- Friday, June 22th
- 14:00 Robin Milner: Motion & Reaction versus Unfolding and Recursion,
or: structural congruence revisited
- 14:45 Larry Paulson: Automated Assistance for Proof Assistants
- 15:30 Break
- 15:45 Jean-Jacques Lévy: Small Families
- 16:30 Dominique Bolignano : On the use of Coq for Business Models
- 17:15 Jean-Marie Hullot
- Saturday, June 23th
Thierry Coquand,
Gilles Dowek,
François Fages,
Xavier Leroy,
Christine Paulin,
Didier Rémy.
Venue: Amphithéâtre Rataud, École normale supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm, Paris.
Supported by TYPES, INRIA and the MSR-INRIA joint center.