;redcode-94 ;name Rosebud ;author Beppe ;strategy a nice little thing ;strategy and a bunch of imps ;assert CORESIZE == 8000 ;kill Rosebud step equ -845 djnoff equ split+step impsize equ 2667 impdspl equ away+impsize+impsize/3+impaway impaway equ 1000 ;more or less :-) away equ 4000 ;more or less :-) org boot boot spl impboot mov cc, @stptr1 for 5 mov {stptr, {stptr1 rof spl *stptr1,<4000 stptr1 mul.f #split+away,#split+away+2 x dat 0,0 dat 0,0 start clr spl #0, 0 split spl #-step, -step, step+1 add split, stone cnt djn.f stone,