Rappels de syntaxe


(opération argument1 argument2 ...)

Définition et utilisation de variable:

(define nom-de-variable ?)
(define gregory (string-append "bon" " " "jour"))


Définition et utilisation de fonction:

(define (nom-de-fonction nom-argument1 nom-argument2 ...) ?)
(define (square i) (* i i))

(square 5)

Rappels d'opérations courantes


+ - * /


(require 2htdp/image)
(circle 100 "solid" "red") square star
above beside
image-width image-height

chaînes de caractères (strings)

string-length string-append string-ith
string=? string->number number->string


and or not

prédicats de test

image? number? string? boolean?


Compléter le programme suivant.

(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)

; TrafficLight is one of
; - "green"
; - "orange"
; - "red"

; next-light: TrafficLight -> TrafficLight
; returns the next state of a traffic light
(check-expect (next-light "green") "orange")
(check-expect (next-light "red") "green")
; TODO: implement this program

; Lamp is one of
; - TrafficLight
; - #false

(define LIGHT_SIZE 20)
; lamp-draw: Lamp -> Image
(check-expect (lamp-draw "red") (circle LIGHT_SIZE "solid" "red"))
(check-expect (lamp-draw #false) (circle LIGHT_SIZE "solid" "black"))
; TODO: implement this program

; switch: TrafficLight -> Lamp -> Lamp
; switch the Lamp to #false if it is not in the same state as the TrafficLight
(check-expect (switch "green" "green") "green")
(check-expect (switch "green" "red") #false)
; TODO: implement this program

; traffic-light-draw: TrafficLight -> Image
; TODO: implement this program

; key-handler: TrafficLight -> KeyEvent -> TrafficLight
; on any key, move to the next traffic light
(check-expect (key-handler "orange" "anything") "red")
; TODO: implement this program

; main program
(big-bang "green"
  [to-draw traffic-light-draw]
  [on-key key-handler])

TP5: corrigé

(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)

; TrafficLight is one of
; - "green"
; - "orange"
; - "red"

; next-light: TrafficLight -> TrafficLight
; returns the next state of a traffic light
(check-expect (next-light "green") "orange")
(check-expect (next-light "red") "green")
(define (next-light l)
    [(string=? l "green") "orange"]
    [(string=? l "orange") "red"]
    [(string=? l "red") "green"]))

; Lamp is one of
; - TrafficLight
; - #false

(define LIGHT_SIZE 20)
; lamp-draw: Lamp -> Image
(check-expect (lamp-draw "red") (circle LIGHT_SIZE "solid" "red"))
(check-expect (lamp-draw #false) (circle LIGHT_SIZE "solid" "black"))
(define (lamp-draw lamp)
  (circle LIGHT_SIZE "solid" (if (false? lamp) "black" lamp)))

; switch: TrafficLight -> Lamp -> Lamp
; switch the Lamp to #false if it is not in the same state as the TrafficLight
(check-expect (switch "green" "green") "green")
(check-expect (switch "green" "red") #false)
(define (switch light lamp)
    [(false? lamp) lamp]
    [(string=? lamp light) lamp]
    [else #false]))

; traffic-light-draw: TrafficLight -> Image
(define (traffic-light-draw light)
   (lamp-draw (switch light "red"))
   (lamp-draw (switch light "orange"))
   (lamp-draw (switch light "green"))))

; key-handler: TrafficLight -> KeyEvent -> TrafficLight
; on any key, move to the next traffic light
(check-expect (key-handler "orange" "anything") "red")
(define (key-handler light evt) (next-light light))

; main program
(big-bang "green"
  [to-draw traffic-light-draw]
  [on-key key-handler])