From news-rocq!!!!!!! Wed Sep 29 19:49:03 1999 Article: 10700 of Path: news-rocq!!!!!!! From: John Metcalf <> Newsgroups: Subject: FWD: Baseline Plus Date: 25 Sep 1999 23:13:37 -0400 Organization: TTSG Lines: 113 Distribution: world Message-ID: <> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Trace: 938315617 15642 (26 Sep 1999 03:13:37 GMT) X-Complaints-To: NNTP-Posting-Date: 26 Sep 1999 03:13:37 GMT Originator: Xref: news-rocq Here is Baseline Deluxe, changes from Baseline Plus include a booted imp so that the imp launcher is less vulnerable from the imp trail, bombing of the imp launcher and stone boot pointers early on so that there is no explicit boot pointer elimination needed, no processes lost in either of the imp launching or stone booting. Imp launcher put at location thats get bombed last. A couple of questions.. Would starting the imp launcher djn trail at the end of the imp make a good decoy? or starting the imp at the end of the qscan code and/or starting the imp launcher djn trail at the top of the qscan code? It would make a huge decoy for scanners but might make the imp vulnerable to spl carpeting since it would be found very quickly. ;redcode-94 ;name Baseline Deluxe ;author Ken Espiritu ;strategy q^3 -> imp/stone ;strategy overhauled everything ;strategy needs some tuning ;assert 1 org qGo ploc equ -502 sloc equ (bdest-spin)+214*10+3 ifirst equ (iboot-2+ploc) iboot equ (spin+sloc-3622) sboot equ (spin+sloc) step equ 214 ist equ 2667 spl #0, #0 inc spl #step, >-step pt mov {step, {-step+1 add inc, pt sptr djn.f @0, {pt spin spl #0, >prime sub.f #-ist-1,jump prime mov ploc, ploc-1 jump djn.f ploc+ist-2, {-1822+5 imp mov.i #-1, ist pGo boot mov imp, ifirst mov {boot, <bdest mov {boot, <bdest mov {boot, <bdest mov {boot, <bdest mov {boot, {bdest mov {boot, {bdest mov {boot, {bdest mov {boot, {bdest mov {boot, {bdest spl @bdest, }spin+4720 bdest jmp sboot, iboot for 36 dat 0,0 rof qf equ qKil qs equ (qd*3) qd equ 100 qi equ 7 qr equ 11 ; -+)>] 0/1 cycles [(<+- qGo: seq qd+qf+qs, qf+qs ; 1 jmp qSki, {qd+qf+qs+qi seq qd+qf+6*qs, qf+6*qs ; B jmp qFas, {qd+qf+6*qs+qi seq qd+qf+5*qs, qf+5*qs ; B-1 jmp qFas, <qBmb seq qd+qf+7*qs, qf+7*qs ; B+1 jmp qFas, >qBmb seq qd+qf+9*qs, qf+9*qs ; A-1 djn qFas, {qFas seq qd+qf+10*qs, qf+10*qs ; A jmp qFas, {qFas ; -+>)] 2 cycles [(<+- seq qd+qf+3*qs, qf+3*qs ; C jmp >qFas, {qd+qf+3*qs+qi seq qd+qf+2*qs, qf+2*qs ; C-1 jmp >qFas, {qSlo seq qd+qf+4*qs, qf+4*qs ; C+1 jmp >qFas, }qSlo seq qd+qf+12*qs, qf+12*qs ; B*C-B jmp qSlo, {qSlo seq qd+qf+15*qs, qf+15*qs ; B*C-C jmp qSlo, <qBmb seq qd+qf+21*qs, qf+21*qs ; B*C+C jmp qSlo, >qBmb seq qd+qf+24*qs, qf+24*qs ; B*C+B jmp qSlo, }qSlo seq qd+qf+27*qs, qf+27*qs ; A*C-C djn qSlo, {qFas seq qd+qf+30*qs, qf+30*qs ; A*C jmp qSlo, {qFas sne qd+qf+18*qs, qf+18*qs ; B*C jmz.f pGo, qd+qf+18*qs-10 qSlo:mul.ab #3, qKil ; C=3 qFas:mul.b qBmb, @qSlo qSki:sne >3456, @qKil add #qd, qKil qLoo:mov qBmb, @qKil qKil:mov qBmb, *qs sub #qi, qKil djn qLoo, #qr jmp pGo, >10 ; A=10 qBmb:dat {qi*qr-10, {6 ; B=6