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5 Variations on the class language

Our language of classes favor expressiveness while retaining type soundness and modularity. Thus, several other design choices, which could allow significant simplifications or enforce stronger invariants, can be derived from our proposal either by small variations or restrictions.

5.1 Object initialization

Usually, object initialization is defined at the class level, rather than at the object level, which is hidden to users. Instead, in our proposal objects are visible because they provide the basic semantics. Regarding the object initialization, we enriched the object language as little as needed by splitting names into private and public. Hereafter, we illustrate a more standard approach to object initialization by means of straightforward translation of a higher-level language. (Indeed, examples of Section 4 conform with this approach.)

In the user-language we replace class and obj declarations by the following ones: The translation of the above declarations are, respectively: In this user language, the class is responsible for object initialization. Moreover, by constructions, subclasses always invoke the initialization methods of its parent classes. Indeed, other design choices are possible. For instance, this design easily generalizes to allow multiple class constructors.

5.2 Restriction of selective refinements

The examples in Section 4 only use selective refinement in a restrictive and simple form. In particular, refinement clauses K Þ K' |> P always uses K with 0 or 1 message. Restricting to such cases simplifies rule Filter-Apply in the rewriting semantics (Figure 5) and the static semantics of classes given below in Section 10.

A different approach has been taken in Polyphonic C [3]. This language extends C with reaction rules a la join calculus (called chords). As inheritance is concerned, Polyphonic C is quite severe with respect to join patterns: if a method is overridden, then all join patterns concerning that method must be overridden, and so on, transitively. This apporach is significantly different than ours. In particular, while we allow overriding of as few methods as possible during inheritance, they instead require overriding of too many methods. For instance, in the common pattern where every method synchronizes with a global object state, overriding any method would require overriding all of them.

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