type bool = True
       | False

type ('a) option = Some of 'a
       | None

let is_some =
      fun ['a] (x : 'a option) =>
        match x with
          | Some(_) => True
          | None => False

let forall 'a ornament is_some ['a] : 'a option -> bool

type key = Key

let rec compare : key -> key -> int = compare

type set = Empty
       | Node of key * set * set

let empty = Empty

let rec find : key -> set -> bool =
          fun (k : key) (s : set) =>
            match s with
              | Empty => False
              | Node(k',l,r) =>
                match eq (compare k k') 0 with
                  | True => True
                  | False =>
                    match gt (compare k k') 0 with
                      | True => find k l
                      | False => find k r

type ('a) map = MEmpty
       | MNode of key * 'a * 'a map * 'a map

let rec keys : forall 'a. 'a map -> set =
          fun ['a] (m : 'a map) =>
            match m with
              | MEmpty => Empty
              | MNode(k,_,l,r) => Node(k,keys ['a] l,keys ['a] r)

let forall 'a ornament keys ['a] : 'a map -> set

let rec mempty : forall 'a. 'a map = fun ['a] => MEmpty['a]

let rec mfind : forall 'a. key -> 'a map -> 'a option =
          fun ['a] (k0 : key) (s : 'a map) =>
            match s with
              | MEmpty => None['a]
              | MNode(k1,_,l,r) =>
                match eq (compare k0 k1) 0 with
                  | True => Some['a](??y__25__27??)
                  | False =>
                    match gt (compare k0 k1) 0 with
                      | True => mfind [???] k0 l
                      | False => mfind [???] k0 r