Library Fnormalization
Require Import Inclusion. Require Import Inverse_Image. Require Import Wf_nat.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Min.
Require Import minmax.
Require Import Flanguage.
Definition der b a := red a b.
Definition measure a :=
match a with
| Var k _ ⇒ k
| Lam k _ ⇒ k
| App k _ _ ⇒ k
| Pair k _ _ ⇒ k
| Fst k _ ⇒ k
| Snd k _ ⇒ k
Lemma measure_lessen : ∀ k a, measure (lessen k a) ≤ k.
Proof. induction a; simpl; minmax. Qed.
Lemma red_measure : ∀ a b, red a b → measure b < measure a.
intros a b Hred; induction Hred; simpl; auto;
repeat match goal with
| H : _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H
match goal with
| |- measure (lessen ?k ?a) < _ ⇒
apply le_trans with (m := S k); auto; pose proof (measure_lessen k a); minmax
Lemma wf_der : well_founded der.
eapply wf_incl; [|apply wf_inverse_image with (f := measure); apply lt_wf].
intros b a Hred; apply red_measure; auto.
Definition Fix := @Coq.Init.Wf.Fix term der wf_der.
Lemma ind_red : ∀ a (P : term → Prop),
(∀ a, (∀ b, red a b → P b) → P a) → P a.
Proof. intros a P F; induction (wf_der a); apply F; apply H0. Qed.
Ltac induction_red a := let IHa := fresh "IH" a in
apply (ind_red a); clear a; intros a IHa.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Min.
Require Import minmax.
Require Import Flanguage.
Definition der b a := red a b.
Definition measure a :=
match a with
| Var k _ ⇒ k
| Lam k _ ⇒ k
| App k _ _ ⇒ k
| Pair k _ _ ⇒ k
| Fst k _ ⇒ k
| Snd k _ ⇒ k
Lemma measure_lessen : ∀ k a, measure (lessen k a) ≤ k.
Proof. induction a; simpl; minmax. Qed.
Lemma red_measure : ∀ a b, red a b → measure b < measure a.
intros a b Hred; induction Hred; simpl; auto;
repeat match goal with
| H : _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H
match goal with
| |- measure (lessen ?k ?a) < _ ⇒
apply le_trans with (m := S k); auto; pose proof (measure_lessen k a); minmax
Lemma wf_der : well_founded der.
eapply wf_incl; [|apply wf_inverse_image with (f := measure); apply lt_wf].
intros b a Hred; apply red_measure; auto.
Definition Fix := @Coq.Init.Wf.Fix term der wf_der.
Lemma ind_red : ∀ a (P : term → Prop),
(∀ a, (∀ b, red a b → P b) → P a) → P a.
Proof. intros a P F; induction (wf_der a); apply F; apply H0. Qed.
Ltac induction_red a := let IHa := fresh "IH" a in
apply (ind_red a); clear a; intros a IHa.