Library cps2f_proof

Semantics preservation of the "come-back" translation from CPS to Nml for substitution

Author : Zaynah Dargaye

Created : 29th April 2009

Require Import List.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Coqlib2.
Require Import Fml.
Require Import CPS.
Require Import CPS_env.
Require Import cps2f.

I. relation between environments

Inductive match_value : CPSval->val->Prop:=
 | mctr: forall n lv1 lv2,
       match_vlist lv1 lv2-> match_value (CTc n lv1) (constr n lv2)
 |mcl: forall t t1 ce te cet tet e ari,
       (forall n cv m, nth_error ce n = Some cv ->
                              nth_error cet n = Some m ->
                              exists v, nth_error e m = Some v/\
                                              match_value cv v) ->
        (forall n cv m, nth_error te n = Some cv ->
                              nth_error tet n = Some m ->
                              exists v, nth_error e m = Some v/\
                                              match_value cv v) ->
        flat t ( ari::liftup cet (S ari)) (mkari ari++liftup tet (S ari)) =Some t1->
        match_value (CTcl ari ce te t) (clos ari t1 e)
 |mcs: forall t t1 ce te cet tet e ari,
       (forall n cv m, nth_error ce n = Some cv ->
                              nth_error cet n = Some m ->
                              exists v, nth_error e m = Some v/\
                                              match_value cv v) ->
        (forall n cv m, nth_error te n = Some cv ->
                              nth_error tet n = Some m ->
                              exists v, nth_error e m = Some v/\
                                              match_value cv v) ->
     flat t (ari::liftup cet (S(S ari))) (mkari ari++(S ari)::liftup tet (S(S ari)))= Some t1->
     match_value (CTclr ari ce te t) (closr ari t1 e)
with match_vlist :list CPSval->list val->Prop:=
 | mnil: match_vlist nil nil
 |mcons: forall v1 v2 l1 l2, match_value v1 v2->match_vlist l1 l2->
     match_vlist (v1::l1) (v2::l2).

Lemma match_v_length:
 forall l1 l2, match_vlist l1 l2 ->length l2=length l1.

Definition match_env (ce:env) (cet:Cenv)
                  (te:env) (tet:Tenv) (e:list val):Prop:=
    (forall n cv m, nth_error ce n = Some cv ->
                              nth_error cet n = Some m ->
                              exists v, nth_error e m = Some v/\
                                              match_value cv v) /\
      (forall n cv m, nth_error te n = Some cv ->
                              nth_error tet n = Some m ->
                              exists v, nth_error e m = Some v/\
                                              match_value cv v) .

Open Scope nat_scope.

Lemma nth_liftup:
 forall te n m r, nth_error (liftup te r) n = Some m ->
                          exists k, m=( k +r).

Lemma nth_liftup_incr:
   forall te n m r, nth_error (liftup te r) n = Some (m+r) ->
                           nth_error te n = Some m.

Lemma liftup_plus:
 forall te n m,
  liftup te (n+m) = liftup (liftup te n) m.

Lemma liftup_O:
 forall l, liftup l O = l.

Lemma match_env_tincr:
 forall vb varg ceb cet0 teb tet0 e0,
  match_env ceb cet0 teb tet0 e0 ->
  match_value vb varg ->
  match_env ceb (liftup cet0 1) (vb::teb) (0 :: liftup tet0 1) (varg::e0).

Lemma match_env_cincr:
 forall ceb cet0 teb tet0 e0 vb varg,
  match_env ceb cet0 teb tet0 e0 ->
  match_value vb varg ->
  match_env (vb::ceb) (O::liftup cet0 1) teb (liftup tet0 1) (varg::e0).

Ltac monadSimpl1 :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- (bind ?F ?G = Some ?X) -> _ ] =>
      unfold bind at 1;
      generalize (refl_equal F);
      pattern F at -1 in |- *;
      case F;
      [ (let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
           (intro; intro EQ; try monadSimpl1))
      | intro; intro; discriminate ]
  | [ |- (None = Some _) -> _ ] =>
      intro; discriminate
  | [ |- (Some _ = Some _) -> _ ] =>
      let h := fresh "H" in
      (intro h; injection h; intro; clear h)
  | [ |- (_ = Some _) -> _ ] =>
      let EQ := fresh "EQ" in intro EQ

Ltac monadSimpl :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- (bind ?F ?G = Some ?X) -> _ ] => monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (None = Some _) -> _ ] => monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (Some _ = Some _) -> _ ] => monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ _ _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1

Ltac monadInv H :=
  generalize H; monadSimpl.

Lemma match_args:
  forall vl l2, match_vlist vl l2->
  forall n ce1 cet0 te1 tet0 e0,
  length vl = n ->
   match_env ce1 cet0 te1 tet0 e0->
   match_env (ce1) (liftup cet0 n)
                        (rev vl++te1) (mkari n++liftup tet0 n)
                        (rev l2++e0).

Lemma match_nth:
forall pl cet tet l m tn n,
 flat_plist pl cet tet = Some l->
 nth_error pl n = Some (TPatc m tn) ->
 exists p, nth_error l n = Some p /\ flat_pat (TPatc m tn) cet tet = Some p.

Lemma CTeval_length:
 forall l v ce te , CPSeval_list ce te l v -> length v=length l.

Lemma flat_length:
 forall l1 c t l2, flat_list l1 c t = Some l2 -> length l2 = length l1.

II. Simulation scheme

Definition e_prop (ce:env) (te:env) (t:cpsterm) (v:CPSval):Prop:=
 forall e cet tet t1
    (ME:match_env ce cet te tet e)
    (TR: flat t cet tet =Some t1),
    exists v' , eval_term e t1 v'/\ match_value v v'.

 Definition el_prop (ce:env) (te:env) (t:list cpsterm) (v:list CPSval):Prop:=
 forall e cet tet t1
    (ME:match_env ce cet te tet e)
    (TR: flat_list t cet tet =Some t1),
    exists v' , eval_list e t1 v'/\ match_vlist v v'.

Lemma tvar_correct:
 forall (ce : env) (te : list CPSval) (n : nat) (v : CPSval),
 nth_error te n = Some v -> e_prop ce te (TVar n) v.

Lemma cvar_correct:
 forall (ce : list CPSval) (te : env) (n : nat) (v : CPSval),
 nth_error ce n = Some v -> e_prop ce te (CVar n) v.

Lemma lamb_correct:
  forall (ce te : env) (t : cpsterm) (ari : nat),
  e_prop ce te (TLamb ari t) (CTcl ari ce te t).

Lemma mu_correct:
 forall (ce te : env) (t : cpsterm) (ari : nat),
 e_prop ce te (TMu ari t) (CTclr ari ce te t).

Lemma app_correct:
 forall (ce te : env) (t1 : cpsterm) (tl : list cpsterm) (n : nat)
 (vl : list CPSval) (cv res : CPSval) (t : cpsterm)
 (ce1 te1 : list CPSval),
   CPSeval ce te t1 (CTcl n ce1 te1 t) ->
   e_prop ce te t1 (CTcl n ce1 te1 t) ->
   CPSeval_list ce te tl (cv :: vl) ->
   el_prop ce te tl (cv :: vl) ->
   length tl = S n ->
   CPSeval (cv :: ce1) (rev vl ++ te1) t res ->
   e_prop (cv :: ce1) (rev vl ++ te1) t res ->
   e_prop ce te (TApp t1 tl) res.

Lemma appr_correct:
forall (ce te : env) (t1 : cpsterm) (n : nat) (tl : list cpsterm)
(cv : CPSval) (vl : list CPSval) (res : CPSval) (t : cpsterm)
(ce1 te1 : list CPSval),
  CPSeval ce te t1 (CTclr n ce1 te1 t) ->
  e_prop ce te t1 (CTclr n ce1 te1 t) ->
  CPSeval_list ce te tl (cv :: vl) ->
  el_prop ce te tl (cv :: vl) ->
  length tl =S n ->
  CPSeval (cv :: ce1) (rev vl ++ CTclr n ce1 te1 t :: te1) t res ->
  e_prop (cv :: ce1) (rev vl ++ CTclr n ce1 te1 t :: te1) t res ->
  e_prop ce te (TApp t1 tl) res.

Lemma constr_correct:
 forall (ce te : env) (tl : list cpsterm) (vl : list CPSval) (n : nat),
 CPSeval_list ce te tl vl ->
 el_prop ce te tl vl -> e_prop ce te (TConstr n tl) (CTc n vl).

Lemma match_correct:
 forall (ce te : env) (t : cpsterm) (n : nat) (pl : list cpat)
 (vl : list CPSval) (m : nat) (tn : cpsterm) (v : CPSval),
 CPSeval ce te t (CTc n vl) ->
 e_prop ce te t (CTc n vl) ->
 nth_error pl n = Some (TPatc m tn) ->
 length vl = m ->
 CPSeval ce (rev vl ++ te) tn v ->
 e_prop ce (rev vl ++ te) tn v -> e_prop ce te (TMatch t pl) v.

Lemma tlet_correct:
forall (ce te : env) (t1 t2 : cpsterm) (v1 v : CPSval),
  CPSeval ce te t1 v1 ->
  e_prop ce te t1 v1 ->
  CPSeval ce (v1 :: te) t2 v ->
  e_prop ce (v1 :: te) t2 v -> e_prop ce te (TLet t1 t2) v.

Lemma nil_correct:
  forall ce te : env, el_prop ce te nil nil.

Lemma cons_correct:
 forall (ce te : env) (t : cpsterm) (lt : list cpsterm) (v : CPSval) (lv : list CPSval),
 CPSeval ce te t v ->
 e_prop ce te t v ->
 CPSeval_list ce te lt lv ->
 el_prop ce te lt lv -> el_prop ce te (t :: lt) (v :: lv).

Theorem flat_correct:
 forall (e e0 : env) (c : cpsterm) (c0 : CPSval),
 CPSeval e e0 c c0 -> e_prop e e0 c c0.

Lemma match_init:
 match_env nil nil nil nil nil.

Theorem ct2t_correct:
 forall ct cv t, CPSeval nil nil ct cv->
 ct2t ct = Some t ->
 exists v, eval_term nil t v/\match_value cv v.