Module CoercionMeasure

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import DeBruijn.
Require Import Layers.
Require Import Coercions.

The measure of a coercion counts 1 at contractive constructors, such as CoArrow, and counts 1 plus the measure of the children at non-contractive constructors, such as CoSeq and CoForall. Indeed, when a CoArrow coercion reduces, its children become buried under a lambda-abstraction, so their measure does not matter.

Fixpoint measure_coercion (c : coercion) : nat :=
  match c with
  | CoVar _
  | CoTensorExchange _ =>
  | CoId
  | CoForallIntro
  | CoForallElim
  | CoExistsIntro
  | CoExistsLeftIntro
  | CoExistsElim
  | CoDereliction
  | CoBangIdempotent
  | CoPairBang
  | CoBangPair
  | CoUnitBang
  | CoBangRef
  | CoBangRegionCap
  | CoBangRegionCapPunched
  | CoAtBang
  | CoDistrib
  | CoSingletonToGroup
  | CoForallPair
  | CoForallBang
  | CoForallRef
  | CoForallRegionCap
  | CoForallRegionCapPunched
  | CoSingletonRegionCapExists
  | CoPairExistsLeft
  | CoPairExistsRight
  | CoBangExists
  | CoRefExists
  | CoDefocus _
  | CoDefocusGroup
  | CoStarCommutative
  | CoStarAssociative
  | CoStarRef
  | CoRefStar
  | CoStarSingleton
  | CoSingletonStar
  | CoArrow _ _
  | CoPair Physical Physical _ _
  | CoRef _ =>
  | CoSeq c1 c2
  | CoPair _ _ c1 c2 =>
      1 + measure_coercion c1 + measure_coercion c2
  | CoForall c
  | CoExists c
  | CoBang c
  | CoRegionCap c
  | CoRegionCapPunched c
  | CoMu c =>
      1 + measure_coercion c

Unfolding a well-formed coercion does not affect its measure.

As a result, the measure of cunfold c is strictly less than the measure of CoMu c.

Lemma measure_subst_co:
  forall k c,
  ccontractive k c ->
  forall d,
  measure_coercion c = measure_coercion (subst_co d k c).
  induction 1; simpl; intro; layers; eauto.
  unfold subst_var; by_cases; easy.

Lemma measure_cunfold:
  forall c,
  ccontractive 0 c ->
  measure_coercion c = measure_coercion (cunfold c).
  unfold cunfold. eauto using measure_subst_co.