open General (* This signature describes the incremental LR engine. *) (* In this mode, the user controls the lexer, and the parser suspends itself when it needs to read a new token. *) module type INCREMENTAL_ENGINE = sig type token (* The type ['a checkpoint] represents an intermediate or final state of the parser. An intermediate checkpoint is a suspension: it records the parser's current state, and allows parsing to be resumed. The parameter ['a] is the type of the semantic value that will eventually be produced if the parser succeeds. *) (* [Accepted] and [Rejected] are final checkpoints. [Accepted] carries a semantic value. *) (* [InputNeeded] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser wishes to read one token before continuing. *) (* [Shifting] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser is taking a shift transition. It exposes the state of the parser before and after the transition. The Boolean parameter tells whether the parser intends to request a new token after this transition. (It always does, except when it is about to accept.) *) (* [AboutToReduce] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser is about to perform a reduction step. It exposes the parser's current state as well as the production that is about to be reduced. *) (* [HandlingError] is an intermediate checkpoint. It means that the parser has detected an error and is currently handling it, in several steps. *) type env type production type 'a checkpoint = private InputNeeded of env Shifting of env * env * bool AboutToReduce of env * production HandlingError of env Accepted of 'a Rejected (* [offer] allows the user to resume the parser after it has suspended itself with a checkpoint of the form [InputNeeded env]. [offer] expects the old checkpoint as well as a new token and produces a new checkpoint. It does not raise any exception. *) val offer: 'a checkpoint -> token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> 'a checkpoint (* [resume] allows the user to resume the parser after it has suspended itself with a checkpoint of the form [AboutToReduce (env, prod)] or [HandlingError env]. [resume] expects the old checkpoint and produces a new checkpoint. It does not raise any exception. *) val resume: 'a checkpoint -> 'a checkpoint (* A token supplier is a function of no arguments which delivers a new token (together with its start and end positions) every time it is called. *) type supplier = unit -> token * Lexing.position * Lexing.position (* A pair of a lexer and a lexing buffer can be easily turned into a supplier. *) val lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> supplier (* The functions [offer] and [resume] are sufficient to write a parser loop. One can imagine many variations (which is why we expose these functions in the first place!). Here, we expose a few variations of the main loop, ready for use. *) (* [loop supplier checkpoint] begins parsing from [checkpoint], reading tokens from [supplier]. It continues parsing until it reaches a checkpoint of the form [Accepted v] or [Rejected]. In the former case, it returns [v]. In the latter case, it raises the exception [Error]. *) val loop: supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'a (* [loop_handle succeed fail supplier checkpoint] begins parsing from [checkpoint], reading tokens from [supplier]. It continues parsing until it reaches a checkpoint of the form [Accepted v] or [HandlingError env] (or [Rejected], but that should not happen, as [HandlingError _] will be observed first). In the former case, it calls [succeed v]. In the latter case, it calls [fail] with this checkpoint. It cannot raise [Error]. This means that Menhir's traditional error-handling procedure (which pops the stack until a state that can act on the [error] token is found) does not get a chance to run. Instead, the user can implement her own error handling code, in the [fail] continuation. *) val loop_handle: ('a -> 'answer) -> ('a checkpoint -> 'answer) -> supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer (* [loop_handle_undo] is analogous to [loop_handle], except it passes a pair of checkpoints to the failure continuation. The first (and oldest) checkpoint is the last [InputNeeded] checkpoint that was encountered before the error was detected. The second (and newest) checkpoint is where the error was detected, as in [loop_handle]. Going back to the first checkpoint can be thought of as undoing any reductions that were performed after seeing the problematic token. (These reductions must be default reductions or spurious reductions.) [loop_handle_undo] must initially be applied to an [InputNeeded] checkpoint. The parser's initial checkpoints satisfy this constraint. *) val loop_handle_undo: ('a -> 'answer) -> ('a checkpoint -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer) -> supplier -> 'a checkpoint -> 'answer (* [loop_test f checkpoint accu] assumes that [checkpoint] has been obtained by submitting a token to the parser. It runs the parser from [checkpoint], through an arbitrary number of reductions, until the parser either accepts this token (i.e., shifts) or rejects it (i.e., signals an error). If the parser decides to shift, then the accumulator is updated by applying the user function [f] to the [env] just before shifting and to the old [accu]. Otherwise, the accumulator is not updated, i.e., [accu] is returned. *) (* It is desirable that the semantic actions be side-effect free, or that their side-effects be harmless (replayable). *) val loop_test: (env -> 'accu -> 'accu) -> 'a checkpoint -> 'accu -> 'accu (* The function [loop_test] can be used, after an error has been detected, to dynamically test which tokens would have been accepted at this point. We provide this test, ready for use. *) (* For completeness, one must undo any spurious reductions before carrying out this test -- that is, one must apply [acceptable] to the FIRST checkpoint that is passed by [loop_handle_undo] to its failure continuation. *) (* This test causes some semantic actions to be run! The semantic actions should be side-effect free, or their side-effects should be harmless. *) (* The position [pos] is used as the start and end positions of the hypothetical token, and may be picked up by the semantic actions. We suggest using the position where the error was detected. *) val acceptable: 'a checkpoint -> token -> Lexing.position -> bool (* The abstract type ['a lr1state] describes the non-initial states of the LR(1) automaton. The index ['a] represents the type of the semantic value associated with this state's incoming symbol. *) type 'a lr1state (* The states of the LR(1) automaton are numbered (from 0 and up). *) val number: _ lr1state -> int (* An element is a pair of a non-initial state [s] and a semantic value [v] associated with the incoming symbol of this state. The idea is, the value [v] was pushed onto the stack just before the state [s] was entered. Thus, for some type ['a], the state [s] has type ['a lr1state] and the value [v] has type ['a]. In other words, the type [element] is an existential type. *) type element = Element: 'a lr1state * 'a * Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> element (* The parser's stack is (or, more precisely, can be viewed as) a stream of elements. The type [stream] is defined by the module [General]. *) type stack = element stream (* This is the parser's stack, a stream of elements. This stream is empty if the parser is in an initial state; otherwise, it is non-empty. The LR(1) automaton's current state is the one found in the top element of the stack. *) val stack: env -> stack (* These are the start and end positions of the current lookahead token. If invoked in an initial state, this function returns a pair of twice the initial position. *) val positions: env -> Lexing.position * Lexing.position (* This tells whether the parser is about to perform a default reduction. In particular, when applied to an environment taken from a result of the form [AboutToReduce (env, prod)], this tells whether the reduction that is about to take place is a default reduction. *) val has_default_reduction: env -> bool end (* This signature is a fragment of the inspection API that is made available to the user when [--inspection] is used. This fragment contains type definitions for symbols. *) module type SYMBOLS = sig (* The type ['a terminal] represents a terminal symbol. The type ['a nonterminal] represents a nonterminal symbol. In both cases, the index ['a] represents the type of the semantic values associated with this symbol. The concrete definitions of these types are generated. *) type 'a terminal type 'a nonterminal (* The type ['a symbol] represents a terminal or nonterminal symbol. It is the disjoint union of the types ['a terminal] and ['a nonterminal]. *) type 'a symbol = T : 'a terminal -> 'a symbol N : 'a nonterminal -> 'a symbol (* The type [xsymbol] is an existentially quantified version of the type ['a symbol]. This type is useful in situations where the index ['a] is not statically known. *) type xsymbol = X : 'a symbol -> xsymbol end (* This signature describes the inspection API that is made available to the user when [--inspection] is used. *) module type INSPECTION = sig (* The types of symbols are described above. *) include SYMBOLS (* The type ['a lr1state] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]. *) type 'a lr1state (* The type [production] is meant to be the same as in [INCREMENTAL_ENGINE]. It represents a production of the grammar. A production can be examined via the functions [lhs] and [rhs] below. *) type production (* An LR(0) item is a pair of a production [prod] and a valid index [i] into this production. That is, if the length of [rhs prod] is [n], then [i] is comprised between 0 and [n], inclusive. *) type item = production * int (* Ordering functions. *) val compare_terminals: _ terminal -> _ terminal -> int val compare_nonterminals: _ nonterminal -> _ nonterminal -> int val compare_symbols: xsymbol -> xsymbol -> int val compare_productions: production -> production -> int val compare_items: item -> item -> int (* [incoming_symbol s] is the incoming symbol of the state [s], that is, the symbol that the parser must recognize before (has recognized when) it enters the state [s]. This function gives access to the semantic value [v] stored in a stack element [Element (s, v, _, _)]. Indeed, by case analysis on the symbol [incoming_symbol s], one discovers the type ['a] of the value [v]. *) val incoming_symbol: 'a lr1state -> 'a symbol (* [items s] is the set of the LR(0) items in the LR(0) core of the LR(1) state [s]. This set is not epsilon-closed. This set is presented as a list, in an arbitrary order. *) val items: _ lr1state -> item list (* [lhs prod] is the left-hand side of the production [prod]. This is always a non-terminal symbol. *) val lhs: production -> xsymbol (* [rhs prod] is the right-hand side of the production [prod]. This is a (possibly empty) sequence of (terminal or nonterminal) symbols. *) val rhs: production -> xsymbol list (* [nullable nt] tells whether the non-terminal symbol [nt] is nullable. That is, it is true if and only if this symbol produces the empty word [epsilon]. *) val nullable: _ nonterminal -> bool (* [first nt t] tells whether the FIRST set of the nonterminal symbol [nt] contains the terminal symbol [t]. That is, it is true if and only if [nt] produces a word that begins with [t]. *) val first: _ nonterminal -> _ terminal -> bool (* [xfirst] is analogous to [first], but expects a first argument of type [xsymbol] instead of [_ terminal]. *) val xfirst: xsymbol -> _ terminal -> bool (* [foreach_terminal] enumerates the terminal symbols, including [error]. [foreach_terminal_but_error] enumerates the terminal symbols, excluding [error]. *) val foreach_terminal: (xsymbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a val foreach_terminal_but_error: (xsymbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a end (* This signature combines the incremental API and the inspection API. *) module type EVERYTHING = sig include INCREMENTAL_ENGINE include INSPECTION with type 'a lr1state := 'a lr1state with type production := production end