Module MoreResources

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Resources.

In this file, we investigate the definition of a resource that corresponds directly to an ML store typing and that could be used in a direct proof of type soundness for weak references.

This file represents an experiment and is not used as part of the main development.


The discrete star is defined by the axiom forall a, star a a a. This intuitively means that all information is duplicable, or, in other words, that all threads share full knowledge of the information.

Definition discrete_star (A : Type) (a1 a2 a : A) :=
  a1 = a /\ a2 = a.


We now construct a function discrete_add that is commutative, associative, and coincides with discrete_star where the latter is defined. The idea is that discrete_add a1 a2 should coincide with a1 and a2 if a1 and a2 are equal, and should otherwise be default -- a fixed default element. To express this idea, we use the excluded middle and Hilbert's epsilon operator.

One could perhaps go even further and remove the requirement that A be inhabited: indeed, if A is void, then it should be easy to define a suitable discrete_add. But, in all practical applications, it is easy to prove that A is inhabited, so this does not seem worth the trouble.

Require Import Epsilon.
Require Import Classical.

The following is a relational specification of the function discrete_add that we would like to define.

Definition discrete_add_spec A (default a1 a2 a : A) :=
  (a1 = a2 -> discrete_star a1 a2 a) /\ (a1 <> a2 -> a = default).

The following lemmas spell out what this specification means.

Lemma discrete_add_spec_eq:
  forall A (default a b : A),
  discrete_add_spec default a a b ->
  a = b.
  unfold discrete_add_spec, discrete_star. tauto.

Lemma discrete_add_spec_neq:
  forall A (default a1 a2 b : A),
  a1 <> a2 ->
  discrete_add_spec default a1 a2 b ->
  default = b.
  unfold discrete_add_spec, discrete_star. intuition auto.

We now define discrete_add as the function that corresponds to the above relational specification.

Definition discrete_add A (default a1 a2 : A) :=
  @epsilon A (inhabits default) (discrete_add_spec default a1 a2).

We check that this function does behave in the desired manner.

Adding a with a yields a.

Lemma discrete_add_eq:
  forall A (default a : A),
  a = discrete_add default a a.
  unfold discrete_add. intros.
  eapply discrete_add_spec_eq with (default := default).
  eapply epsilon_spec. exists a. unfold discrete_add_spec, discrete_star. tauto.

Adding a1 with a2 yields default if a1 and a2 are distinct.

Lemma discrete_add_neq:
  forall A (default a1 a2 : A),
  a1 <> a2 ->
  default = discrete_add default a1 a2.
  unfold discrete_add. intros.
  eapply discrete_add_spec_neq with (default := default). eassumption.
  eapply epsilon_spec. exists default. unfold discrete_add_spec, discrete_star. tauto.

Adding default with anything yields default.

Lemma discrete_add_default:
  forall A (default a : A),
  default = discrete_add default default a.
  intros. destruct (classic (default = a)).
  subst. eauto using discrete_add_eq.
  eauto using discrete_add_neq.

Lemma discrete_add_default_symmetric:
  forall A (default a : A),
  default = discrete_add default a default.
  intros. destruct (classic (default = a)).
  subst. eauto using discrete_add_eq.
  eauto using discrete_add_neq.

The function discrete_add coincides with discrete_star where the latter is defined.

Lemma discrete_add_matches_discrete_star:
  forall A (default : A),
  forall a1 a2 a, discrete_star a1 a2 a -> a = discrete_add default a1 a2.
  unfold discrete_star. intros. unpack. subst. eauto using discrete_add_eq.

This horrible tactic considers the cases a1 = a2 and a1 <> a2, and in each case simplifies applications of discrete_add to a1 and a2.

Ltac discrete_add_by_cases a1 a2 :=
  destruct (classic (a1 = a2));
  repeat rewrite <- discrete_add_eq;
  repeat match goal with h: ?a1 <> ?a2 |- _ =>
    first [
      rewrite <- (@discrete_add_neq _ _ a1 a2); [ idtac | solve [ eauto ] ]
    | rewrite <- (@discrete_add_neq _ _ a2 a1); [ idtac | solve [ eauto ] ]

discrete_add is commutative and associative.

Lemma discrete_add_commutative:
  forall A (default : A),
  forall a1 a2, discrete_add default a1 a2 = discrete_add default a2 a1.
  intros. discrete_add_by_cases a1 a2; eauto.

Lemma discrete_add_associative:
  forall A (default : A),
  forall a1 a2 a3, discrete_add default a1 (discrete_add default a2 a3) =
                   discrete_add default (discrete_add default a1 a2) a3.
  discrete_add_by_cases a2 a3.
    discrete_add_by_cases a1 a3; eauto using discrete_add_default.
    rewrite <- discrete_add_default_symmetric.
    discrete_add_by_cases a1 a2; eauto using discrete_add_default.


Any type A forms a monotonic separation algebra, known as the discrete monotonic separation algebra, where all information is duplicable, that is, the separating conjunction is defined by star a a a for every element a. Dockins et al. introduce this concept. In this case, the orderings rxo and rio must coincide: because all information is shared, whatever change an active thread decides to make is visible by a passive thread. Any ordering will do; the ordering does not have to be the identity.

Program Instance discrete_resource
  (A : Type)
  (IA : Inhabited A)
  (ordering : A -> A -> Prop)
  (_ : forall a, ordering a a)
  (_ : forall a1 a2 a3 : A, ordering a1 a2 -> ordering a2 a3 -> ordering a1 a3)
  : STAR A := {

  star := @discrete_star A;
  add := @discrete_add A inhabitant;
  neutral a := a;
  rxo := ordering;
  rio := ordering


Next Obligation.

  unfold discrete_star. tauto.

Next Obligation.

  unfold discrete_star. intuition (subst; eauto).

Next Obligation.

  eauto using discrete_add_matches_discrete_star.

Next Obligation.

  eauto using discrete_add_commutative.

Next Obligation.

  eauto using discrete_add_associative.

Next Obligation.

  unfold discrete_star. introv star_deterministic star_commutative star_associative.
  intros; unpack; subst; subst.
  generalize discrete_add_eq; intro.
  intuition congruence.

Next Obligation.

  unfold discrete_star. eauto.

Next Obligation.

  unfold discrete_star. intuition congruence.

Next Obligation.

  unfold discrete_star. eauto.

Next Obligation.

  unfold discrete_star. intuition (subst; eauto 6).

Next Obligation.

  unfold discrete_star. intuition (subst; eauto 6).


A store typing in the style of ML maps locations to types: it is an allocation map over (discrete) types.

We have to use intensional equality over types, as opposed to tyeq, because the latter is reflexive and transitive only at well-formed types. Or perhaps the image of a store typing should be restricted to consist only of well-formed types.

Require Import Types.

Definition store_typing :=
  aMap ty.

Program Definition store_typing_resource : STAR store_typing :=
  map_resource _ (discrete_resource _ _ (@eq ty) _ _).

Next Obligation.
  econstructor. exact (TyVar 0).

Every store typing is compatible with itself.

Lemma store_typing_duplicable:
  forall R : store_typing,
  @star _ store_typing_resource R R R.
  simpl. unfold discrete_star. intuition eauto.