Module ErasureSimulationValues

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Layers.
Require Import Programs.
Require Import RawPrograms.
Require Import Erasure.
Require Import SemanticsValues.
Require Import PathSemantics.


Value reduction is invisible up to erasure.

Lemma values_stutter:
  forall v1 v2,
  redv v1 v2 ->
  erase_value v1 = erase_value v2.
  induction 1; simpl; layers; eauto using plugging_respects_erasure;
RedCoStarCommutative and RedCoStarAssociative: destruct disjunctions of hypotheses about layers
  repeat match goal with h: _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct h end;
  simpl in *;
  intuition congruence.

Lemma values_stutter_yup:
  forall vs1 vs2,
  redvs vs1 vs2 ->
  pwe vs1 vs2.
  induction 1; eauto using values_stutter, pwe_reflexive.