In this appendix we briefly present two recent features of the OCaml
language and illustrate their use in combination with classes.
Actually, they jointly complement objects and classes in an interesting way:
first, they provide a good alternative to multiple class
constructors, which OCaml does not have; second, variant types
are also a lighter-weight alternative to datatype definitions and are
particularly appropriate to simulate simple typecases in OCaml. Note that
the need for typecases is sufficiently rare, thanks to the
expressiveness of OCaml object type-system, that an indirect solution
to typecases is quite acceptable.
Variants are tagged unions, like ML datatypes. Thus, they allow
values of different types to be mixed together in a collection
by tagging them with variant labels; the values may be retrieved from the
collection by inspecting their tags using pattern matching.
However, unlike datatypes, variants can be used without a preceding type
declaration. Furthermore, while a datatype constructor belong to a unique
datatype, a variant constructor may belong to any (open) variant.
Quick overview
Just like sum type constructors, variant tags must be capitalized, but they
must also be prefixed by the back-quote character as follows:
letone = `Int 1 andhalf = `Float 0.5;;
val one : [> `Int of int] = `Int 1
val half : [> `Float of float] = `Float 0.5
Here, variable one is bound to a variant that is an
integer value tagged with `Int. The > sign
in the type [> `Intofint] means
that one can actually be a assigned a super type. That is,
values of this type can actually have another tag. However, if they have
have tag `Int then they must carry integers.
Thus, both one and half have compatible types and
can be stored in the same collection:
letcollection = [ one; half ];;
val collection : [> `Int of int | `Float of float] list =
[`Int 1; `Float 0.5]
Now, the type of collection is a list of values, that can be integers
tagged with `Int or floating point values tagged with `Float, or
values with another tag.
Values of a heterogeneous collection can be retrieved by pattern matching
and then reified to their true type:
val float : [< `Int of int | `Float of float] -> float = <fun>
lettotal =List.fold_left (funxy -> x +. floaty) 0. collection ;;
Implementing typecase with variant types
The language ML does not keep types at run time, hence there is no typecase
construct to test the types of values at run time. The only solution
available is to explicitly tag values with constructors. OCaml data types
can be used for that purpose but variant types may be more convenient and
more flexible here since their constructors do not have to be declared in
advance, and their tagged values have all compatible types.
For instance, we consider one and two dimensional point classes and combine
their objects together in a container.
To make objects of the two classes compatible, we always tag them. However,
we also keep the original object, so as to preserve direct access to the
common interface.
letpp1 = p1, `Point1p1;;
We provide testing and coercion functions for each class (these two
functions could of also be merged):
In the core language, as in most languages, arguments are anonymous.
Labeled arguments are a convenient extension to the core language that
allow to consistently label arguments in the declaration of functions and
in their application. Labeled arguments increase safety, since argument
labels are checked against their definitions. Moreover, labeled arguments
also increase flexibility since they can be passed in a different order than
the one of their definition. Finally, labeled arguments can be used solely
for documentation purposes.
For instance, the erroneous exchange of two arguments of the same type —an
error the typechecker would not catch— can be avoided by labeling the
arguments with distinct labels. As an example, the module
StdLabels.String provides a function sub with the following
This function expects three arguments: the first one is anonymous, the
second and third ones are labeled pos and len, respectively.
A call to this function can be written
String.sub"Hello" ~pos:0 ~len:4
or equivalently,
String.sub"Hello" ~len:4 ~pos:0
since labeled arguments can be passed to the function in a different order.
Labels are (lexically) enclosed between ~ and :, so as to
distinguish them from variables.
By default, standard library functions are not labeled. The module
StdLabels redefines some modules of the standard library with
labeled versions of some functions. Thus, one can include the command
at the beginning of a file to benefit from labeled versions of the
libraries. Then, String.sub could have been used as a short
hand for StdLabels.String.sub in the example above.
Labeled arguments of a function are declared by labeling the arguments
accordingly in the function declaration. For example, the labeled version
of substring could have been defined as
letsubstrings ~pos:x ~length:y = String.subsxy;;
Additionally, there is a possible short-cut that allows us to use the name of
the label for the name of the variable. Then, both the ending : mark
at the end of the label and the variable are omitted. Hence, the following
definition of substring is equivalent to the previous one.
Labels can also be used to declare default values for some arguments.
Quick overview
Arguments with default values are called
optional arguments, and can be omitted in function calls —the
corresponding default values will be used. For instance, one could have
declared a function substring as follows
This would allow to call substring with its length argument and
an anonymous string, leaving the position to its default value 0. The
anonymous string parameter has been moved as the last argument, inverting
the convention taken in String.sub, so as to satisfy the requirement
than an optional argument must always be followed by an anonymous argument
which is used to mark the end optional arguments and replace missing
arguments by their default values.
Application to class constructors
In OCaml, objects are created from classes with the new construct.
This amounts to having a unique constructor of the same name as the name of
the class, with the same arity as that of the class.
In object-oriented languages, it is common and often quite useful to have
several ways of building objects of the same class. One common example are
is to have default values for some of the parameters. Another situation is
to have two (or more) equivalent representations for an object, and to
be able to initialized the object using the object either way. For instance,
complex points can be defined by giving either cartesian or polar
One could think of emulating several constructors by defining different
variants of the class obtained by abstraction and application of the
original class, each one providing a new class constructor. However, this
schema breaks modularity, since classes cannot be simultaneously
refined by inheritance.
Fortunately, labeled arguments and variant types can be used together
to provide the required flexibility, as it there were several
constructors, but with a unique class that can be inherited.
For example, two-dimensional points can be defined as follows: