Module Store

Set Implicit Arguments.
Functional extensionality for stores saves a lot of pollution.
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import MyTactics.

Locations are integers.

Definition location :=

A store is a pair of a reference allocation limit and a mapping of locations to values. This definition is parameterized with respect to the nature of values.

Inductive gstore (A : Type) : Type :=
| Store: location -> (location -> option A) -> gstore A.

Store modification.

Definition patch (A : Type) (m : location -> A) (point : location) (v : A) : location -> A :=
  fun l => if eq_nat_dec point l then v else m l.

Store extension.

Definition extend (A : Type) (m : location -> option A) (point : location) (v : A) : location -> option A :=
  patch m point (Some v).

Store transformation.

Definition transform (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (m : location -> option A) : location -> option B :=
  fun l : location =>
    match m l with
    | None =>
    | Some v =>
        Some (f v)

Basic facts about patch.

Lemma patch_extensional:
  forall (A : Type) limit (m1 m2 : location -> A) point v,
  (forall l, l < limit -> m1 l = m2 l) ->
  (forall l, l < limit -> patch m1 point v l = patch m2 point v l).
  intros. unfold patch. by_cases; auto.

Lemma patch_extensional_new:
  forall (A : Type) limit (m1 m2 : location -> A) v,
  (forall l, l < limit -> m1 l = m2 l) ->
  (forall l, l < S limit -> patch m1 limit v l = patch m2 limit v l).
  intros. unfold patch. by_cases; auto.

Extension and transformation commute.

Lemma transform_extend:
  forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (m : location -> option A) (l : location) (v : A),
  transform f (extend m l v) = extend (transform f m) l (f v).
  intros. extensionality x. unfold transform, extend, patch. by_cases; auto.

Basic facts about transformation.

Lemma transform_none:
  forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) m l,
  m l = None ->
  transform f m l = None.
  introv h. unfold transform. rewrite h. auto.

Lemma transform_some:
  forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) m l v,
  m l = Some v ->
  transform f m l = Some (f v).
  introv h. unfold transform. rewrite h. auto.

Lemma transform_extensional:
  forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) m1 m2,
  (forall l, m1 l = m2 l) ->
  (forall l, transform f m1 l = transform f m2 l).
  introv h. intro. unfold transform. rewrite h. auto.

Hint Resolve transform_none transform_some transform_extensional : transform.

The predicate everywhere P states that every value in the store satisfies P.

Inductive everywhere (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : gstore A -> Prop :=
| Everywhere:
    forall limit m,
    (forall l v, m l = Some v -> P v) ->
    everywhere P (Store limit m).

Hint Constructors everywhere.

Basic properties of everywhere.

Lemma everywhere_read:
  forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) limit m l v,
  everywhere P (Store limit m) ->
  m l = Some v ->
  P v.
  introv h ?. dependent destruction h. eauto.

Lemma everywhere_extend:
  forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) limit m v,
  everywhere P (Store limit m) ->
  P v ->
  everywhere P (Store (S limit) (extend m limit v)).
  unfold extend, patch.
  introv h1 h2. econstructor. intros ? ?. by_cases. congruence. dependent destruction h1. eauto.

Lemma everywhere_write:
  forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) limit l m v,
  everywhere P (Store limit m) ->
  P v ->
  everywhere P (Store limit (extend m l v)).
  unfold extend, patch.
  introv h1 h2. econstructor. intros ? ?. by_cases. congruence. dependent destruction h1. eauto.