Rappel sur le cours précédent


(check-expect (euros->dollars 1) 1.14)
(check-expect (euros->dollars 10) 11.4)


; A TrafficLight is one of the following Strings:
; – "red"
; – "green"
; – "orange"
; interpretation: the three strings represent the three 
; possible states that a traffic light may assume 

; traffic-light-next: TrafficLight -> TrafficLight
; yields the next state given current state s
(check-expect (traffic-light-next "red") "green")
(define (traffic-light-next s)
    [(string=? "red" s) "green"]
    [(string=? "green" s) "orange"]
    [(string=? "orange" s) "red"]))


; An NorF is one of: 
; – #false
; – a Number

(check-expect (string->number "3") 3)
(check-expect (string->number "toto") #false)


(cons hd tl)

; A List-of-names is one of: 
; – '()
; – (cons String List-of-names)
; interpretation a list of students, by first name

; empty? : Any -> Bool
; is the input the empty list ?
(empty? x)

; is the input a (cons a b)?
(cons? x)

; first : (cons Any List) -> Any
; (first (cons a b)) is a
(first x)

; rest : (cons Any List) -> List
; (rest (cons a b)) is b
(rest x)

; has-Nouh? : List-of-names -> Bool


Conception de fonctions sur les énumérations et unions


Quand on prend une entrée qui est définit par une liste de cas possibles, on peut toujours commencer son code en testant chaque cas.


; A TrafficLight is one of the following Strings:
; – "red"
; – "green"
; – "yellow"
; interpretation: the three strings represent the three 
; possible states that a traffic light may assume 

; TrafficLight -> TrafficLight
; yields the next state given current state s
(check-expect (traffic-light-next "red") "green")
(define (traffic-light-next s)
    [(string=? "red" s) ?]
    [(string=? "green" s) ?]
    [(string=? "yellow" s) ?]))


; An NorF is one of: 
; – a Number
; – #false

; negate: NorF -> NorF
(define (negate x)
    [(number? x) ?]
    [(false? x) ?]))

Conception des types récursifs


"récursif": auto-référent, se mentionne lui-même / elle-même

; a List-of-names is one of: 
; – '()
; – (cons String List-of-names)
; interpretation: a list of students, by first name

; a List-of-grades is one of: 
; – '()
; – (cons Number List-of-grades)
; interpretation: a list of school grades

Cas de base (pas d'auto-référence), cas récursif (auto-référence).

; a ChoiceGame is one of:
; - Bool: a result
; - (make-choice String ChoiceGame ChoiceGame): a choice

; - question: String
; - yes: ChoiceGame, what to do if the answer is "yes"
; - no: ChoiceGame, what to do if the anser is "no"
(define-struct choice [question yes no])

Conception de fonctions sur des types récursifs


 ; min: Number Number -> Number

 ; shortest-game: ChoiceGame -> Number

Dans les cas récursifs, on fait des appels récursifs.

(define (shortest-game game)
    [(boolean? game) ...]
    [(choice? game)
      ... (shortest-game (choice-yes game))
      ... (shortest-game (choice-no game))]))


 ; sum : list-of-Numbers -> Number
 ; list-length : list-of-Any -> Number
 ; average : list-of-Numbers -> Number

Récursivité terminale

(hors livre, raccord avec les autres cours)

; sum: list-of-Numbers -> Number
(define (sum li)
    [(empty? li) 0]
    [(cons? li) (+ (first li) (sum (rest li)))]))

; sum-with-acc: list-of-Numbers -> Number -> Number
(define (sum-with-acc li acc)
    [(empty? li) acc]
    [(cons? li) (sum-with-acc (rest li) (+ (first li) acc))]))



; list-length: list-of-Any -> Number
; list-length-with-acc: list-of-Any -> Number -> Number