| |
type count = {
mutable chars : int;
mutable lines : int;
mutable words : int;
let new_count() = {chars = 0; lines = 0; words = 0};;
let total = new_count();;
let cumulate wc =
total.chars <- total.chars + wc.chars;
total.lines <- total.lines + wc.lines;
total.words <- total.words + wc.words;;
let rec counter ic iw wc =
let c = input_char ic in
wc.chars <- wc.chars + 1;
match c with
| ' ' | '\t' ->
if iw then wc.words <- wc.words + 1 else ();
counter ic false wc
| '\n' ->
wc.lines <- wc.lines + 1;
if iw then wc.words <- wc.words + 1 else ();
counter ic false wc
| c ->
counter ic true wc;;
let count_channel ic wc =
try counter ic false wc with
| End_of_file -> cumulate wc; close_in ic;;
let output_results s wc =
Printf.printf "%7d%8d%8d %s\n" wc.lines wc.words wc.chars s;;
let count_file file_name =
let ic = open_in file_name in
let wc = new_count() in
count_channel ic wc;
output_results file_name wc;
with Sys_error s -> print_string s; print_newline(); exit 2;;
let main () =
let nb_files = Array.length Sys.argv - 1 in
if nb_files > 0 then
for i = 1 to nb_files do
count_file Sys.argv.(i)
if nb_files > 1 then output_results "total" total;
let wc = new_count() in
count_channel stdin wc;
output_results "" wc;
exit 0;;