
Module SubobjectOrdering

Various subobject orderings and their properties

Require Import Relations.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import LibPos.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import LibLists.
Require Import Cplusconcepts.
Require Import CplusWf.
Require Import Events.

Load Param.
Open Scope nat_scope.

Open Scope Z_scope.

Section SubobjectOrdering.

Variable A : ATOM.t.

Variable hier : PTree.t (Class.t A).

Inductive relptr_gt : (array_path A * Z * (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)) -> (array_path A * Z * (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)) -> Prop :=
| relptr_gt_cast : forall p1 cn,
  last p1 = Some cn ->
  forall h' p' to',
    path hier to' p' cn h' ->
    forall h1 hp2, hp2 = concat (h1, p1) (h', p') ->
      (h', p') <> (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, cn :: nil) ->
      forall ar i,
        relptr_gt (ar, i, hp2) (ar, i, (h1, p1))
| relptr_gt_array_path :
  forall ar2 ar1 l,
    ar2 = ar1 ++ l ->
    l <> nil ->
    forall i1 hp1 i2 hp2,
          relptr_gt (ar2, i2, hp2) (ar1, i1, hp1)

Lemma relptr_gt_trans : forall ap1 ap2, relptr_gt ap1 ap2 -> forall ap3, relptr_gt ap2 ap3 -> relptr_gt ap1 ap3.
  inversion 1; inversion 1; subst.

  case_eq (concat (h'0, p'0) (h', p')).
  generalize (path_last H11).
  assert (p'0 <> nil).
   intro; subst; simpl in *; discriminate.
  generalize (concat_last H5 H13).
  rewrite H0.
  rewrite H4.
  injection 1; intros; subst.
   eapply path_concat.
   rewrite H2.
  rewrite H13.
  rewrite concat_assoc.
  rewrite H2.
  rewrite <- H2.
  unfold concat.
  destruct h'.
   unfold plus.
   destruct h'0.
    inversion H1; subst.
    rewrite H4.
    destruct (peq to'0 to'0); try congruence.
    inversion H11; subst.
    destruct lf0.
    simpl; congruence.


  rewrite app_ass.
  destruct l0; simpl in H0.


Lemma relptr_gt_array : forall ar1 i1 hp1 ar2 i2 hp2,
  relptr_gt (ar1, i1, hp1) (ar2, i2, hp2) ->
  exists l, ar1 = ar2 ++ l.
  inversion 1; subst.
  exists nil.
  rewrite <- app_nil_end.

Lemma relptr_gt_min :
forall array array_index x1 t l,
     (array, array_index, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, x1 :: nil))
     (array, array_index, (t, l))
-> False.
   inversion 1.
    revert H7.
    inversion H6; subst.
     rewrite H5.
     destruct (peq cn cn).
      injection 1; intros; subst.
      destruct l; try discriminate.
      destruct l; try discriminate.
      destruct lf; try discriminate.
     destruct H8; trivial.
    destruct n; trivial.
    intro; discriminate.
   generalize (refl_equal (length array)).
   rewrite H2 at 1.
   rewrite app_length.
   destruct l0; simpl.
    destruct H7; trivial.
    intro; abstract omegaContradiction.

Section Irrefl.

Hypothesis hierarchy_wf : Well_formed_hierarchy.prop hier.

Lemma relptr_gt_irrefl : forall ar,
  relptr_gt ar ar -> False.
  inversion 1.
   generalize H3.
   Transparent concat.
   unfold concat.
   destruct h'.
    inversion H2; subst.
    rewrite H1.
    destruct (peq cn cn); try congruence.
    destruct lf.
    injection 1; intros.
    assert (length p1 = length (p1 ++ i0 :: lf)) by congruence.
    generalize H6.
    rewrite app_length.
    intros; omegaContradiction.
   injection 1; intros; subst.
   inversion H2; subst.
   generalize (Well_formed_hierarchy.path_le hierarchy_wf H4).
   generalize (Well_formed_hierarchy.is_virtual_base_of_lt hierarchy_wf H0).
   generalize (path_last H4).
   rewrite H1.
   injection 1; intros; subst.
   generalize (Plt_Ple _ _ H9).
   generalize (Ple_antisym H8 H10).
   eapply Well_formed_hierarchy.no_self_virtual_base.
  assert (length ar2 = length ar2) by trivial.
  generalize H6.
  rewrite H3 at 1.
  rewrite app_length.
  destruct l; simpl; intros; try congruence; omega.

End Irrefl.

Subobject inclusion

Inductive inclusion_order : ident -> Z -> (array_path A * Z * (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)) -> (array_path A * Z * (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)) -> Prop :=
| inclusion_order_non_virtual :
  forall afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto,
    valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
    forall p1 pto', path (hier) pto' p1 pto Class.Inheritance.Repeated ->
      forall h' p', (h', p') = concat (h, p) (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, p1) ->
        inclusion_order afrom zfrom (apath, i, (h', p')) (apath, i, (h, p))
| inclusion_order_virtual :
  forall to to_n from from_n ar,
    valid_array_path (hier) to to_n from from_n ar ->
    forall i, 0 <= i < to_n ->
      forall cn, is_virtual_base_of (hier) cn to ->
     inclusion_order from from_n (ar, i, (Class.Inheritance.Shared, cn :: nil)) (ar, i, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, to :: nil))
| inclusion_order_field :
  forall afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto,
    valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
    forall c, (hier) ! pto = Some c ->
      forall fs, In fs (Class.fields c) ->
        forall cn n,
        FieldSignature.type fs = FieldSignature.Struct cn n ->
        forall j, 0 <= j < Zpos n ->
          forall apath', apath' = apath ++ (i, (h, p), fs) :: nil ->
            inclusion_order afrom zfrom (apath', j, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, cn :: nil)) (apath, i, (h, p))

Lemma inclusion_order_refl : forall afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto,
  valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
  inclusion_order afrom zfrom (apath, i, (h, p)) (apath, i, (h, p)).
  inversion H.
  generalize (path_defined_to H3).
  eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
  eleft with (lt := nil).
  simpl ; reflexivity.
  revert H4.
  destruct ((hier) ! pto); congruence.
  rewrite (path_last H3).
  destruct (peq pto pto); try congruence.
  rewrite <- app_nil_end.

Definition inclusion cn z := clos_trans _ (inclusion_order cn z).

Lemma inclusion_trans : forall cn z o1 o2, inclusion cn z o1 o2 -> forall o3, inclusion cn z o2 o3 -> inclusion cn z o1 o3.
  eapply t_trans; eauto.

Lemma inclusion_refl : forall afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto,
  valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
  inclusion afrom zfrom (apath, i, (h, p)) (apath, i, (h, p)).
  intros; eapply t_step; eauto using inclusion_order_refl.

Lemma inclusion_lexical_order : forall cn z a1 i1 h1 p1 a2 i2 h2 p2, inclusion cn z (a1, i1, (h1, p1)) (a2, i2, (h2, p2)) ->
  (List.length a2 < List.length a1)%nat \/ a2 = a1 /\ i2 = i1 /\ (
    h1 = Class.Inheritance.Shared /\ h2 = Class.Inheritance.Repeated \/ (
      h1 = h2 /\ ((List.length p2 < List.length p1)%nat \/ p2 = p1)
  revert H.
  var (a1, i1, (h1, p1)).
  var (a2, i2, (h2, p2)).
  intro Hincl.
  revert a1 i1 h1 p1 H a2 i2 h2 p2 H0.
  induction Hincl.
   intros; subst.
   inversion H; intros; subst.
    simpl in H12.
    unfold Cplusconcepts.plus in H12.
    inversion H5.
    rewrite (path_last H3) in H12.
    inversion H11; subst.
    destruct (peq pto pto); try abstract congruence.
    injection H12; intros; subst.
    repeat (split; auto).
    split; auto.
    destruct lf.
     rewrite <- app_nil_end.
    rewrite app_length.
   repeat (split; auto).
  rewrite app_length.

 destruct y.
 destruct p.
 destruct p0.
 intros; subst.
 generalize (IHHincl2 _ _ _ _ (refl_equal _) _ _ _ _ (refl_equal _)).
 generalize (IHHincl1 _ _ _ _ (refl_equal _) _ _ _ _ (refl_equal _)).
 destruct 1.
  destruct 1.
   left; omega.
  destruct H0; subst; left; omega.
 invall; subst.
 destruct 1.
  left; assumption.
 invall; subst.
 split; auto.
 split; auto.
 destruct H2.
  invall; subst.
  destruct H3.
   invall; discriminate.
  invall; subst.
 invall; subst.
 destruct H3.
  left; assumption.
 invall; subst.
 destruct H2.
  destruct H1.
   left; omega.
  left; subst; omega.
 subst; assumption.

Lemma inclusion_antisym : forall cn z o1 o2, inclusion cn z o1 o2 -> inclusion cn z o2 o1 -> o1 = o2.
  destruct o1.
  destruct p0.
  destruct p.
  destruct o2.
  destruct p0.
  destruct p.
  generalize (inclusion_lexical_order H).
  generalize (inclusion_lexical_order H0).
  destruct 1.
   destruct 1.
   invall; subst; omegaContradiction.
  invall; subst.
  destruct 1.
  invall; subst.
  destruct H4.
   invall; subst.
   destruct H5; invall; discriminate.
  invall; subst.
  destruct H5.
   invall; subst; discriminate.
  invall; subst.
  destruct H6.
   destruct H5; subst; omegaContradiction.
  subst; trivial.

Lemma inclusion_inheritance_subobject_of_full_object : forall to to_n from from_n ar,
  valid_array_path (hier) to to_n from from_n ar ->
  forall i, 0 <= i < to_n ->
    forall pto h p, path (hier) pto p to h ->
      inclusion from from_n (ar, i, (h, p)) (ar, i, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, to :: nil)).
   generalize (path_path1 H1).
   inversion 1; subst.
    eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
    abstract omega.
    abstract omega.
    2 : eassumption.
    eleft with (lt := nil).
    revert H5.
    destruct ((hier) ! to); abstract congruence.
    symmetry. eapply concat_trivial_left.
   inversion H4; subst.
   eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
   abstract omega.
   abstract omega.
   eleft with (lf := nil) (lt := nil).
   revert H7.
   destruct ((hier) ! base); abstract congruence.
   destruct (peq base base); abstract congruence.
   eapply inclusion_order_virtual.
   split; abstract omega.

Lemma inclusion_subobject_of_array_path_full_object : forall a to to_n ato i h' p' pto,
  valid_relative_pointer (hier) to to_n a ato i h' p' pto ->
  forall from from_n ar,
    valid_array_path (hier) to to_n from from_n ar ->
    exists j, 0 <= j < to_n /\
      inclusion from from_n (ar ++ a, i, (h', p')) (ar, j, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, to :: nil)).
  induction a.
   inversion 1.
   inversion H0; subst.
   rewrite <- app_nil_end.
   eexact H1.
   abstract omega.
   eapply inclusion_inheritance_subobject_of_full_object.
   abstract omega.
  destruct a.
  destruct p.
  inversion H; subst.
  inversion H1; subst.
  assert (valid_relative_pointer (hier) by (Zpos by_n) a0 ato i h' p' pto).
  assert (valid_array_path (hier) by (Zpos by_n) from from_n (ar ++ (z, (h, l), t) :: nil)).
   eapply valid_array_path_concat.
   compute. abstract congruence.
   abstract omega.
  generalize (IHa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H5 _ _ _ H6).
  destruct 1.
  destruct H7.
  rewrite app_ass in H8.
  simpl in H8.
  exists z.
  eapply inclusion_order_field.
  eexact H0.
 eapply inclusion_inheritance_subobject_of_full_object.

Corollary inclusion_subobject_of_full_object : forall a to to_n ato i h' p' pto,
  valid_relative_pointer (hier) to to_n a ato i h' p' pto ->
  exists j, 0 <= j < to_n /\
    inclusion to to_n (a, i, (h', p')) (nil, j, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, to :: nil)).
  change a with (nil ++ a).
  eapply inclusion_subobject_of_array_path_full_object.
  inversion H.
  eauto using valid_array_path_nonnegative_from.

Lemma inclusion_relative_pointer_alt : forall afrom zfrom ato pto j h p f, valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato pto (relative_pointer_alt_intro j (h, p) f) ->
  inclusion afrom zfrom (relative_pointer_of_relative_pointer_alt (relative_pointer_alt_intro j (h, p) f)) (nil, j, (h, p)).
  inversion 1; subst; simpl.
  destruct f.
   destruct p0.
   destruct p0.
   destruct p0.
   destruct p1.
   invall; subst.
   inversion H7; subst.
   assert (valid_array_path (hier) x0 (Zpos x1) afrom zfrom ((j, (h, p), t) :: nil)).
    compute; abstract congruence.
    abstract omega.
   generalize (inclusion_subobject_of_array_path_full_object H7 H11).
   destruct 1.
   destruct H12.
   simpl in H13.
   eapply inclusion_order_field.
   2 : eapply Zle_refl.
   abstract omega.
 destruct H7.
 eapply inclusion_refl.
 2 : eapply Zle_refl.
 abstract omega.


Sibling subobjects (in construction order) ("appears before")

Inductive lifetime_order_horizontal : ident -> Z -> (array_path A * Z * (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)) -> (array_path A * Z * (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)) -> Prop :=

| lifetime_order_horizontal_array_path : forall to to_n from from_n ar,
   valid_array_path (hier) to to_n from from_n ar ->
   forall i1, 0 <= i1 -> forall i2, i1 < i2 -> i2 < to_n ->
     lifetime_order_horizontal from from_n (ar, i1, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, to :: nil)) (ar, i2, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, to :: nil))

| lifetime_order_horizontal_field : forall afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto,
    valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
    forall c, (hier) ! pto = Some c ->
      forall l0 l1 fs1 fs2 l2, (Class.fields c) = l0 ++ fs1 :: l1 ++ fs2 :: l2 ->
        forall cn1 n1,
        FieldSignature.type fs1 = FieldSignature.Struct cn1 n1 ->
        forall j1, 0 <= j1 < Zpos n1 ->
          forall apath1, apath1 = apath ++ (i, (h, p), fs1) :: nil ->
            forall cn2 n2,
              FieldSignature.type fs2 = FieldSignature.Struct cn2 n2 ->
              forall j2, 0 <= j2 < Zpos n2 ->
                forall apath2, apath2 = apath ++ (i, (h, p), fs2) :: nil ->
                  lifetime_order_horizontal afrom zfrom (apath1, j1, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, cn1 :: nil)) (apath2, j2, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, cn2 :: nil))

| lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_base : forall to to_n from from_n ar,
   valid_array_path (hier) to to_n from from_n ar ->
   forall i, 0 <= i < to_n ->
     forall c, (hier) ! to = Some c ->
       forall l0 l1 cn1 cn2 l2, vborder_list (hier) (Class.super c) (l0 ++ cn1 :: l1 ++ cn2 :: l2) ->
         lifetime_order_horizontal from from_n (ar, i, (Class.Inheritance.Shared, cn1 :: nil)) (ar, i, (Class.Inheritance.Shared, cn2 :: nil))

| lifetime_order_horizontal_non_virtual_base : forall afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto,
    valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
    forall c, (hier) ! pto = Some c ->
      forall l0 l1 fs1 fs2 l2, map (fun hb : Class.Inheritance.t * ident => let (_, b) := hb in b) (filter (fun hb : _ * ident =>
          match hb with
            | (Class.Inheritance.Shared, _) => false
            | _ => true
      ) (Class.super c)) = l0 ++ fs1 :: l1 ++ fs2 :: l2 ->
      forall p'1, p'1 = p ++ fs1 :: nil ->
        forall p'2, p'2 = p ++ fs2 :: nil ->
          lifetime_order_horizontal afrom zfrom (apath, i, (h, p'1)) (apath, i, (h, p'2))

| lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_non_virtual_base : forall to to_n from from_n ar,
   valid_array_path (hier) to to_n from from_n ar ->
   forall i, 0 <= i < to_n ->
     forall vb, is_virtual_base_of (hier) vb to ->
       forall c, (hier) ! to = Some c ->
         forall nvb, In (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, nvb) (Class.super c) ->
           lifetime_order_horizontal from from_n (ar, i, (Class.Inheritance.Shared, vb :: nil)) (ar, i, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, to :: nvb :: nil))

| lifetime_order_horizontal_non_virtual_base_field : forall afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto,
    valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
    forall c, (hier) ! pto = Some c ->
      forall fs1, In (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, fs1) (Class.super c) ->
        forall fs, In fs (Class.fields c) ->
          forall fs2 n2, FieldSignature.type fs = FieldSignature.Struct fs2 n2 ->
            forall i2, 0 <= i2 < Zpos n2 ->
              forall p'1, p'1 = p ++ fs1 :: nil ->
                forall apath2, apath2 = apath ++ (i, (h, p), fs) :: nil ->
                  lifetime_order_horizontal afrom zfrom (apath, i, (h, p'1)) (apath2, i2, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, fs2 :: nil))

| lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_base_field : forall to to_n from from_n ar,
   valid_array_path (hier) to to_n from from_n ar ->
   forall i, 0 <= i < to_n ->
     forall fs1, is_virtual_base_of (hier) fs1 to ->
      forall c, (hier) ! to = Some c ->
        forall fs, In fs (Class.fields c) ->
          forall fs2 n2, FieldSignature.type fs = FieldSignature.Struct fs2 n2 ->
            forall i2, 0 <= i2 < Zpos n2 ->
              forall apath2, apath2 = ar ++ (i, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, to :: nil), fs) :: nil ->
                lifetime_order_horizontal from from_n (ar, i, (Class.Inheritance.Shared, fs1 :: nil)) (apath2, i2, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, fs2 :: nil))

Subobject lifetime relation ("R" in technical report, <= in POPL 2012 submission)

Inductive lifetime : ident -> Z -> (array_path A * Z * (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)) -> (array_path A * Z * (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)) -> Prop :=
| lifetime_vertical : forall afrom zfrom o1 o2,
  inclusion afrom zfrom o1 o2 ->
  lifetime afrom zfrom o1 o2
| lifetime_horizontal : forall afrom zfrom o1 o2,
  lifetime_order_horizontal afrom zfrom o1 o2 ->
  forall o'1, inclusion afrom zfrom o'1 o1 ->
  forall o'2, inclusion afrom zfrom o'2 o2 ->
    lifetime afrom zfrom o'1 o'2

Lemma lifetime_inclusion : forall afrom zfrom o1 o2,
  lifetime afrom zfrom o1 o2 ->
  forall o0,
    inclusion afrom zfrom o0 o1 ->
    lifetime afrom zfrom o0 o2.
  inversion 1; subst.
  eauto using inclusion_trans.
  eauto using inclusion_trans.

Lemma inclusion_order_array_path_prefix : forall afrom zfrom apath i h p apath' i' h' p',
  inclusion_order afrom zfrom (apath', i', (h', p')) (apath, i, (h, p)) ->
  forall afrom0 zfrom0 apath0, valid_array_path (hier) afrom zfrom afrom0 zfrom0 apath0 ->
    inclusion_order afrom0 zfrom0 (apath0 ++ apath', i', (h', p')) (apath0 ++ apath, i, (h, p)).
  inversion 1; subst.
   inversion H5; subst.
   eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
   econstructor; eauto using valid_array_path_concat.
  eapply inclusion_order_virtual; eauto using valid_array_path_concat.
 inversion H9; subst.
 eapply inclusion_order_field.
 econstructor; eauto using valid_array_path_concat.
 rewrite app_ass.

Corollary inclusion_array_path_prefix : forall afrom zfrom apath i h p apath' i' h' p',
  inclusion afrom zfrom (apath', i', (h', p')) (apath, i, (h, p)) ->
  forall afrom0 zfrom0 apath0, valid_array_path (hier) afrom zfrom afrom0 zfrom0 apath0 ->
    inclusion afrom0 zfrom0 (apath0 ++ apath', i', (h', p')) (apath0 ++ apath, i, (h, p)).
  intros until 1.
  revert H.
  var (apath', i', (h', p')).
  var (apath, i, (h, p)).
  revert apath i h p apath' i' h' p' H H0.
  induction x; intros; subst.
   eapply t_step; eauto using inclusion_order_array_path_prefix.
  destruct y.
  destruct p0.
  destruct p1.
  eapply t_trans.
   eapply IHx1.
  eapply IHx2.

Lemma lifetime_horizontal_array_path_prefix : forall afrom zfrom apath i h p apath' i' h' p',
  lifetime_order_horizontal afrom zfrom (apath', i', (h', p')) (apath, i, (h, p)) ->
  forall afrom0 zfrom0 apath0, valid_array_path (hier) afrom zfrom afrom0 zfrom0 apath0 ->
    lifetime_order_horizontal afrom0 zfrom0 (apath0 ++ apath', i', (h', p')) (apath0 ++ apath, i, (h, p)).
  inversion 1; subst.

   eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_array_path; eauto using valid_array_path_concat.

  inversion H8; subst.
  eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_field; eauto.
   eapply valid_array_path_concat.
   2: eassumption.
   rewrite app_ass. reflexivity.
   rewrite app_ass. reflexivity.

   eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_base; eauto using valid_array_path_concat.

  inversion H8; subst.
  eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_non_virtual_base; eauto.
   eapply valid_array_path_concat.
   2: eassumption.

  eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_non_virtual_base; eauto using valid_array_path_concat.

  inversion H10; subst.
  eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_non_virtual_base_field; eauto.
   eapply valid_array_path_concat.
   2: eassumption.
  rewrite app_ass. reflexivity.

  eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_base_field; eauto using valid_array_path_concat.
  rewrite app_ass.


Corollary lifetime_array_path_prefix : forall afrom zfrom apath i h p apath' i' h' p',
  lifetime afrom zfrom (apath', i', (h', p')) (apath, i, (h, p)) ->
  forall afrom0 zfrom0 apath0, valid_array_path (hier) afrom zfrom afrom0 zfrom0 apath0 ->
    lifetime afrom0 zfrom0 (apath0 ++ apath', i', (h', p')) (apath0 ++ apath, i, (h, p)).
  inversion 1; subst.
   intros; eleft; eauto using inclusion_array_path_prefix.
  destruct o1.
  destruct p0.
  destruct p1.
  destruct o2.
  destruct p0.
  destruct p1.
   eapply lifetime_horizontal_array_path_prefix.
  eauto using inclusion_array_path_prefix.
  eauto using inclusion_array_path_prefix.

     Remark distinct_paths_cases : forall (A : Type) (aeq : forall a1 a2 : A, {a1 = a2} + {a1 <> a2}) (l1 l2 : _ A),
       (length l1 <= length l2)%nat ->
       l1 <> l2 ->
       {a : _ & {l2' | l2 = l1 ++ a :: l2'}} +
       {l : _ & { a1 : _ & { a2 : _ & { l1' : _ & { l2' |
         l1 = l ++ a1 :: l1' /\ l2 = l ++ a2 :: l2' /\ a1 <> a2}}}}}.
       induction l1 ; simpl.
       destruct l2 ; simpl.
       intros _ _.
       destruct l2 ; simpl.
       intros until 2.
       destruct (aeq a a0).
       assert (length l1 <= length l2)%nat by omega.
       assert (l1 <> l2) by congruence.
       destruct (IHl1 _ H1 H2).
       destruct s.
       destruct s.
       destruct s.
       destruct s.
       destruct s.
       destruct s.
       destruct s.
       destruct a.
       destruct H4.
       exists (a0 :: x).
       exists (@nil A0).

Section Lifetime_total.

Hypothesis hierarchy_wf : Well_formed_hierarchy.prop (hier).

Lemma lifetime_inheritance_subobject : forall afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto,
    valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
    forall h1 p1 pto', path (hier) pto' p1 pto h1 ->
      forall h' p', (h', p') = concat (h, p) (h1, p1) ->
        lifetime afrom zfrom (apath, i, (h', p')) (apath, i, (h, p)).
  generalize (path_path1 H0).
  inversion 1; subst.
   eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
  injection H1; intros; subst.
  inversion H4; subst.
  inversion H; subst.
  assert (is_virtual_base_of hier base ato) by eauto using path_is_virtual_base_of.
  assert (valid_relative_pointer hier afrom zfrom apath ato i Class.Inheritance.Shared (base :: nil) base
   eleft with (lt := nil).
   generalize (path_defined_from H4).
   destruct (hier ! base); congruence.
  assert (inclusion afrom zfrom (apath, i, (Class.Inheritance.Shared, base :: lf)) (apath, i, (Class.Inheritance.Shared, base :: nil))) as Hi.
   eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
   destruct (peq base base); congruence.
  generalize (path_path1 H10).
  inversion 1; subst.
   functional inversion H16; subst.
    eapply inclusion_order_virtual.
    split; assumption.
   eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_non_virtual_base.
   split; eassumption.
  case_eq (last (id2 :: l3)).
   destruct (last_correct H14).
   eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
   eleft with (lt := ato :: nil).
   simpl; reflexivity.
   rewrite H19.
   rewrite H22.
   revert X.
   destruct (hier ! id2); congruence.
 destruct (peq id2 id2); congruence.
 assert (id2 :: l3 <> nil) by congruence.
 generalize (last_nonempty H17).
 intro; contradiction.
inversion H15; subst.
generalize (path_defined_from H10).
case_eq (hier ! ato); try contradiction.
clear H16.
destruct (Well_formed_hierarchy.vborder_list_exists hierarchy_wf H16).
assert (is_virtual_base_of hier base base0) by eauto using path_is_virtual_base_of.
generalize (vborder_list_bases_first v (virtual_base_vborder_list H14 H16 v) H19).
destruct 1.
invall; subst.
eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_base.
split; eassumption.
eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
eleft with (lt := nil).
generalize (path_defined_from H15).
destruct (hier ! base0); congruence.
simpl. destruct (peq base0 base0); congruence.

Lemma inclusion_field_subobject : forall afrom zfrom apath ato i h' p' pto',
  valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h' p' pto' ->
  forall c, hier ! pto' = Some c ->
    forall f, In f (Class.fields c) ->
      forall cl sz, FieldSignature.type f = FieldSignature.Struct cl sz ->
        forall a'' ato'' i'' h'' p'' pto'',
          valid_relative_pointer hier cl (Zpos sz) a'' ato'' i'' h'' p'' pto'' ->
          inclusion afrom zfrom (apath ++ (i, (h', p'), f) :: a'', i'', (h'', p'')) (apath, i, (h', p')).
  destruct (inclusion_subobject_of_full_object H3).
  inversion H; subst.
  inversion H3; subst.
  replace (apath ++ (i, (h', p'), f) :: a'') with ((apath ++ (i, (h', p'), f) :: nil) ++ a'').
  eapply inclusion_array_path_prefix.
  eapply valid_array_path_concat.
  rewrite app_ass; trivial.
 rewrite app_ass.
 eapply inclusion_order_field.
 split; assumption.

Corollary lifetime_field_subobject : forall afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto,
    valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
    forall h1 p1 pto', path (hier) pto' p1 pto h1 ->
      forall h' p', (h', p') = concat (h, p) (h1, p1) ->
        forall c, hier ! pto' = Some c ->
          forall f, In f (Class.fields c) ->
            forall cl sz, FieldSignature.type f = FieldSignature.Struct cl sz ->
              forall a'' ato'' i'' h'' p'' pto'',
              valid_relative_pointer hier cl (Zpos sz) a'' ato'' i'' h'' p'' pto'' ->
              lifetime afrom zfrom (apath ++ (i, (h', p'), f) :: a'', i'', (h'', p'')) (apath, i, (h, p)).
  eapply lifetime_inclusion.
  eauto using lifetime_inheritance_subobject.
  inversion H; subst.
  eapply inclusion_field_subobject.
  eauto using path_concat.

Section Is_subobject_of.

Variable afrom : ident.
Variable zfrom : Z.

Inductive is_subobject_of : (array_path A * Z * (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)) -> (array_path A * Z * (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)) -> Prop :=
| is_subobject_if_base : forall apath ato i h p pto,
    valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
    forall h1 p1 pto', path (hier) pto' p1 pto h1 ->
      forall h' p', (h', p') = concat (h, p) (h1, p1) ->
        is_subobject_of (apath, i, (h', p')) (apath, i, (h, p))
| is_subobject_of_field : forall apath ato i h p pto,
  valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath ato i h p pto ->
  forall h1 p1 pto', path (hier) pto' p1 pto h1 ->
    forall h' p', (h', p') = concat (h, p) (h1, p1) ->
      forall c, hier ! pto' = Some c ->
        forall f, In f (Class.fields c) ->
          forall cl sz, FieldSignature.type f = FieldSignature.Struct cl sz ->
            forall a'' ato'' i'' h'' p'' pto'',
              valid_relative_pointer hier cl (Zpos sz) a'' ato'' i'' h'' p'' pto'' ->
              forall apath'', apath'' = apath ++ (i, (h', p'), f) :: a'' ->
              is_subobject_of (apath'', i'', (h'', p'')) (apath, i, (h, p))

Theorem lifetime_subobject : forall arihp1 arihp2,
  is_subobject_of arihp1 arihp2 ->
  lifetime afrom zfrom arihp1 arihp2.
  inversion 1; subst;
  eauto using lifetime_inheritance_subobject,

End Is_subobject_of.

POPL 2012 submission: Lemma 10

Theorem lifetime_total : forall apath1 afrom zfrom ato1 i1 h1 p1 pto1,
    valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath1 ato1 i1 h1 p1 pto1 ->
    forall apath2 ato2 i2 h2 p2 pto2,
    valid_relative_pointer (hier) afrom zfrom apath2 ato2 i2 h2 p2 pto2 ->
    lifetime afrom zfrom (apath1, i1, (h1, p1)) (apath2, i2, (h2, p2)) \/
    lifetime afrom zfrom (apath2, i2, (h2, p2)) (apath1, i1, (h1, p1)).
 generalize (refl_equal (length apath1)).
 generalize (length apath1) at 1.
 revert apath1.
 induction n using (well_founded_induction lt_wf).
  rewrite <- (relative_pointer_default_to_alt_to_default).
  rewrite <- (relative_pointer_default_to_alt_to_default).
  generalize (valid_relative_pointer_valid_relative_pointer_alt H1).
  clear H1.
  generalize (valid_relative_pointer_valid_relative_pointer_alt H2).
  clear H2.
  revert H0.
  rewrite <- (relative_pointer_alt_length_correct apath1 i1 (h1, p1)).
  generalize (relative_pointer_alt_of_relative_pointer apath1 i1 (h1, p1)).
  generalize (relative_pointer_alt_of_relative_pointer apath2 i2 (h2, p2)).
  clear apath1 i1 h1 p1 apath2 i2 h2 p2.
  destruct r.
  destruct r.
  destruct (Z_eq_dec i i0).

   Focus 2.
   clear H0.
   revert i p f i0 p0 f0 n0 ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2 H1 H2.
   cut (
      forall (i : Z) (p : Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)
     (f : option
            (FieldSignature.t A * array_path A * Z *
             (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident))) (i0 : Z)
     (p0 : Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)
     (f0 : option
             (FieldSignature.t A * array_path A * Z *
              (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident))),
   i < i0 ->
   forall ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2 : ident,
   valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato2 pto2
     (relative_pointer_alt_intro i p f) ->
   valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato1 pto1
     (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 p0 f0) ->
     lifetime afrom zfrom
       (relative_pointer_alt_intro i p f))
       (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 p0 f0))
    destruct (Z_lt_dec i i0).
     eauto 8.
    assert (i0 < i) by abstract omega.
   inversion H1; subst.
   inversion H2; subst.
    eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_array_path.
    2 : eapply Zle_refl.
    abstract omega.
    eapply H6.
    eexact H0.
    eapply inclusion_relative_pointer_alt.
   eapply inclusion_inheritance_subobject_of_full_object.
   2 : eapply Zle_refl.
   abstract omega.
    eapply inclusion_relative_pointer_alt.
   eapply inclusion_inheritance_subobject_of_full_object.
   2 : eapply Zle_refl.
   abstract omega.
   destruct p0.
   destruct p.
   destruct (Class.Inheritance.eq_dec t t0).

   Focus 2.
   intros _.
   revert t t0 l0 f l f0 n0 ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2.
   cut (forall
      (l0 : list ident)
     (f : option
            (FieldSignature.t A * array_path A * Z *
             (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident))) (l : list ident)
     (f0 : option
             (FieldSignature.t A * array_path A * Z *
              (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident))) ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2,
   valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato2 pto2
     (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, l0) f) ->
   valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato1 pto1
     (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Shared, l) f0) ->
   lifetime afrom zfrom
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Shared, l) f0))
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, l0) f))
    intros; destruct t; destruct t0; try abstract congruence; eauto.
   inversion H0; subst.
   inversion H1; subst.
   generalize (path_path1 H12).
   inversion 1; subst.
   inversion H4; subst.
   inversion H8; subst.
   assert (inclusion afrom zfrom
       (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Shared, base :: lf)
     (nil, i0, (Class.Inheritance.Shared, base :: nil))
    eapply inclusion_relative_pointer_alt.
   eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
   2 : eapply Zle_refl.
   abstract omega.
    eleft with (lt := nil).
    generalize H15.
    destruct ((hier) ! base); abstract congruence.
   eexact H4.
   destruct (peq base base); abstract congruence.
  destruct lf0.

   destruct f.
     destruct p.
     destruct p.
     destruct p.
     destruct p0.
     invall; subst.
     generalize (refl_equal (last (afrom :: nil))).
     rewrite H16 at 1.
     rewrite last_complete.
     injection 1; intros; subst.
     var (
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Shared, base :: lf)
     assert (exists j, 0 <= j < Zpos x1 /\ inclusion afrom zfrom ((i0, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, afrom :: nil), t) :: a, z, (t0, l)) ((i0, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, afrom :: nil), t) :: nil, j, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, x0 :: nil))).
     change (
       (i0, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, afrom :: nil), t) :: a
     ) with (
       ((i0, (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, afrom :: nil), t) :: nil) ++ a
     eapply inclusion_subobject_of_array_path_full_object.
     compute; abstract congruence.
     eapply Zle_refl.
    destruct H23.
    destruct H23.
    eapply lifetime_horizontal.
    eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_base_field.
    3 : eexact (conj H6 H7).
    abstract omega.
    abstract omega.

    eapply lifetime_vertical.
    eapply inclusion_trans.
    eapply inclusion_order_virtual.
    3 : split; eassumption.
    abstract omega.
    abstract omega.

   functional inversion H17; subst.
   destruct lt0; simpl in H16; try discriminate.
   injection H16; intros; subst.
   eapply lifetime_horizontal.
   eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_non_virtual_base.
   3 : eassumption.
   3 : eassumption.
   3 : eassumption.
   3 : eassumption.
   2 : split; eassumption.
   abstract omega.
   abstract omega.
   eapply inclusion_relative_pointer_alt.
   eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
   2 : eapply Zle_refl.
   abstract omega.
   eleft with (lt := i1 :: nil).
   revert X.
   rewrite H22.
   rewrite H25.
   destruct ((hier) ! i); abstract congruence.
  destruct (peq i i); abstract congruence.

  destruct (list_eq_dec peq l0 l).
   cut (
     forall ato1 pto1 f1,
       valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato1 pto1
       (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, l) (Some f1)) ->
       lifetime afrom zfrom
         (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, l) (Some f1)))
         (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, l) None))
   destruct f; destruct f0; eauto; simpl in *.
    destruct p.
    destruct p.
     destruct p.
     destruct p0.
     destruct p.
     destruct p.
    inversion H2; subst.
    destruct p1.
    invall; subst.
    inversion H3; subst.
    destruct p0.
    invall; subst.
    destruct (FieldSignature.eq_dec t1 t).
     assert (length a0 < S (length a0))%nat by abstract omega.
     replace x4 with x1 in * by abstract congruence.
     replace x3 with x0 in * by abstract congruence.
     assert (valid_array_path (hier) x0 (Zpos x1) afrom zfrom ((i0, (t0, l), t) :: nil)).
      compute; abstract congruence.
      apply Zle_refl.
     change (
       (i0, (t0, l), t) :: a0
     ) with (
       ((i0, (t0, l), t) :: nil) ++ a0
     change (
       (i0, (t0, l), t) :: a
     ) with (
       ((i0, (t0, l), t) :: nil) ++ a
     destruct (H _ H13 _ (refl_equal _) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H17 _ _ _ _ _ _ H7);
      eauto using lifetime_array_path_prefix.
     generalize (path_last H10).
     generalize (path_last H16).
     replace through0 with through in * by abstract congruence.
     replace x2 with x in * by abstract congruence.
     clear H2 H3.
     clear H.
     revert t H1 x0 x1 H5 t1 H6 x3 x4 H12 n a0 z0 t3 l1 a z t2 l0 ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2 H7 H17.
     cut (
       forall fl0 t1 fl1 t2 fl4,
         Class.fields x = fl0 ++ t1 :: fl1 ++ t2 :: fl4 ->
         forall (x0 : ident) (x1 : positive),
           FieldSignature.type t1 = FieldSignature.Struct x0 x1 ->
           forall (x3 : ident) (x4 : positive),
             FieldSignature.type t2 = FieldSignature.Struct x3 x4 ->
             forall (a0 : array_path A) (z0 : Z) (t3 : Class.Inheritance.t)
               (l1 : list ident) (a : array_path A) (z : Z) (t4 : Class.Inheritance.t)
               (l0 : list ident) (ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2 : ident),
               valid_relative_pointer (A:=A) (hier) x0
               (Zpos x1) a ato2 z t4 l0 pto2 ->
               valid_relative_pointer (A:=A) (hier) x3
               (Zpos x4) a0 ato1 z0 t3 l1 pto1 ->
               lifetime afrom zfrom ((i0, (t0, l), t2) :: a0, z0, (t3, l1))
               ((i0, (t0, l), t1) :: a, z, (t4, l0)) \/
               lifetime afrom zfrom ((i0, (t0, l), t1) :: a, z, (t4, l0))
               ((i0, (t0, l), t2) :: a0, z0, (t3, l1))
      destruct (list_lt_total (@FieldSignature.eq_dec _) H6 H1); try contradiction.
      unfold list_lt in s.
       destruct s;
       invall; subst; eauto.
       assert (forall A B : Prop, A \/ B -> B \/ A) by tauto.
      assert (
        valid_array_path (A:=A) (hier) x0
        (Zpos x1) afrom zfrom ((i0, (t0, l), t1) :: nil)
       rewrite H; eauto using in_or_app.
       compute; abstract congruence.
       abstract omega.
      assert (
        valid_array_path (A:=A) (hier) x3
        (Zpos x4) afrom zfrom ((i0, (t0, l), t2) :: nil)
       rewrite H; eauto 6 using in_or_app.
       compute; abstract congruence.
       abstract omega.
      generalize (inclusion_subobject_of_array_path_full_object H3 H6).
      intros; invall; subst.
      generalize (inclusion_subobject_of_array_path_full_object H5 H7).
      intros; invall; subst.
      simpl in H19, H22.
      eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_field.
      2 : eapply Zle_refl.
      abstract omega.
      2 : eassumption.
      2 : eassumption.
      2 : eassumption.

  eapply inclusion_refl.
  eauto using valid_relative_pointer_alt_valid_relative_pointer.

  inversion 1; subst.
  destruct f1.
  destruct p.
  destruct p.
  destruct p0.
  invall; subst.
  assert (
    valid_array_path (hier) x0 (Zpos x1) afrom zfrom ((i0, (t0, l), t) :: nil)
   econstructor; eauto.
   compute; abstract congruence.
   eapply Zle_refl.
  generalize (inclusion_subobject_of_array_path_full_object H8 H4).
  simpl; intro; invall; subst.
  eapply inclusion_order_field.
  2 : eapply Zle_refl.
  abstract omega.

intros _.
clear H.
 revert l0 l n0 ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2 f f0.
 cut (
   forall l0 l : list ident,
     l0 <> l ->
     (length l0 <= length l)%nat ->
   forall (ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2 : ident)
      f0 : option
             (FieldSignature.t A * array_path A * Z *
              (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident))),
   valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato2 pto2
     (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, l0) f) ->
   valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato1 pto1
     (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, l) f0) ->
   lifetime afrom zfrom
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, l) f0))
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, l0) f)) \/
   lifetime afrom zfrom
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, l0) f))
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, l) f0))
  destruct (le_lt_dec (length l0) (length l)).
  assert (length l <= length l0)%nat by abstract omega.
  assert (l <> l0) by abstract congruence.
  assert (forall A B : Prop, A \/ B -> B \/ A) by tauto.
 intros until 2.
 destruct (distinct_paths_cases peq H0 H).

  destruct s.
  destruct s.
  generalize (inclusion_relative_pointer_alt H2).
  inversion H1; subst.
  inversion H2; subst.
  generalize (path_last H10).
  destruct (last_correct H4).
  assert (
    is_valid_repeated_subobject (hier) (x1 ++ through :: x :: x0) = true
   generalize (path_path0 H14).
   rewrite app_ass.
   inversion 1; subst; assumption.
  generalize (is_valid_repeated_subobject_split_right H5).
  functional inversion 1; subst.
  assert (
    path (hier) through0 (x :: x0) x Class.Inheritance.Repeated
   generalize (path_last H14).
   rewrite last_app_left; try abstract congruence.
   destruct (last_correct H7).
  destruct f.
    destruct p.
    destruct p.
    destruct p.
    destruct p0.
    invall; subst.
    replace x2 with cl1 in * by abstract congruence.
    assert (
      valid_array_path (hier) x3 (Zpos x4) afrom zfrom ((i0, (t0, x1 ++ through :: nil), t) :: nil)
     compute; abstract congruence.
     abstract omega.
    generalize (inclusion_subobject_of_array_path_full_object H20 H18).
    intro; invall; subst.
    simpl in H24.
     eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_non_virtual_base_field.
     2 : eassumption.
     2 : eapply Zle_refl.
     abstract omega.
     2 : eassumption.
      2 : eassumption.
    eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
    2 : eexact H7.
    3 : eassumption.
    2 : eapply Zle_refl.
    abstract omega.
    eapply path_concat.
    eexact H10.
    eleft with (lt := through :: nil).
    rewrite H11.
    rewrite H22.
    revert X.
    destruct ((hier) ! x); abstract congruence.
    rewrite last_complete.
    destruct (peq through through); try abstract congruence.
    rewrite last_complete.
    destruct (peq x x); try abstract congruence.
    rewrite app_ass.
    rewrite app_ass.
    rewrite app_ass.

  generalize (path_last H7).
  destruct (last_correct H16).
  eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
  2 : eapply Zle_refl.
  abstract omega.
  eleft with (lf := x :: x0) (lt := through :: x2).
  rewrite e.
  rewrite last_complete.
  destruct (peq through through); try abstract congruence.

clear H H0.
destruct s.
destruct s.
destruct s.
destruct s.
destruct s.
invall; subst.
destruct x.
 change (nil ++ x0 :: x2) with (x0 :: x2).
 change (nil ++ x1 :: x3) with (x1 :: x3).
 intros until 2.
 assert (t0 = Class.Inheritance.Shared /\ is_virtual_base_of (hier) x0 afrom /\ is_virtual_base_of (hier) x1 afrom).
  inversion H; subst.
  inversion H0; subst.
  generalize (path_path1 H8).
  inversion 1; subst.
   inversion H12; subst.
   abstract congruence.
  generalize (path_path1 H12).
  inversion 1; subst.
  inversion H15; subst.
  injection H16; intros; subst.
  inversion H4; subst.
  injection H19; intros; subst.
 invall; subst.
 generalize (is_virtual_base_of_defined H1).
 case_eq ((hier) ! afrom); try abstract congruence.
 destruct (Well_formed_hierarchy.vborder_list_exists hierarchy_wf H4).
 generalize (virtual_base_vborder_list H1 H4 v).
 generalize (virtual_base_vborder_list H5 H4 v).
 revert x0 x1 H2 H6 H7 H1 H5 x3 f0 x2 f ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2 H H0.
 cut (
   forall v0 x0 v1 x1 x2, x = v0 ++ x0 :: v1 ++ x1 :: x2 ->
       is_virtual_base_of (A:=A) (hier) x0 afrom ->
   is_virtual_base_of (A:=A) (hier) x1 afrom ->
   forall (x3 : list positive)
     (f0 : option
             (FieldSignature.t A * array_path A * Z *
              (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)))
     (x2 : list positive)
     (f : option
            (FieldSignature.t A * array_path A * Z *
             (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident)))
     (ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2 : ident),
   valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato2 pto2
     (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Shared, x0 :: x2) f) ->
   valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato1 pto1
     (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Shared, x1 :: x3) f0) ->
   lifetime afrom zfrom
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Shared, x1 :: x3)
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Shared, x0 :: x2) f)) \/
   lifetime afrom zfrom
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Shared, x0 :: x2) f))
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (Class.Inheritance.Shared, x1 :: x3)
  generalize (list_lt_total peq H6 H7).
  unfold list_lt.
  destruct 1; try contradiction.
  destruct s; invall; subst.
  assert (forall A B : Prop, A \/ B -> B \/ A) by tauto.
 intros; subst.
 inversion H2; subst.
 eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_virtual_base.
 2 : eapply Zle_refl.
 abstract omega.
 2 : eassumption.
 eapply inclusion_relative_pointer_alt.
 generalize (path_path1 H11).
 inversion 1; subst.
 inversion H7; subst.
 injection H8; intros; subst.
 eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
 2 : eapply Zle_refl.
 abstract omega.
 eleft with (lt := nil).
 generalize (Well_formed_hierarchy.is_virtual_base_of_defined_base hierarchy_wf H0).
 destruct ((hier) ! base); abstract congruence.
 destruct (peq base base); abstract congruence.
 eapply inclusion_relative_pointer_alt.
 inversion H5; subst.
 generalize (path_path1 H15).
 inversion 1; subst.
 inversion H7; subst.
 injection H8; intros; subst.
 eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
 2 : eapply Zle_refl.
 abstract omega.
 eleft with (lt := nil).
 generalize (Well_formed_hierarchy.is_virtual_base_of_defined_base hierarchy_wf H1).
 destruct ((hier) ! base); abstract congruence.
 destruct (peq base base); abstract congruence.

assert (p :: x <> nil) by abstract congruence.
generalize (last_nonempty H).
case_eq (last (p :: x)); try abstract congruence.
intros ? ? _.
destruct (last_correct H0).
rewrite e in *.
clear p x e H H0.
inversion 1; subst.
assert (is_valid_repeated_subobject (hier) ((x4 ++ p0 :: nil) ++ x0 :: x2) = true).
 generalize (path_path1 H7).
 inversion 1; subst; trivial.
 inversion H3; subst; trivial.
generalize H0.
rewrite app_ass at 1.
generalize (is_valid_repeated_subobject_split_left H1).
assert (
  path (hier) p0 (x4 ++ p0 :: nil) afrom t0
  case_eq (x4 ++ p0 :: nil).
   destruct x4; simpl; intro; discriminate.
 generalize (path_path1 H7).
 inversion 1; subst.
  rewrite H4 in H10.
  simpl in H10.
  injection H10; intros; subst.
  symmetry; eassumption.
  rewrite <- H4; assumption.
 inversion H11; subst.
 rewrite H4 in H12.
 simpl in H12.
 injection H12; intros; subst.
 symmetry; eassumption.
 rewrite <- H4; assumption.
 generalize (is_valid_repeated_subobject_split_right H1).
 functional inversion 1; subst.
 assert (
   path (hier) through ( x0 :: x2) x0 Class.Inheritance.Repeated
  generalize (path_last H7).
  rewrite last_app_left; try abstract congruence.
  destruct (last_correct H10).
  eleft with (lt := x).
   simpl; assumption.
 inversion 1; subst.
assert (is_valid_repeated_subobject (hier) ((x4 ++ p0 :: nil) ++ x1 :: x3) = true).
 generalize (path_path1 H20 ).
 inversion 1; subst; trivial.
 inversion H15 ; subst; trivial.
generalize H12.
rewrite app_ass at 1.
generalize (is_valid_repeated_subobject_split_right H13 ).
 functional inversion 1; subst.
 assert (
   path (hier) through0 ( x1 :: x3) x1 Class.Inheritance.Repeated
  generalize (path_last H20).
  rewrite last_app_left; try abstract congruence.
  destruct (last_correct H16).
  eleft with (lt := x).
  clear H17 H28 .
  replace cl0 with cl1 in * by abstract congruence.
  clear H7 H8 H0 H1 H3 H9 X H18 H19 H20 H21 H13 cl0 H25 H15 X0 H12.
  assert (In x0 (
    map (fun hb : Class.Inheritance.t * ident => let (_, b) := hb in b) (filter (fun hb : _ * ident =>
          match hb with
            | (Class.Inheritance.Shared, _) => false
            | _ => true
        ) (Class.super cl1))
   eapply in_map_iff.
   exists (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, x0).
   eapply filter_In.
  assert (In x1 (
    map (fun hb : Class.Inheritance.t * ident => let (_, b) := hb in b) (filter (fun hb : _ * ident =>
          match hb with
            | (Class.Inheritance.Shared, _) => false
            | _ => true
        ) (Class.super cl1))
   eapply in_map_iff.
   exists (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, x1).
   eapply filter_In.
  revert x0 x1 H2 H0 H1 _x _x0 x2 x3 ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2 f f0 H through through0 H10 H11 H16.
  cut (
    forall x0 x1 m0 m1 m2,
       (map (fun hb : Class.Inheritance.t * ident => let (_, b) := hb in b)
           (fun hb : Class.Inheritance.t * ident =>
            let (y, _) := hb in
            match y with
            | Class.Inheritance.Repeated => true
            | Class.Inheritance.Shared => false
            end) (Class.super cl1))) = m0 ++ x0 :: m1 ++ x1 :: m2 ->
       In (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, x0) (Class.super cl1) ->
   In (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, x1) (Class.super cl1) ->
   forall (x2 x3 : list positive) (ato1 pto1 ato2 pto2 : ident)
      f0 : option
             (FieldSignature.t A * array_path A * Z *
              (Class.Inheritance.t * list ident))),
   valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato2 pto2
     (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, (x4 ++ p0 :: nil) ++ x0 :: x2) f) ->
   forall through through0 : ident,
   path (A:=A) (hier) through (x0 :: x2) x0
     Class.Inheritance.Repeated ->
   valid_relative_pointer_alt (hier) afrom zfrom ato1 pto1
     (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, (x4 ++ p0 :: nil) ++ x1 :: x3) f0) ->
   path (A:=A) (hier) through0 ( x1 :: x3) x1
     Class.Inheritance.Repeated ->
   lifetime afrom zfrom
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, (x4 ++ p0 :: nil) ++ x1 :: x3) f0))
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, (x4 ++ p0 :: nil) ++ x0 :: x2) f)) \/
   lifetime afrom zfrom
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, (x4 ++ p0 :: nil) ++ x0 :: x2) f))
        (relative_pointer_alt_intro i0 (t0, (x4 ++ p0 :: nil) ++ x1 :: x3) f0))
   generalize (list_lt_total peq H0 H1).
   unfold list_lt.
   destruct 1; try contradiction.
   assert (forall a b : Prop, a \/ b -> b \/ a) by tauto.
   destruct s; invall; subst; eauto.
  eapply lifetime_order_horizontal_non_virtual_base.
  2 : eapply Zle_refl.
  abstract omega.
  2 : eassumption.
  eexact H4.
  eapply inclusion_relative_pointer_alt.
  eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
  2 : eapply Zle_refl.
  abstract omega.
  eapply path_concat.
  eleft with (lf := x0 :: nil) (lt := p0 :: nil).
  simpl. reflexivity.
  rewrite H14.
  destruct ( In_dec super_eq_dec (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, x0) (Class.super cl1)
  ); try contradiction.
  generalize (path_defined_from H3).
  destruct ( (hier) ! x0 ); abstract congruence.
  rewrite last_complete.
  destruct (peq p0 p0); abstract congruence.
  rewrite last_complete.
  destruct (peq x0 x0); try abstract congruence.
  rewrite app_ass.
  rewrite app_ass.
  rewrite app_ass.
  eapply inclusion_relative_pointer_alt.
  eapply inclusion_order_non_virtual.
  2 : eapply Zle_refl.
  abstract omega.
  eapply path_concat.
  eleft with (lf := x1 :: nil) (lt := p0 :: nil).
  simpl. reflexivity.
  rewrite H14.
  destruct ( In_dec super_eq_dec (Class.Inheritance.Repeated, x1) (Class.super cl1)
  ); try contradiction.
  generalize (path_defined_from H8).
  destruct ( (hier) ! x1 ); abstract congruence.
  rewrite last_complete.
  destruct (peq p0 p0); abstract congruence.
  rewrite last_complete.
  destruct (peq x1 x1); try abstract congruence.
  rewrite app_ass.
  rewrite app_ass.
  rewrite app_ass.


End Lifetime_total.

End SubobjectOrdering.