Module Ocamlduce

module Ocamlduce: sig .. end
Operations on x-values.

This module provides several functionality on x-values. It complies with signatures Set.OrderedType and Hashtbl.HashedType. It can thus directly be used as arguments to the Set.Make, Map.Make and Hashtbl.Make functors.

type t = {{Any}} 
The universal type for x-values.
val print : Format.formatter -> {{Any}} -> unit
Pretty-print a value as in the toplevel.
val to_string : {{Any}} -> string
Same as print but returns the value in a string.
val hash : t -> int
Hash function on x-values.
val equal : t -> t -> bool
Equality test on x-values.
val compare : t -> t -> int
A total ordering on x-values.
module Int: sig .. end
Coercions between x-integers and their x-string representation.
module NonnegInt: sig .. end
Coercions between non-negative x-integers and their x-string representation.
module Utf8: sig .. end
Coercions between x-strings and OCaml string type (whose values are interpreted as being UTF-8 encoded).
module Latin1: sig .. end
Coercions between Latin1 x-strings and OCaml string type (whose values are interpreted as being iso-8859-1 encoded).
module Namespace: sig .. end
Operations on namespaces.
module Atom: sig .. end
Operations on atoms.
module NamespaceTable: sig .. end
Operations on prefix->namespace tables.
module NamespaceScope: sig .. end
Operations on namespaces scopes (attached to XML elements).
module Load: sig .. end
Importing XML documents.
module Print: sig .. end
Exporting XML documents.
module Record: sig .. end
Operations on records.