(check-expect (euros->dollars 1) 1.14)
(check-expect (euros->dollars 10) 11.4)
; A TrafficLight is one of the following Strings:
; – "red"
; – "green"
; – "orange"
; interpretation: the three strings represent the three
; possible states that a traffic light may assume
; traffic-light-next: TrafficLight -> TrafficLight
; yields the next state given current state s
(check-expect (traffic-light-next "red") "green")
(define (traffic-light-next s)
[(string=? "red" s) "green"]
[(string=? "green" s) "orange"]
[(string=? "orange" s) "red"]))
; An NorF is one of:
; – #false
; – a Number
(check-expect (string->number "3") 3)
(check-expect (string->number "toto") #false)
(cons hd tl)
; A List-of-names is one of:
; – '()
; – (cons String List-of-names)
; interpretation a list of students, by first name
; empty? : Any -> Bool
; is the input the empty list ?
(empty? x)
; is the input a (cons a b)?
(cons? x)
; first : (cons Any List) -> Any
; (first (cons a b)) is a
(first x)
; rest : (cons Any List) -> List
; (rest (cons a b)) is b
(rest x)
; has-Nouh? : List-of-names -> Bool
Quand on prend une entrée qui est définit par une liste de cas possibles, on peut toujours commencer son code en testant chaque cas.
; A TrafficLight is one of the following Strings:
; – "red"
; – "green"
; – "yellow"
; interpretation: the three strings represent the three
; possible states that a traffic light may assume
; TrafficLight -> TrafficLight
; yields the next state given current state s
(check-expect (traffic-light-next "red") "green")
(define (traffic-light-next s)
[(string=? "red" s) ?]
[(string=? "green" s) ?]
[(string=? "yellow" s) ?]))
; An NorF is one of:
; – a Number
; – #false
; negate: NorF -> NorF
(define (negate x)
[(number? x) ?]
[(false? x) ?]))
"récursif": auto-référent, se mentionne lui-même / elle-même
; a List-of-names is one of:
; – '()
; – (cons String List-of-names)
; interpretation: a list of students, by first name
; a List-of-grades is one of:
; – '()
; – (cons Number List-of-grades)
; interpretation: a list of school grades
Cas de base (pas d'auto-référence), cas récursif (auto-référence).
; a ChoiceGame is one of:
; - Bool: a result
; - (make-choice String ChoiceGame ChoiceGame): a choice
; - question: String
; - yes: ChoiceGame, what to do if the answer is "yes"
; - no: ChoiceGame, what to do if the anser is "no"
(define-struct choice [question yes no])
; min: Number Number -> Number
; shortest-game: ChoiceGame -> Number
Dans les cas récursifs, on fait des appels récursifs.
(define (shortest-game game)
[(boolean? game) ...]
[(choice? game)
... (shortest-game (choice-yes game))
... (shortest-game (choice-no game))]))
; sum : list-of-Numbers -> Number
; list-length : list-of-Any -> Number
; average : list-of-Numbers -> Number
(hors livre, raccord avec les autres cours)
; sum: list-of-Numbers -> Number
(define (sum li)
[(empty? li) 0]
[(cons? li) (+ (first li) (sum (rest li)))]))
; sum-with-acc: list-of-Numbers -> Number -> Number
(define (sum-with-acc li acc)
[(empty? li) acc]
[(cons? li) (sum-with-acc (rest li) (+ (first li) acc))]))
; list-length: list-of-Any -> Number
; list-length-with-acc: list-of-Any -> Number -> Number