open list
val convert (): () = ()
alias convertible (p: perm) (q: perm): perm = convert @ (| consumes p) -> (| q)
data mutable iterator a (hole: perm) (post: perm) = Iterator {
content: {p: perm} (
l: list a
| p * convertible (p * hole * l @ list a) post
data offer a (post: perm) =
| None { | post }
| Some { x: a }
val next [a, hole: perm, post: perm] (consumes (it: iterator a hole post | hole)):
offer (x: a | it @ iterator a (x @ a) post) post =
match it.content with
| Nil ->
convert ();
| Cons { head; tail } ->
it.content <- tail;
Some { x = head }
val stop [a, hole: perm, post: perm] (consumes (it: iterator a hole post | hole)): (| post) =
convert ()
val new [a] (consumes l: list a): iterator a empty (l @ list a) =
Iterator { content = l }
(* -------------------------------------------- *)
val rec loop [a, hole: perm, post: perm]
(consumes (it: iterator a hole post | hole), f: a -> ()): (| post) =
match next [hole = hole] it with
| None ->
assert post;
| Some { x } ->
f x;
loop [hole = (x @ a)] (it, f)
val rec nth [a, hole: perm, post: perm] (consumes it: (iterator a hole post | hole), n: int):
offer (x: a | it @ iterator a (x @ a) post) post =
match next [hole = hole] it with
| None ->
| Some { x } ->
if n <= 0 then (
Some { x = x }
) else (
nth [a = a, hole = (x @ a)] (it, n-1)
val _ =
let l = three (1, 2, 3) in
let it = new l in
match nth [hole = empty] (it, 1) with
| None ->
| Some { x } ->
(* Do stuff on x *)
print x;
(* Give (x @ int) back to the list, close the iteration *)
stop it
(* l @ list int *)