Module Lexicographic

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import MyTactics.

Section lexicographic_product.

  Variable A : Type.
  Variable B : Type.

  Variable eqA : A -> A -> Prop.

  Variable lessA : A -> A -> Prop.

  Variable lessB : B -> B -> Prop.

  Variable eqA_reflexive:
    forall a, eqA a a.

  Variable eqA_symmetric:
    forall a1 a2, eqA a1 a2 -> eqA a2 a1.

  Variable eqA_transitive:
    forall a1 a2 a3, eqA a1 a2 -> eqA a2 a3 -> eqA a1 a3.

  Variable eqA_lessA_compatible:
    forall a1 a2 a3, lessA a1 a2 -> eqA a2 a3 -> lessA a1 a3.

  Inductive lexprod : (A * B) -> (A * B) -> Prop :=
  | LexprodLeft: forall a1 b1 a2 b2, lessA a1 a2 -> lexprod (a1, b1) (a2, b2)
  | LexprodRight: forall a1 b1 a2 b2, eqA a1 a2 -> lessB b1 b2 -> lexprod (a1, b1) (a2, b2).

  Lemma lexprod_intro:
    forall a1 b1 a2 b2,
    (lessA a1 a2 \/ eqA a1 a2) ->
    lessB b1 b2 ->
    lexprod (a1, b1) (a2, b2).
    intros ? ? ? ? [ ? | ? ] ?.
    apply LexprodLeft. auto.
    apply LexprodRight; auto.

  Variable wfA : well_founded lessA.

  Variable wfB : well_founded lessB.

  Lemma lexprod_accessibility:
    forall a1,
    Acc lessA a1 ->
    forall b,
    Acc lessB b ->
    forall a2,
    eqA a1 a2 ->
    Acc lexprod (a2, b).
    induction 1; induction 1; intros; constructor.
    intros ? h. dependent destruction h; eauto.

  Lemma lexprod_wf: well_founded lexprod.
    intros [ ? ? ]. eauto using lexprod_accessibility.

  Variable lessA_eqA_compatible:
    forall a1 a2 a3, eqA a1 a2 -> lessA a2 a3 -> lessA a1 a3.

  Variable lessA_transitive:
    forall a1 a2 a3, lessA a1 a2 -> lessA a2 a3 -> lessA a1 a3.

  Variable lessB_transitive:
    forall b1 b2 b3, lessB b1 b2 -> lessB b2 b3 -> lessB b1 b3.

  Lemma lexprod_transitive:
    forall ab1 ab2 ab3, lexprod ab1 ab2 -> lexprod ab2 ab3 -> lexprod ab1 ab3.
    introv h1 h2. dependent destruction h1; dependent destruction h2; try solve [ left; eauto 2 | right; eauto 2 ].

End lexicographic_product.

Hint Constructors lexprod.

The following tactic helps prove goals of the form lexprod _ _. It is parameterized with four tactics for proving simpler goals.

Ltac lexprod eqA ltA ltB leA :=
  solve [ left; eqA | right; [ ltA | ltB ] | eapply lexprod_intro; [ leA | ltB ]].