap_lift_subst2 : Z off o vecs,
  dmap (lift off o) (dmap (subst vecs 0) Z) =
  dmap (subst (map (lift off o) vecs) 0) (dmap (lift off (length vecs + o)) Z).
Proof. dmap_tac lift_subst2_0. Qed.

Lemma dmap_subst_lift : t b j h,
  j + length b h
  dmap (subst b j) (dmap (lift h 0) t) = dmap (lift (h - length b) 0) t.
Proof. dmap_tac subst_lift_0. Qed.

Lemma dmap_app : f Z1 Z2, dmap f Z1 ++ dmap f Z2 = dmap f (Z1 ++ Z2).
Proof. intros; unfold dmap; rewrite map_app; auto. Qed.

Definition etraverse f := fix g i e :=
  match e with
    | StypeStype
    | Sprod e1 e2Sprod (g i e1) (g i e2)
    | Slist eSlist (g i e)
    | Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZScoer (dmap (f i) Y0) (dmap (f i) Y1) dH (dmap (f (dH + i)) dZ)

Definition elift d i := etraverse (lift d) i.
Definition esubst vecs i := etraverse (subst vecs) i.

Fixpoint slift e d i :=
  match e return sort_type esort_type e with
    | Stypelift d i
    | Sprod e1 e2fun x
        match x with
          | (x1, x2)(slift e1 d i x1, slift e2 d i x2)
    | Slist efix f xs :=
      match xs with
        | nilnil
        | cons x xscons (slift e d i x) (f xs)
    | Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZfun x
      match x with
        | (t, s)(lift d (dH + i) t, lift d i s)

Lemma extract_lift : d e x t i, extract e t xextract e (lift d i t) (slift e d i x).
induction e; [|induction x..]; intros; destruct_extract; simpl in *; auto using extract.
apply Econs; auto.
apply IHx; auto.

Lemma lift_inject : d e i x,
  lift d i (inject e x) = inject e (slift e d i x).
Proof. induction e; [|induction x..]; intros; simpl; f_equal; auto. Qed.

Fixpoint ssubst e vecs i :=
  match e return sort_type esort_type e with
    | Stypesubst vecs i
    | Sprod e1 e2fun x
        match x with
          | (x1, x2)(ssubst e1 vecs i x1, ssubst e2 vecs i x2)
    | Slist efix f xs :=
      match xs with
        | nilnil
        | cons x xscons (ssubst e vecs i x) (f xs)
    | Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZfun x
      match x with
        | (t, s)(subst vecs (dH + i) t, subst vecs i s)

Lemma extract_subst : vecs e x t i, extract e t x
  extract e (subst vecs i t) (ssubst e vecs i x).
induction e; [|induction x..]; intros; destruct_extract; simpl in *; auto using extract.
apply Econs; auto.
apply IHx; auto.

Lemma subst_inject : xs e i x,
  subst xs i (inject e x) = inject e (ssubst e xs i x).
Proof. induction e; [|induction x..]; intros; simpl; f_equal; auto. Qed.

Ltac dmap_lift_lift_tac :=
  match goal with
    | |- context[dmap (lift ?a (?b + ?c)) (dmap (lift ?b 0) ?Z)] ⇒
      rewrite <- (dmap_lift_lift Z b a 0 c); [|omega]
    | |- context[dmap (lift ?a ?b) (dmap (lift ?b 0) ?Z)] ⇒
      rewrite (dmap_lift_fusion Z a 0 b b); [|omega..]

Ltac S_plus_1 :=
  match goal with
    | |- context[S ?x] ⇒ is_var x; replace (S x) with (1 + x) by reflexivity

Ltac trysimpl := repeat
  match goal with
    | |- context[0 + ?x] ⇒ replace (0 + x) with x by reflexivity
    | H : context[0 + ?x] |- _replace (0 + x) with x in H by reflexivity
    | |- context[nil ++ ?xs] ⇒ replace (nil ++ xs) with xs by reflexivity
    | H : context[nil ++ ?xs] |- _replace (nil ++ xs) with xs in H by reflexivity
    | |- context[_ + 0] ⇒ rewrite <- plus_n_O
    | H : context[_ + 0] |- _rewrite <- plus_n_O in H
    | |- context[_ ++ nil] ⇒ rewrite app_nil_r
    | H : context[_ ++ nil] |- _rewrite app_nil_r in H
    | |- context[dmap (lift 0 _) _] ⇒ rewrite dmap_lift_0
    | H : context[dmap (lift 0 _) _] |- _rewrite dmap_lift_0 in H
    | |- context[dmap ?f nil] ⇒ replace (dmap f nil) with (@nil (type × type)) by reflexivity
    | H : context[dmap ?f nil] |- _
      replace (dmap f nil) with (@nil (type × type)) in H by reflexivity
    | |- context[_ + (_ + _)] ⇒ rewrite plus_assoc
    | H : context[_ + (_ + _)] |- _rewrite plus_assoc in H
    | |- context[dmap _ (_ ++ _)] ⇒ rewrite <- dmap_app
    | H : context[dmap _ (_ ++ _)] |- _rewrite <- dmap_app in H
    | |- context[_ ++ _ ++ _] ⇒ rewrite app_assoc
    | H : context[_ ++ _ ++ _] |- _rewrite app_assoc in H
    | |- context[dmap (lift (_ + _) ?i) _] ⇒ rewrite dmap_lift_plus
    | H : context[dmap (lift (_ + _) ?i) _] |- _rewrite dmap_lift_plus in H
    | |- context[length (_ ++ _)] ⇒ rewrite app_length
    | H : context[length (_ ++ _)] |- _rewrite app_length in H

Ltac tryomega := subst; repeat first
  [ assumption
  | reflexivity
  | omega
  | unfold dmap; rewrite map_length
  | rewrite <- dmap_app
  | rewrite <- app_assoc
  | repeat S_plus_1; rewrite dmap_lift_plus
  | rewrite dmap_lift_0
  | dmap_lift_lift_tac
  | rewrite dmap_lift_subst1 ].

Lemma jwf_lift : wf off t a,
  jwf a t wf
  jwf a (lift off (a + S o) t) wf.
induction 1; simpl; intros; [subst_lift_var|..]; eauto using jwf.
  apply WFFor with (lift off (d + a + o) s12s).
    unfold shift; rewrite lift_lift; [|omega].
    f_equal; auto; omega.
rewrite plus_assoc; eauto.
  apply WFMu.
apply IHjwf1; tryomega.
apply IHjwf2; tryomega.
  apply WFwf with (lift off (a + o) s).
  unfold shift; rewrite lift_lift; [|omega].
  f_equal; auto; omega.

Lemma jwf_lift_0 : wf o off t,
  jwf 0 t wf
  jwf 0 (lift off (S o) t) wf.
intros wf o off t H0.
pose proof (jwf_lift wf off t 0 H0 o).
simpl in H; auto.

Lemma jwf_subst : wf xs t a,
  jwf a t wf
  jwf a (subst xs (a + S o) t) wf.
induction 1; simpl; intros; [subst_lift_var|..]; eauto using jwf.
  apply WFFor with (subst xs (d + a + o) s12s).
    unfold shift; rewrite lift_subst1.
    f_equal; auto; omega.
rewrite plus_assoc; eauto.
  apply WFMu.
apply IHjwf1; tryomega.
apply IHjwf2; tryomega.
  apply WFwf with (subst xs (a + o) s).
  unfold shift; rewrite lift_subst1.
  f_equal; auto; omega.

Lemma jwf_subst_0 : wf i xs t,
  jwf 0 t wf
  jwf 0 (subst xs (S i) t) wf.
intros wf i xs t H.
pose proof (jwf_subst wf xs t 0 H).
simpl in H0; auto.

Lemma jerasable_weak_coer : M H iHH iZZ dZ Z t e,
  jerasable M iHH iZZ t e
   iH iZ idZ,
  iHH = iH + H
  iZZ = iZ ++ dmap (lift iH 0) Z
  idZ = iZ ++ dmap (lift iH 0) (dZ ++ Z) →
  jerasable M iHH idZ t e.
induction 1; simpl; intros; eauto using jerasable.
  apply JTFor with dZ0 wits vecs; auto.
apply IHjerasable1 with (dH + iH) (dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with (dH + iH) (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable3 with iH iZ; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable4 with iH iZ; tryomega.
  apply JTMu; auto.
  apply IHjerasable with (1 + iH) (dmap (lift 1 0) iZ); tryomega.
  apply JCTrans with t2; auto.
apply IHjerasable1 with (dH2 + iH) (dZ2 ++ dmap (lift dH2 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with iH iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCArr; try intro m; auto.
apply (H2 m) with (dH + iH) (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); clear m; tryomega.
apply (H4 m) with (dH + iH) (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); clear m; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable1 with iH iZ; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with (dH + iH) (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable3 with iH iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCProd; try intro m; auto.
apply (H2 m) with (dH + iH) (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); clear m; tryomega.
apply (H4 m) with (dH + iH) (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); clear m; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable1 with iH iZ; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with iH iZ; tryomega.
  destruct (le_gt_dec (length Y0 + length iZ) c).
    apply JCVar with (length dZ + c).
intros m; apply (H2 m) with iH iZ; clear m; tryomega.
intros m; apply (H4 m) with iH iZ; clear m; tryomega.
      subst; rewrite <- dmap_app.
      rewrite app_nth2 in × by omega.
      rewrite app_nth2 in × by omega.
      assert (length (dmap (lift iH 0) dZ) = length dZ) by tryomega.
      rewrite app_nth2 by omega.
      rewrite <- H5.
      unfold dmap; rewrite map_length.
      apply omega_shit_0.
    apply JCVar with c.
intros m; apply (H2 m) with iH iZ; clear m; tryomega.
intros m; apply (H4 m) with iH iZ; clear m; tryomega.
      rewrite app_assoc.
      rewrite app_assoc in H5.
      rewrite app_nth1; [|rewrite app_length; omega].
      rewrite app_nth1 in H5; [assumption|rewrite app_length; omega].
  apply JCGen with wits vecs; auto.
intros m. apply (H2 m) with iH iZ; clear m; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable1 with (dH + iH) (dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with iH iZ; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable3 with iH iZ; tryomega.

Lemma jerasable_weak_coer_0 : {M H dZ Z t e},
  jerasable M H Z t e
  jerasable M H (dZ ++ Z) t e.
Proof. intros; apply jerasable_weak_coer with H Z dZ Z 0 nil; tryomega. Qed.

Definition Incf f Y Z :=
   c, nth c Y (Top, Top) = nth (f c) Z (Top, Top).
Hint Unfold Incf.

Lemma Incf_lift : f H Y Z,
  Incf f Y ZIncf f (dmap (lift H 0) Y) (dmap (lift H 0) Z).
intros; intros c; pose proof (H0 c); unfold dmap.
replace (Top, Top) with (pmap (lift H 0) (Top, Top)) by reflexivity.
repeat rewrite map_nth.
rewrite H1; reflexivity.

Lemma Incf_app : {f0 f1 Y0 Z0 Y1 Z1},
  Incf f0 Y0 Z0Incf f1 Y1 Z1 f, Incf f (Y0 ++ Y1) (Z0 ++ Z1).
(fun cmatch le_gt_dec (length Y0) c with
                   | left _f1 (c - length Y0) + length Z0
                   | right _
                     match le_gt_dec (length Z0) (f0 c) with
                       | left _f0 c + length Z1
                       | right _f0 c
intros c.
destruct (le_gt_dec (length Y0) c).
  repeat (rewrite app_nth2; [|omega]).
  pose proof (H0 (c - length Y0)); rewrite H1.
  f_equal; omega.
  rewrite app_nth1; [|omega].
  pose proof (H c); rewrite H1.
  destruct (le_gt_dec (length Z0) (f0 c)).
    rewrite app_nth2; [|omega].
    repeat (rewrite nth_overflow; [|omega]).
    rewrite app_nth1; [|omega].

Lemma Incf_refl : Z, Incf (fun cc) Z Z.
Proof. intros Z c; auto. Qed.

Lemma jcoer_weak_coerY : M H dH dZ Y0 Y1 Z t,
  jerasable M H Z t (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ) →
   f0 f1 Y0' Y1',
    Incf f0 Y0 Y0'Incf f1 Y1 Y1'
    jerasable M H Z t (Scoer Y0' Y1' dH dZ).
intros M H dH dZ Y0 Y1 Z t HZt.
remember (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ) as e.
generalize Y0 Y1 dH dZ Heqe; clear Y0 Y1 dH dZ Heqe;
induction HZt; intros ? ? ? ? Heqe; inversion Heqe; subst;
simpl; intros; eauto using jerasable.
  apply JCTrans with t2; auto.
    apply IHHZt1 with (dmap (lift dH2 0) Y2) (dmap (lift dH2 0) Y3) f0 f1; tryomega;
      apply Incf_lift; auto.
    apply IHHZt2 with Y2 Y3 f0 f1; tryomega.
  destruct (Incf_app H5 H4) as [f ?].
  pose proof (Incf_refl nil).
  apply JCArr; auto.
    apply IHHZt2 with (dmap (lift dH0 0) (Y3 ++ Y2)) nil f (fun cc); tryomega.
    repeat (rewrite dmap_app); apply Incf_lift; auto.
    apply IHHZt3 with (Y3 ++ Y2) nil f (fun cc); tryomega.
  destruct (Incf_app H5 H4) as [f ?].
  pose proof (Incf_refl nil).
  apply JCProd; auto.
apply IHHZt1 with (Y3 ++ Y2) nil f (fun cc); tryomega.
apply IHHZt2 with (Y3 ++ Y2) nil f (fun cc); tryomega.
  pose proof (Incf_refl Z).
  destruct (Incf_app H5 H7) as [f ?].
  apply JCVar with (f c); auto.
  rewrite H8 in H4; auto.
  apply JCGen with wits vecs; subst; auto.
  apply JCFix.
intros m; apply (H0 m).
  pose proof (Incf_refl ((t, s) :: nil)).
  destruct (Incf_app H4 H3) as [f ?].
  apply IHHZt with Y2 ((t, s) :: Y3) f0 f; tryomega.

Lemma Incf_nil : Z, f, Incf f nil Z.
(fun clength Z).
intros c.
repeat (rewrite nth_overflow; [|simpl; omega]).

Lemma jcoer_weak_coerY_0 : M H Z Y0 Y1 dH dZ t,
  jerasable M H Z t (Scoer nil nil dH dZ) →
  jerasable M H Z t (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ).
intros M H Z Y0 Y1 dH dZ t HZt.
destruct (Incf_nil Y0) as [f0 ?].
destruct (Incf_nil Y1) as [f1 ?].
pose proof (jcoer_weak_coerY M H dH dZ nil nil Z t HZt f0 f1 Y0 Y1); auto.

Lemma jerasable_lift : M off iZZ iHH H Z t e,
  jerasable M iHH iZZ t e
   iH iZ ioH ioZ,
  iHH = iH + H
  iZZ = iZ ++ dmap (lift iH 0) Z
  ioH = iH + off + H
  ioZ = dmap (lift off iH) iZZ
  jerasable M ioH ioZ (lift off iH t) (elift off iH e).
induction 1; simpl; intros; eauto using jerasable.
  apply JTFor with (dmap (lift off (dH + iH)) dZ)
                   (lift off iH wits) (map (lift off iH) vecs); tryomega;
  try (apply extract_lift; auto).
apply IHjerasable1 with (dmap (lift (length vecs) 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with (dZ ++ dmap (lift (length vecs) 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable3 with iZ; tryomega.
    rewrite <- lift_subst2_0.
    apply IHjerasable4 with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JTMu.
subst; apply jwf_lift_0; assumption.
apply IHjerasable with (dmap (lift 1 0) iZ); tryomega.
  rewrite <- dmap_app; rewrite <- plus_assoc; rewrite <- dmap_lift_lift; [|omega].
  apply JCTrans with (lift off (dH2 + iH) t2).
    rewrite (dmap_lift_lift Y0); [|omega].
    rewrite (dmap_lift_lift Y1); [|omega].
    apply IHjerasable1 with (dZ2 ++ dmap (lift dH2 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCWeak with dH (dmap (lift off (dH + iH)) dZ).
intros m; apply (H2 m) with iZ; tryomega.
    simpl in IHjerasable; rewrite lift_lift; [|omega].
    apply IHjerasable with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCArr.
intros M2M; apply (H2 M2M) with (dZ ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); tryomega.
intros M2M; apply (H4 M2M) with (dZ ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable1 with iZ; tryomega.
    simpl in IHjerasable2; trysimpl.
    rewrite lift_lift; [|omega].
    rewrite (dmap_lift_lift Y0); [|omega].
    rewrite (dmap_lift_lift Y1); [|omega].
    rewrite dmap_app.
    apply IHjerasable2 with (dZ ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); tryomega.
    rewrite dmap_app.
    apply IHjerasable3 with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCProd.
intros M2M; apply (H2 M2M) with (dZ ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); tryomega.
intros M2M; apply (H4 M2M) with (dZ ++ dmap (lift dH 0) iZ); tryomega.
rewrite dmap_app; apply IHjerasable1 with iZ; tryomega.
rewrite dmap_app; apply IHjerasable2 with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCVar with c.
intros M1M; apply (H2 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
intros M1M; apply (H4 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
    subst; rewrite dmap_app; unfold dmap in ×.
    replace (Top, Top) with (pmap (lift off iH) (Top, Top)) by reflexivity.
    rewrite map_nth.
    rewrite H5; reflexivity.
  apply JCGen with (lift off iH wits) (map (lift off iH) vecs); tryomega;
  try (apply extract_lift; auto).
intros M1M; apply (H2 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable1 with (dmap (lift (length vecs) 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with iZ; tryomega.
    rewrite <- lift_subst2_0.
    apply IHjerasable3 with iZ; tryomega.
  rewrite lift_subst2_0. subst dH.
  apply JCInst with (lift off iH insts); try (apply extract_lift; auto); tryomega.
intros M1M; apply (H2 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable1 with iZ; tryomega.
    rewrite <- lift_subst2_0.
    apply IHjerasable2 with iZ; tryomega.
  unfold subst1 in *; rewrite lift_subst2_0.
  apply JCUnfold.
intros M1M; apply (H2 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
intros m; subst; apply jwf_lift_0; auto.
  unfold subst1 in *; rewrite lift_subst2_0; simpl.
  apply JCFold with (t := lift off (S iH) t).
  apply IHjerasable with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCFix.
intros m; apply (H2 m) with iZ; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable with iZ; tryomega.

Lemma jerasable_lift_0 : {M dH H Z t} e,
  jerasable M H Z t e
   ee, ee = elift dH 0 e
  jerasable M (dH + H) (dmap (lift dH 0) Z) (lift dH 0 t) ee.
intros; subst.
apply jerasable_lift with Z H H Z nil; tryomega.

Lemma jerasable_nth : M H Z e xs a,
  a < length xs
  jerasable M H Z (inject Slisttype xs) (Slist e) →
  jerasable M H Z (nth a xs Top) e.
induction xs; intros; [inversion H0|].
destruct a0; simpl in *; inversion H1; auto.
apply IHxs; auto; omega.

Lemma jerasable_nth_subst : M H Z xs dZ c t s,
  jerasable M H Z (subst xs 0 (inject Slistprodtype dZ)) Slistcoer
  c < length dZ
  nth c dZ (Top, Top) = (t, s)
  jerasable M H Z (subst xs 0 (Spair 0 t s)) (Scoer nil nil 0 nil).
induction dZ; intros; [inversion H1|].
destruct a as [t0 s0].
destruct c; inversion H2; subst; [inversion H0; auto|].
simpl in H1.
apply IHdZ with c; auto.
inversion H0; auto.

Lemma jerasable_subst : M H Z xs dH dZ t e idH idZ,
  dH = length xs
  jerasable M H Z (inject Slisttype xs) Slisttype
  jerasable M H Z (subst xs 0 (inject Slistprodtype dZ)) Slistcoer
  jerasable M idH idZ t e
   iH iZ iHH iZZ,
  idH = iH + dH + H
  idZ = iZ ++ dmap (lift iH 0) dZ ++ dmap (lift (iH + dH) 0) Z
  iHH = iH + H
  iZZ = dmap (subst xs iH) iZ ++ dmap (lift iH 0) Z
  jerasable M iHH iZZ (subst xs iH t) (esubst xs iH e).
induction 4; simpl; intros; eauto using jerasable.
  subst_lift_var; try apply JTVar; subst.
  apply jerasable_weak_coer_0.
  apply jerasable_lift_0 with Stype; auto.
  apply jerasable_nth; auto; omega.
  apply JTFor with (dZ := dmap (subst xs (dH0 + iH)) dZ0)
                   (wits := subst xs iH wits)
                   (vecs := map (subst xs iH) vecs); tryomega;
  try (apply extract_subst; auto).
apply IHjerasable1 with (dmap (lift (length vecs) 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift (length vecs) 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable3 with iZ; tryomega.
    rewrite <- subst_subst_0.
    apply IHjerasable4 with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JTMu.
subst; apply jwf_subst_0; assumption.
apply IHjerasable with (dmap (lift 1 0) iZ); tryomega.
  rewrite <- dmap_app; rewrite <- plus_assoc; rewrite <- dmap_lift_subst1.
  apply JCTrans with (subst xs (dH2 + iH) t2).
    rewrite (dmap_lift_subst1 Y0).
    rewrite (dmap_lift_subst1 Y1).
    apply IHjerasable1 with (dZ2 ++ dmap (lift dH2 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCWeak with dH0 (dmap (subst xs (dH0 + iH)) dZ0).
intros M1M; apply (H5 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
    simpl in IHjerasable; rewrite lift_subst1_0.
    apply IHjerasable with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCArr.
intros M2M; apply (H5 M2M) with (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH0 0) iZ); tryomega.
intros M2M; apply (H7 M2M) with (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH0 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable1 with iZ; tryomega.
    simpl in IHjerasable2; trysimpl.
    rewrite lift_subst1_0.
    rewrite (dmap_lift_subst1 Y0).
    rewrite (dmap_lift_subst1 Y1).
    rewrite dmap_app.
    apply IHjerasable2 with (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH0 0) iZ); tryomega.
    rewrite dmap_app.
    apply IHjerasable3 with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCProd.
intros M2M; apply (H5 M2M) with (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH0 0) iZ); tryomega.
intros M2M; apply (H7 M2M) with (dZ0 ++ dmap (lift dH0 0) iZ); tryomega.
rewrite dmap_app; apply IHjerasable1 with iZ; tryomega.
rewrite dmap_app; apply IHjerasable2 with iZ; tryomega.
  destruct (le_gt_dec (length (Y0 ++ iZ)) c);
    [destruct (le_gt_dec (length (Y0 ++ iZ) + length dZ) c)|].
    apply JCVar with (c - length dZ).
intros M1M; apply (H5 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
intros M1M; apply (H7 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
      subst; rewrite app_assoc; rewrite dmap_app; unfold dmap in ×.
      rewrite app_nth2; [|rewrite map_length; omega].
      rewrite app_assoc in H8;
        rewrite app_nth2 in H8; [|repeat rewrite map_length; omega].
      rewrite app_nth2 in H8; [|repeat rewrite map_length; omega].
      repeat rewrite map_length in ×.
      replace (Top, Top) with (pmap (lift iH 0) (Top, Top)) by reflexivity.
      rewrite map_nth.
      replace (Top, Top) with (pmap (lift (iH + length xs) 0) (Top, Top)) in H8 by reflexivity.
      rewrite map_nth in H8.
      fold (pmap (subst xs iH) (t, s)).
      rewrite <- H8.
      rewrite omega_shit_1.
      destruct (nth (c - length (Y0 ++ iZ) - length dZ)).
      repeat rewrite subst_lift; try omega.
      replace (iH + length xs - length xs) with iH by omega.
    replace (Spair 0 (subst xs iH t) (subst xs iH s)) with (subst xs iH (Spair 0 t s)) by reflexivity.
    clear H4 H5 H6 H7; subst.
    rewrite app_assoc in H8; rewrite app_nth2 in H8; try omega.
    unfold dmap in H8.
    rewrite app_nth1 in H8; try (repeat rewrite map_length; omega).
    replace (Top, Top) with (pmap (lift iH 0) (Top, Top)) in H8 by reflexivity.
    rewrite map_nth in H8.
    apply jerasable_weak_coer_0.
    remember (nth (c - length (Y0 ++ iZ)) dZ (Top, Top)) as ts0.
    destruct ts0 as [t0 s0].
    simpl in H8; inversion H8; clear H8; subst.
    replace (Spair 0 (lift iH 0 t0) (lift iH 0 s0)) with (lift iH 0 (Spair 0 t0 s0)) by reflexivity.
    replace (subst xs iH (lift iH 0 (Spair 0 t0 s0))) with (lift iH 0 (subst xs 0 (Spair 0 t0 s0)))
      by (rewrite lift_subst1_0; f_equal; omega).
    apply jcoer_weak_coerY_0.
    apply jerasable_lift_0 with (Scoer nil nil 0 nil); auto.
    apply jerasable_nth_subst with dZ (c - length (Y0 ++ iZ)); auto.
    apply JCVar with c.
intros M1M; apply (H5 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
intros M1M; apply (H7 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
      clear H1 H2 H4 H5 H6 H7.
      subst; rewrite app_assoc; rewrite dmap_app; unfold dmap in ×.
      rewrite app_nth1; [|rewrite map_length; omega].
      rewrite app_assoc in H8; rewrite app_nth1 in H8; [|repeat rewrite map_length; omega].
      replace (Top, Top) with (pmap (subst xs iH) (Top, Top)) by reflexivity.
      rewrite map_nth.
      rewrite H8.
  apply JCGen with (subst xs iH wits) (map (subst xs iH) vecs); tryomega;
  try (apply extract_subst; auto).
intros M1M; apply (H5 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable1 with (dmap (lift (length vecs) 0) iZ); tryomega.
apply IHjerasable2 with iZ; tryomega.
    rewrite <- subst_subst_0.
    apply IHjerasable3 with iZ; tryomega.
  rewrite subst_subst_0. subst dH0.
  apply JCInst with (subst xs iH insts); try (apply extract_subst; auto); tryomega.
intros M1M; apply (H5 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable1 with iZ; tryomega.
    rewrite <- subst_subst_0.
    apply IHjerasable2 with iZ; tryomega.
  unfold subst1 in *; rewrite subst_subst_0.
  apply JCUnfold.
intros M1M; apply (H5 M1M) with iZ; tryomega.
intros m; subst; apply jwf_subst_0; auto.
  unfold subst1 in *; rewrite subst_subst_0.
  apply JCFold with (t := subst xs (S iH) t).
  apply IHjerasable with iZ; tryomega.
  apply JCFix; auto.
intros m; apply (H5 m) with iZ; tryomega.
apply IHjerasable with iZ; tryomega.

Lemma jerasable_subst_0 : {M H Z xs t} dH dZ e,
  jerasable M (dH + H) (dZ ++ dmap (lift dH 0) Z) t e
  dH = length xs
  jerasable M H Z (inject Slisttype xs) Slisttype
  jerasable M H Z (subst xs 0 (inject Slistprodtype dZ)) Slistcoer
   ee, ee = esubst xs 0 e
  jerasable M H Z (subst xs 0 t) ee.
intros; subst ee.
apply jerasable_subst with H Z dH dZ (dH + H) (dZ ++ dmap (lift dH 0) Z) nil; tryomega.

Lemma jcoer_extract_jerasable_env : M H Z Y0 Y1 dH dZ t s,
  jerasable M H Z (Spair dH t s) (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ) →
  jerasable_env M H Z
  jerasable_env M (dH + H) (dZ ++ dmap (lift dH 0) Z).
intros M H Z Y0 Y1 dH dZ t s jH.
remember (Spair dH t s) as ts.
remember (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ) as e.
generalize t s Y0 Y1 dH dZ Heqts Heqe; clear t s Y0 Y1 dH dZ Heqts Heqe.
induction jH; intros; first [discriminate Heqts|discriminate Heqe|idtac];
inversion Heqts; inversion Heqe; clear Heqts Heqe; subst; trysimpl; eauto.
  rewrite <- plus_assoc.
  rewrite <- app_assoc.
  rewrite dmap_app.
  apply IHjH1 with t t2 (dmap (lift dH2 0) Y2) (dmap (lift dH2 0) Y3); tryomega.
  apply IHjH2 with t2 s Y2 Y3; tryomega.
  apply JEcons with H Z dH0 dZ0; tryomega.
   vecs; repeat split; auto.
rewrite <- (inject_extract H2); auto.
rewrite <- (inject_extract H3); auto.
rewrite <- (inject_extract H2); auto.

Lemma jcoer_extract_right_type : {M H Z Y0 Y1 dH dZ t s}, 1 M
  jerasable M H Z (Spair dH t s) (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ) →
  jerasable M H Z s Stype.
intros M H Z Y0 Y1 dH dZ t s M1M jH.
remember (Spair dH t s) as ts.
remember (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ) as e.
generalize t s Y0 Y1 dH dZ Heqts Heqe; clear t s Y0 Y1 dH dZ Heqts Heqe.
induction jH; intros; first [discriminate Heqts|discriminate Heqe|idtac];
inversion Heqts; inversion Heqe; clear Heqts Heqe; subst;
repeat (trysimpl; match goal with
  | H1 : 1 M_ |- _pose proof (H1 M1M); clear H1
  | _ : length ?vecs = ?dH |- _subst dH
  | H : extract _ ?t ?x |- context[inject _ ?x]
    ⇒ rewrite <- (inject_extract H)
  | |- jerasable _ _ _ (Arr _ _) _apply JTArr
  | |- jerasable _ _ _ (Prod _ _) _apply JTProd
  | H1 : jerasable _ _ _ (For _ _ _) _ |- _inversion H1; clear H1; subst
  | _ : extract _ ?wits ?vecs
  , _ : extract _ ?t12s ?dZ
    |- jerasable _ _ _ (For (length ?vecs) ?t12s _) _apply JTFor with dZ wits vecs
  | |- jerasable _ _ _ Top _apply JTTop
  | H : jerasable _ (length ?vecs + _) (?dZ ++ _) ?t Stype
    |- jerasable _ _ _ (subst ?vecs 0 ?t) Stype
    ⇒ apply jerasable_subst_0 with (length vecs) dZ Stype
end; auto); trysimpl; eauto.
inversion H1; subst.
apply jerasable_subst_0 with 1 nil Stype; simpl in *; eauto using jerasable.

Lemma jcoer_extract_left_type : {M H Z Y0 Y1 dH dZ t s}, 1 M
  jerasable M H Z (Spair dH t s) (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ) →
  jerasable M (dH + H) (dZ ++ dmap (lift dH 0) Z) t Stype.
intros M H Z Y0 Y1 dH dZ t s M1M jH.
remember (Spair dH t s) as ts.
remember (Scoer Y0 Y1 dH dZ) as e.
generalize t s Y0 Y1 dH dZ Heqts Heqe; clear t s Y0 Y1 dH dZ Heqts Heqe.
induction jH; intros; first [discriminate Heqts|discriminate Heqe|idtac];
inversion Heqts; inversion Heqe; clear Heqts Heqe; subst;
repeat (trysimpl; match goal with
  | H1 : 2 M_ |- _clear H1
  | H1 : 1 M_ |- _pose proof (H1 M1M); clear H1
  | Hx : t0 s0 Y2 Y3 dH0 dZ0,
         Spair ?dH ?t ?s = Spair dH0 t0 s0
         Scoer ?Y0 ?Y1 ?dH ?dZ = Scoer Y2 Y3 dH0 dZ0
         _ |- _pose proof (Hx t s Y0 Y1 dH dZ eq_refl eq_refl); clear Hx
  | |- jerasable _ _ _ (Arr _ _) _apply JTArr
  | |- jerasable _ _ _ (Prod _ _) _apply JTProd
  | |- jerasable _ _ _ Bot _apply JTBot
  | H1 : jerasable _ _ _ (For _ _ _) _ |- _inversion H1; clear H1; subst
  | H1 : jerasable _ ?H ?Z (Spair _ _ ?t) (Scoer _ _ _ _)
    |- jerasable _ ?H ?Z ?t Stype
    ⇒ apply (jcoer_extract_right_type M1M H1)
  | H1 : extract _ ?t ?x , H2 : extract _ ?t ?y |- _
    ⇒ rewrite (extract_eq H1 H2); clear H1
end; auto); trysimpl; eauto.
inversion jH; subst.
apply jerasable_subst_0 with 1 nil Stype; simpl in *; eauto using jerasable.