Talks by François Pottier and co-authors

Remy Seassau, Irene Yoon, Jean-Marie Madiot, and François Pottier.
Osiris: towards formal semantics and reasoning for OCaml, February 2025.
Talk given in Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Alexandre Moine, Arthur Charguéraud, and François Pottier.
Will it fit?, April 2024.
Talk given at IFIP WG 2.8, Utrecht, Netherlands.
François Pottier.
Correct, fast LR(1) unparsing, February 2024.
Talk given at JFLA 2024, Saint Jacut de la Mer, France.
François Pottier.
Thunks and debits in Iris with time credits, January 2024.
Talk given at POPL 2024, London, UK.
Arnaud Daby-Seesaram.
Osiris: an iris-based program logic for OCaml, September 2023.
Talk given (remote) at the OCaml workshop.
François Pottier.
Thunks and debits in Iris with time credits, March 2023.
Talk given at Inria Paris and at Aarhus University.
François Pottier.
Current trends in separation logic, February 2023.
Short informal talk given at ENS, Paris.
François Pottier.
A separation logic for heap space under garbage collection, January 2022.
Talk given at POPL 2022 (online).
François Pottier.
A separation logic for heap space under garbage collection, December 2021.
Talk given at Inria, Paris, France.
François Pottier.
Strong automated testing of OCaml libraries, June 2021.
Talk given at IFIP WG 2.16 (online) and at Inria Paris and at Nomadic Labs, Paris.
François Pottier.
Raisonner à propos du temps en logique de séparation, April 2021.
Talk given at Collège de France, Paris, France. In French.
Glen Mével.
Cosmo: A concurrent separation logic for Multicore OCaml, August 2020.
Talk given at ICFP 2020.
Video | PDF ]
Paulo Emílio de Vilhena.
Spy game: Verifying a local generic solver in Iris, January 2020.
Talk given at POPL 2020, New Orleans.
Video | PDF ]
François Pottier.
Playing spy games in Iris, November 2019.
Talk given at IFIP WG 2.16, Nice, France.
François Pottier.
Cambium en 180 secondes, November 2019.
3-minute presentation given at Inria, Paris, France.
François Pottier.
Playing spy games in Iris, October 2019.
Talk given at the Iris Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark.
Glen Mével.
Time credits and time receipts in Iris, April 2019.
Talk given at ESOP 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
Armaël Guéneau.
Formalizing asymptotic complexity claims via deductive program verification, April 2018.
Talk given at ESOP 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece.
François Pottier.
Mezzo: an experience report, December 2017.
Talk given at ENS, Lyon, France.
François Pottier.
Visitors unchained, September 2017.
Talk given at ICFP 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom.
François Pottier.
Visitors unchained, June 2017.
Talk given at IFIP WG 2.8, Edinburgh, Scotland.
François Pottier.
Visitors unchained, May 2017.
Talk given at Inria, Paris, France.
François Pottier.
Temporary read-only permissions for separation logic, April 2017.
Talk given at Inria, Paris, France.
François Pottier.
Temporary read-only permissions for separation logic, April 2017.
Talk given by Armaël Guéneau at ESOP 2017, Uppsala, Sweden.
François Pottier.
Verifying a hash table and its iterators in higher-order separation logic, January 2017.
Talk given at CPP 2017, Paris, France.
François Pottier.
Temporary read-only permissions for separation logic, November 2016.
Talk given in Saclay, France.
François Pottier.
Mezzo: an experience report, October 2016.
Talk given at IFIP WG 2.16, Lausanne, Switzerland.
François Pottier.
Reachability and error diagnosis in LR(1) parsers, March 2016.
Talk given at CC 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
François Pottier.
Reachability and error diagnosis in LR(1) automata, January 2016.
Talk given at JFLA 2016, Saint-Malo, France.
François Pottier.
Explaining syntax errors (LR de rien, c'est pas facile), November 2015.
Talk given at the OCaml Users meeting, Paris, France.
Arthur Charguéraud and François Pottier.
Machine-checked correctness and complexity of a union-find implementation, September 2015.
Talk given at Microsoft Research, Redmond, Washington.
Video | PDF ]
François Pottier.
Type inference, August 2015.
Talk given at PLMW @ ICFP 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
François Pottier.
An overview of Mezzo, June 2015.
Lecture given at SFM-15:MP, Bertinoro, Italy. See also the accompanying code.
François Pottier.
Depth-first search and strong connectivity in Coq, January 2015.
Talk given at JFLA 2015, le Val d'Ajol, France.
François Pottier.
Hindley-Milner elaboration in applicative style, September 2014.
Talk given at ICFP 2014, Göteborg, Sweden.
François Pottier.
Type soundness and data race freedom for Mezzo, June 2014.
Talk given at FLOPS 2014, Kanazawa, Japan.
François Pottier.
The theory of Mezzo, April 2014.
Lecture given at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France.
Video | PDF ]
François Pottier.
The practice of Mezzo, April 2014.
Lecture given at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France. See also the accompanying code.
Video | PDF ]
François Pottier.
The design of Mezzo, September 2013.
Talk given at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA; at IFIP WG 2.8, Aussois, France; and at Aarhus University, Denmark.
François Pottier.
A bird's eye view of Mezzo, November 2012.
Talk given at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK.
François Pottier.
Types for complexity-checking, March 2011.
Talk given at ENS, Lyon, France.
François Pottier.
A type-preserving store-passing translation for general references, January 2011.
Talk given at POPL 2011, Austin, Texas.
François Pottier.
Types for complexity-checking, January 2011.
Talk given at JFLA 2011, La Bresse, France.
François Pottier.
Types for complexity-checking, May 2010.
Talk given at ENS, Lyon, France.
François Pottier.
Hidden state and the anti-frame rule, December 2009.
Talk given at Université Paris 7, Paris, France.
François Pottier.
A type-preserving store-passing translation for general references, November 2009.
Talk given at Université Paris 7, Paris, France.
François Pottier.
Gala de GAFs à gogo, March 2009.
Talk given at Verimag, Grenoble, France.
Arthur Charguéraud.
Functional translation of a calculus of capabilities, September 2008.
Talk given at ICFP 2008, Victoria, Canada.
François Pottier.
Hiding local state in direct style, September 2008.
Talk given at Université Paris 7, Paris, France.
Yann Régis-Gianas.
A Hoare logic for call-by-value functional programs, July 2008.
Talk given at MPC 2008, Marseille, France.
François Pottier.
Hiding local state in direct style: a higher-order anti-frame rule, June 2008.
Talk given at IFIP WG 2.8, Park City, Utah.
François Pottier.
Hiding local state in direct style, June 2008.
Talk given at LICS 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
François Pottier.
Hiding local state in direct style: a higher-order anti-frame rule, February 2008.
Talk given in Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
François Pottier.
Hiding local state in direct style: a higher-order anti-frame rule, January 2008.
Talk given at INRIA, Rocquencourt.
François Pottier.
Static name control for FreshML, July 2007.
Talk given at LICS 2007, Wroclaw, Poland.
François Pottier.
Wandering through linear types, capabilities, and regions, May 2007.
Survey talk given at INRIA, Rocquencourt, France.
François Pottier.
Static name control for FreshML, May 2007.
Talk given in Edinburgh, Great Britain.
François Pottier.
Static name control for FreshML, September 2006.
Talk given at Cambridge University, Great Britain.
François Pottier.
Un aperçu de Menhir, March 2006.
Talk given at Université Paris 7, France.
Yann Régis-Gianas.
Stratified type inference for generalized algebraic data types, January 2006.
Talk given at POPL 2006, Charleston, South Carolina.
François Pottier.
Un aperçu de Menhir, January 2006.
Talk given at INRIA, Rocquencourt, France.
François Pottier.
An overview of Cαml, September 2005.
Talk given at the ML Workshop, Tallinn, Estonia.
François Pottier.
Where is ML type inference headed? Constraint solving meets local shape inference, September 2005.
Invited talk given at ICFP 2005, Tallinn, Estonia.
François Pottier.
A modern eye on ML type inference: old techniques and recent developments, September 2005.
Course given at the APPSEM Summer School, Frauenchiemsee, Germany.
François Pottier.
Présentation de Cαml, July 2005.
Talk given at LRI, Orsay, France.
François Pottier.
Towards efficient, typed LR parsers, June 2005.
Talk given in Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
François Pottier.
Vers des analyseurs syntaxiques efficaces et bien typés, January 2005.
Talk given at ENS, Lyon, France.
François Pottier.
Type-based information flow analyses, January 2005.
Course given at the CIMPA School on Security of Computer Systems and Networks, Bangalore, India.
François Pottier.
Types et contraintes, December 2004.
Soutenance d'habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris 7.
François Pottier.
Constraint-based type inference for GADTs, November 2004.
Talk given at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK.
Nadji Gauthier.
Numbering matters: First-order canonical forms for second-order recursive types, September 2004.
Talk given at ICFP 2004, Snowbird, Utah. Animations in the slides require the advi viewer.
François Pottier.
Type-based information flow analyses, June 2004.
Course given at the Summer School on Software Security, Eugene, Oregon.
François Pottier.
Polymorphic typed defunctionalization, January 2004.
Talk given at POPL 2004, Venice, Italy.
PDF | DVI | PostScript ]
François Pottier.
A constraint-based presentation and generalization of rows, June 2003.
Talk given at LICS 2003, Ottawa, Canada.
PostScript ]
François Pottier.
A constraint-based presentation of rows, December 2002.
Talk given at ENS, Paris, France.
PostScript ]
François Pottier.
A simple view of type-secure information flow in the π-calculus, June 2002.
Talk given at CSFW'15, Cape Breton, Canada.
PDF | PostScript ]
François Pottier.
Sécurité par le typage, May 2002.
Short presentation given at INRIA, Rocquencourt, France.
PostScript ]
François Pottier.
Proving the correctness of type-based information flow analyses: some approaches, April 2002.
Talk given at the Profundis meeting, INRIA, Sophia, France.
PostScript ]
François Pottier.
Une présentation moderne de l'inférence de types pour ML, March 2002.
Talk given at INRIA, Rocquencourt, France.
François Pottier.
Types for information flow analysis, March 2002.
Course given at the Spring School on Semantics of Programming Languages, Agay, France.
PostScript ]
Vincent Simonet.
Information flow inference for ML, January 2002.
Talk given at POPL 2002, Portland, Oregon.
François Pottier.
Inférence de types à base de contraintes, November 2001.
Talk given at IRIT, Toulouse, France.
François Pottier.
“Typing-by-encoding” -- a reductionistic approach to building type systems, July 2000.
Talk given at IFIP WG 2.8, Seattle, Washington.
PostScript ]