Class type SpiderCaml.jsobj

class type jsobj = object .. end
Encapsulation of Javascript values.

Evaluation of Javascript expressions.

method eval : string -> jsobj
Evaluate a Javascript expression in the context of the current object. Raise InvalidType if the value is not an object.

Access to properties.

method get : string -> jsobj
Get the value of a named property. Raise InvalidType if the value is not an object.
method set : string -> jsobj -> unit
Set the value of a named property. Raise InvalidType if the value is not an object.
method get_idx : int -> jsobj
Get the value of a numeric property. Raise InvalidType if the value is not an object.
method set_idx : int -> jsobj -> unit
Set the value of a numeric property. Raise InvalidType if the value is not an object.

Creation of values.

method new_child : ?proto:jsobj ->
?active:jsobj active -> unit -> jsobj
Create a new object whose parent is the current object. Raise InvalidType if the value is not an object.
method new_object : ?proto:jsobj ->
?active:jsobj active -> unit -> jsobj
Create a new object with no parent. Raise InvalidType if the value is not an object.
method new_object_gen : ?proto:jsobj ->
?parent:jsobj ->
?active:jsobj active -> unit -> jsobj
Create a new object with a specific parent. Raise InvalidType if the value is not an object.
method lambda : ?name:string ->
(jsobj -> jsobj array -> jsobj) ->
Create a closure value with an optional name (for decompiling). The first argument of the closure is the global object (not the current one) of the evaluation context. The second argument contains all the arguments passed to the function.

A side effect of calling this method is to register the closure in a global table (of the current runtime). Only a call to destroy_runtime will free this table.

method string : string -> jsobj
method int : int -> jsobj
method bool : bool -> jsobj
method _true : jsobj
method _false : jsobj
method null : jsobj
method void : jsobj
method float : float -> jsobj
method array : jsobj array -> jsobj

Value inspection.

method is_object : bool
method is_bool : bool
method is_int : bool
method is_null : bool
method is_void : bool
method is_string : bool
method is_number : bool
method is_float : bool
method is_array : bool
method get_int : int
Raise InvalidType is the value is not an integer.
method get_bool : bool
Raise InvalidType is the value is not a boolean.
method get_string : string
Raise InvalidType is the value is not a string.
method get_float : float
Raise InvalidType is the value is not a double.

Value conversion.

method to_string : string
method to_object : jsobj
method to_bool : bool
method to_float : float
method to_int : int


method destroy_runtime : unit
Free the internal table of all the registered closures. It is possible to use this method on any value of the runtime. After calling it, it is no longer possible to create or to call closures in this runtime.
method new_context : ?active:jsobj active -> unit -> jsobj
Create a new evaluation context with a fresh global object, in the same runtime. Values can be exchanged between contexts of the same runtime.
method version : int
The JS version supported by the current context. Possible values: 100 (JS 1.0), 110 (JS 1.1), 120 (JS 1.2), 130 (JS 1.3), 0 (default), -1 (unknown).
method set_version : int -> unit
Change the JS version supported by the current context. Possible values: 100,110,120,130.