;redcode ;name Try fitting THIS name into eight characters or less! ;author Steven Morrell ;contact morrell@math.utah.edu ;NSFCWT Round 1 ;assert CORESIZE == 8000 ;assert VERSION >= 80 for 0 The challenge: Get a warrior that scores well in single-warrior and multi- warrior combat. I expect >90% of the warriors will be using P-space switching algorithms. The strategy: Boot Quickly. If multiwarrior (i.e. more than 2 warriors left at the end of the round), use Son of Imp-type strategy. It's stupid, but it survives. If singlewarrior, go to quick scanning code to defeat slow launchers. Also brainwash. rof org begin step equ 2849 small equ 12 stream equ qscan+3012 stream2 equ qscan+2500 impa equ begin+7800 offa equ begin+3800 impb equ begin+7800+3556 offb equ begin+3800+3556 impc equ begin+7800+7112 offc equ begin+3800+7112 jmp son,<1 ;-12 for 9 stp <1,<1 rof begin ldp.a #0,launch jump jmp @-1,ccx,