;redcode-94 ;name Prova_e_Riprova ;author Maurizio Vittuari ;strategy B-scanner ;strategy This is a personal defiance to Beppe ;-) ;strategy hoping to improve Provascan for the hint ;strategy on the New Year's Day issue ;assert CORESIZE == 8000 step equ 3364 away equ 3198+1 trap dat 0, 0 ;0 dat 0, 0 ;we can use equs for those dat 0,0 they are left dest dat 0, 0 ;for clarity dat 0, 0 dat 0, 0 ;0 loop add #step, ptr ptr jmz loop, trap+step mov.b ptr, dest cnt mov #7, 0 ;0 clear mov bomb, >dest djn clear, cnt jmn loop, trap bomb spl #6, 0 ;0 mov kill, }bomb ;1st pass: spl0-dat carpet mov kill-1, }bomb ;and then 2nd pass: only dat <2667,<-2666 jmp -2 spl #4, 0 ;0 kill dat <2667, <-2666 boot mov kill, away for 12 mov {boot, away-34 ;> is to set trap b-field non zero for (MAXLENGTH-CURLINE)/4 dat jump, 0 ;this decoy doesn't have two equal cells dat bomb, boot ;and also has all fourth b-field at zero dat boot, kill dat clear, boot rof end boot