(* Section 4 *) (* Type of variables and type variables. We make them concrete for some examples below *) type tvar = string type var = string let print_var = print_string let rec print_list sep f = function [] -> () e :: q -> f e ; print_string sep; print_list sep f q (*********************************************************************) (* Ground values *) type ground_ct = [ `Int of int `Bool of bool ] (* All the constants of the language *) type ct = [ ground_ct `IfTE `OpPlus `OpEq `OpFix ] (* Type constructors for ground values *) type ground_typeconstr = [ `TInt `TBool ] (* And for the all the constants *) type typeconstr = [ ground_typeconstr `TVar of tvar `TArrow of typeconstr * typeconstr ] (* Constants and their type *) let type_ifte : typeconstr = `TArrow (`TBool, `TArrow (`TVar "a",`TArrow (`TVar "a", `TVar "a"))) let ct_if = `IfTE, type_ifte let type_plus : typeconstr = `TArrow (`TInt, `TArrow (`TInt, `TInt)) let ct_plus = `OpPlus, type_plus let type_eq : typeconstr = `TArrow (`TVar "a", `TArrow (`TVar "a", `TBool)) let ct_eq = `OpEq, type_eq let type_fix : typeconstr = `TArrow (`TArrow (`TVar "a", `TVar "a"), `TVar "a") let ct_fix = `OpFix, type_fix (* Auxiliary declarations for let constructions *) type nonrec = [ `NonRec ] type recnonrec = [ `Rec nonrec ] type ('rec_, 'expr) let_aux = [ `Let of 'rec_ * (var * 'expr) * 'expr ] (* Constructions shared between the two ASTs *) type 'expr common = [ `Var of var `Uple of 'expr list ] (* Constructions in only one of the ASTs, or exactly shared between the two *) type 'expr source_aux = [ 'expr common `SeqApp of 'expr * 'expr list `SeqAbs of var list * 'expr `Plus of 'expr * 'expr `Eq of 'expr * 'expr `If of 'expr * 'expr * 'expr ] type 'expr dest_aux = [ 'expr common `App of 'expr * 'expr `Abs of var * 'expr ] (* The two ASTs, obtained by closing the recursion *) type source = [ source source_aux (recnonrec, source) let_aux `Ct of ground_ct * ground_typeconstr ] type dest = [ dest dest_aux (nonrec, dest) let_aux `Ct of ct * typeconstr ] (* Desugaring function *) let rec desugar : source -> dest = function `Var _ as v -> v `Uple l -> `Uple (List.map desugar l) `SeqApp (e, l) -> desugar_seq_app (desugar e) l `SeqAbs ([], e) -> desugar e `SeqAbs (v :: q, e) -> `Abs (v, desugar (`SeqAbs (q, e))) `Ct (c, t) -> `Ct ((c :> ct), (t :> typeconstr)) `If (c, e1, e2) -> desugar_seq_app (`Ct ct_if) [c;e1;e2] `Plus (e1, e2) -> desugar_seq_app (`Ct ct_plus) [e1;e2] `Eq (e1, e2) -> desugar_seq_app (`Ct ct_eq) [e1;e2] `Let (`NonRec, (v, e1), e2) -> `Let (`NonRec, (v, desugar e1), desugar e2) `Let (`Rec, (v, e1), e2) -> let e1' = `App (`Ct ct_fix, `Abs (v, desugar e1)) in `Let (`NonRec, (v, e1'), desugar e2) and desugar_seq_app e = function [] -> e e' :: q -> desugar_seq_app (`App (e, desugar e')) q (* Extensible pretty-printers needed for the destination langage *) let print_common print : _ common -> unit = function `Var v -> print_var v `Uple l -> print_string "(" ; print_list ", " print l ; print_string ")" let print_dest_aux print : _ dest_aux -> unit = function #common as e -> print_common print e `App (e, e') -> print_string "("; print e ; print_string ")"; print_string " "; print_string "("; print e' ; print_string ")"; `Abs (v, e) -> print_string "fun "; print_var v; print_string " -> "; print_string "("; print e ; print_string ")" let print_let print : ([< recnonrec], _) let_aux -> unit = function `Let (annot, (v, e), e') -> print_string "let "; if annot <> `NonRec then print_string "rec "; print_var v; print_string " = "; print_string "("; print e ; print_string ")"; print_string " in "; print_string "("; print e' ; print_string ")" let print_ct = function `Int i -> print_int i `Bool true -> print_string "true" `Bool false -> print_string "false" `IfTE -> print_string "#If" `OpFix -> print_string "#Fix" `OpEq -> print_string "#=" `OpPlus -> print_string "#+" let rec print_dest : dest -> unit = function #dest_aux as e -> print_dest_aux print_dest e #let_aux as l -> print_let print_dest l `Ct (c, _) -> print_ct c (* Least supertype of the two ASTs *) type all_expr = [ all_expr source_aux all_expr dest_aux (recnonrec, all_expr) let_aux `Ct of ct * typeconstr ] (* Coercion from the two ASTs to the supertype *) let coerce_source e = (e : source :> all_expr) let coerce_dest e = (e : dest :> all_expr) (* Skeleton for a pretty-printer for the supertype *) let rec print_all : all_expr -> unit = function `App (e, e') -> print_all e ; print_all e' (* [...] All other cases *) _ -> failwith "Not implemented" (* Pretty-printers for the ASTs, by coercing the values to the supertype *) let print_source e = print_all (coerce_source e) let print_dest e = print_all (coerce_dest e)
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