;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;redcode ;name Nematode v1.3e+ ;author Jonathan Stott <jstott@poly.phys.cwru.edu> ;strategy A paper/stone blend with defensive imp rings to help it along ;strategy Really needs to be pspaced with a fast bomber to be effective. ;strategy [07/24/96 release] ;assert CORESIZE==8000 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Paper constants ASTEP equ 100 ; No, this is not a good constant to use. BSTEP equ 225 ; Nor is this. ; Ring constants D3 equ 2667 ; distance between the 3 points D7 equ 1143 ; distance between the 7 points SKIP7 equ (jtbl+200) ; where to drop the 7-pt ring ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- org start ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- start spl imp7, <0770 ; random decrements of core spl.a 1, <1640 spl.a 1, <2410 spl.a 1, <3180 spl.a silk2, <3950 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- silk spl.a @0, {ASTEP ;split forward, dec't because I can mov.i }silk, >silk ;copy (main) cel2 spl.a @cel2, {BSTEP ;split forward, dec't because I can cel2a mov.i }cel2, >cel2 ;copy (secondary) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- mov.i bomb, {bomb ;clear (self) mov.i bomb, {silk ;clear (behind self) mov.i bomb, >bomb ;clear (matched paper) bomb dat #cel2+1+1, #(cel4-bomb) ; suicide ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- j1 for 16 dat 0, 0 ; spacer rof ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- imp7 spl.a 1, <4720 ; split 7 processes + 1 suicide spl.a 1, <5490 ; more random decrements spl.a 1, <6260 vec jmp.a *jtbl, }0 ; vector launch a 7-pt impring imp mov.i 0, D7 ; the actual code imp1 mov.i imp, *jtbl+1 ; start it, then suicide on dat's jtbl dat imp1, 0 ; vector table for all 7 points dat SKIP7+0*D7, 0 dat SKIP7+1*D7, 0 dat SKIP7+2*D7, 0 dat SKIP7+3*D7, 0 dat SKIP7+4*D7, 0 dat SKIP7+5*D7, 0 dat SKIP7+6*D7, 0 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- k for (MAXLENGTH-CURLINE-24) dat 1, 1 ; decoy code rof ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- j2 for 16 dat 0, 0 ; spacer rof ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- silk2 spl.a @0, {ASTEP ;split forward, dec't because I can mov.i }silk2, >silk2 ;copy (main) cel3 spl.a @cel3, {BSTEP ;split forward, dec't because I can cel3a mov.i }cel3, >cel3 ;copy (secondary) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- rlnch2 spl.a c2, >c2+8 ;standard 3-pt ring. spl.a rimp2+1*D3, >c2+12 ; decrement a few bytes of core rimp2 mov.i rimp2, D3 c2 jmp.a rimp2+2*D3, >c2+16 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------