Library cps2f

come-back translation from CPS to Nml for substitution

Author : Zaynah Dargaye

Created : 29th April 2009

flatting the two kinds of variables into one.

Require Import List.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Coqlib2.
Require Import Fml.
Require Import CPS.

Definition Cenv:= list nat.
Definition Tenv:=list nat.
Definition liftup (l:list nat) (n:nat) :=
           (fun x => plus x n) l.

Fixpoint mkari (n:nat):list nat:=
 match n with
 | O => nil
 | S k=> mkari k++ k::nil

Definition bind (A B: Set) (f: option A) (g: A -> option B) :=
  match f with None => None | Some x => g x end.

Implicit Arguments bind [A B].

Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (bind A (fun X => B))
   (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).

Fixpoint flat (t: cpsterm) (ce:Cenv) (te:Tenv) {struct t}:option term:=
 match t with
 | TVar m => do k<- nth_error te m; Some (Var k)
 | CVar m=> do k<-nth_error ce m ; Some (Var k)
 | TLamb ari t1 =>
       do m1<-flat t1 ( ari::liftup ce (S ari)) (mkari ari++liftup te (S ari));
        Some (Lamb ari m1)
 | TMu ari t1 =>
      do m1<- flat t1 ( ari::liftup ce (S(S ari)))
                                 (mkari ari++(S ari)::liftup te (S(S ari))) ;
      Some (Mu ari m1)
 |TApp t1 t2 => let
     fix flat_list (tl:list cpsterm) (ce:Cenv) (te:Tenv) {struct tl}:option (list term):=
       match tl with
      | nil=>Some (nil)
      | a::m=> do ma<-(flat a ce te);do mm<-(flat_list m ce te);
                       Some (ma::mm)
       end in
      do m1<-flat t1 ce te; do m2<-flat_list t2 ce te; Some (App m1 m2)
 | TLet t1 t2=> do m1<-flat t1 ce te; do m2<-flat t2 (liftup ce 1) (O::liftup te 1);
                              Some (tLet m1 m2)
 |TConstr m tl =>
   let fix flat_list (tl:list cpsterm) (ce:Cenv) (te:Tenv) {struct tl}:option (list term):=
   match tl with
      | nil=>Some (nil)
      | a::m=> do ma<-(flat a ce te);do mm<-(flat_list m ce te);
                       Some (ma::mm)
       end in
        do l<-flat_list tl ce te; Some (Con m l)
 |TMatch t1 pl=>
     let fix flat_plist (tl:list cpat) (ce:Cenv) (te:Tenv) {struct tl}:option (list pat) :=
       match tl with
      | nil=>Some (nil) | a::m=>
         do pa<-(flat_pat a ce te);do pl<-(flat_plist m ce te);
          Some (pa::pl) end in
         do m1<- flat t1 ce te;
        do l<-flat_plist pl ce te; Some (Match m1 l)
 with flat_pat (p:cpat) (ce:Cenv) (te:Tenv) {struct p}:option pat:=
 match p with
 | TPatc m t1 => do m1<- flat t1 (liftup ce m) (mkari m++(liftup te m));
                                Some (Patc m m1)
 end .

Fixpoint flat_plist (tl:list cpat) (ce:Cenv) (te:Tenv) {struct tl}:option (list pat) :=
       match tl with
      | nil=>Some (nil) | a::m=>
         do pa<-(flat_pat a ce te);do pl<-(flat_plist m ce te);
          Some (pa::pl) end.

Fixpoint flat_list (tl:list cpsterm) (ce:Cenv) (te:Tenv) {struct tl}:option (list term):=
   match tl with
      | nil=>Some (nil)
      | a::m=> do ma<-(flat a ce te);do mm<-(flat_list m ce te);
                       Some (ma::mm)

Definition ct2t (t:cpsterm) := flat t nil nil.