Library c2pp_pre

Annexed properties for the semantics preservation of the constructor numbering

author : Zaynah Dargaye

created : 29th April 2009

Require Import List.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Compare_dec.
Require Import EqNat.
Require Import Coqlib2.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Epsml.
Require Import Pml.
Require Import c2p.

Ltac monadSimpl1 :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- (bind ?F ?G = Some ?X) -> _ ] =>
      unfold bind at 1;
      generalize (refl_equal F);
      pattern F at -1 in |- *;
      case F;
      [ (let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
           (intro; intro EQ; try monadSimpl1))
      | intro; intro; discriminate ]
  | [ |- (None = Some _) -> _ ] =>
      intro; discriminate
  | [ |- (Some _ = Some _) -> _ ] =>
      let h := fresh "H" in
      (intro h; injection h; intro; clear h)
  | [ |- (_ = Some _) -> _ ] =>
      let EQ := fresh "EQ" in intro EQ

Ltac monadSimpl :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- (bind ?F ?G = Some ?X) -> _ ] => monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (None = Some _) -> _ ] => monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (Some _ = Some _) -> _ ] => monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ _ _ _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ _ _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1
  | [ |- (?F _ = Some _) -> _ ] => unfold F; fold F; monadSimpl1

Ltac monadInv H :=
  generalize H; monadSimpl.

I. Sorting of pattern-matching

Inductive is_sorted : list (nat*pat)->Prop:=
| is_snil : is_sorted nil
| is_sun : forall n p , is_sorted ((n,p)::nil)
| is_scons : forall n0 n1 p0 p1 l ,
                    is_sorted ((n1,p1)::l) -> lt n0 n1 ->
                    is_sorted ( (n0,p0)::(n1,p1)::l).

Lemma is_sorted_cons :
 forall l a , is_sorted (a::l) -> is_sorted l /\
                ( forall n, (List.head l) = Some n -> lt (fst a) (fst n)).

Lemma insert_head :
 forall l l1 n p , insert n p l = Some l1 ->
          head l1 = Some (n,p) \/ head l1 = head l.

Lemma is_sorted_incr :
 forall l n n0 p0 p,
 (n0 < n)%nat -> head l = Some (n, p) -> is_sorted l ->
 is_sorted ((n0, p0) :: l).

Lemma is_sorted_insert :
 forall l0 l1 n p ,
  is_sorted l0 -> insert n p l0 = Some l1 -> is_sorted l1.

Theorem is_sorted_sort :
 forall l l1 , sort l = Some l1 -> is_sorted l1.

Theorem is_sorted_sort_eq :
 forall l , is_sorted l -> sort l = Some l.

Lemma inf_not_in_is_sorted:
 forall l n m , head l = Some m -> is_sorted l ->lt (fst n) (fst m) -> ~In n l.

Lemma is_sorted_norepet :
 forall l ,
    is_sorted l -> list_norepet l.

Lemma in_is_sorted :
 forall l a p , is_sorted (p::l) ->In ((@fst nat pat) a) ( (@fst nat pat) (p::l)) ->
                   le (fst p) (fst a).

Lemma is_sorted_fst_norepet:
 forall l ,
 is_sorted l -> list_norepet ( (@fst nat pat) l).

Lemma insert_not_here :
 forall l l2 n p , is_sorted l ->insert n p l = Some l2 -> ~In (n,p) l.

Lemma in_insert_here:
 forall l n p l2, insert n p l = Some l2 ->
          (forall n0 p0 , In (n0,p0) l -> In (n0,p0) l2).

Lemma in_insert_new :
 forall l1 l2 n p , insert n p l1 = Some l2 -> In (n,p) l2.

Lemma sort_in:
 forall l1 l2 , sort l1 =Some l2 ->
                  (forall n p , In (n,p) l1 -> In (n,p) l2).

Lemma sort_norepet :
 forall l1 l2,
  sort l1 =Some l2 ->
  list_norepet l1 .

Lemma in_insert_inv :
 forall l n p l2, insert n p l = Some l2 ->
           (forall n0 p0 , In (n0,p0) l2 -> (n0,p0) = (n,p) \/ In (n0,p0) l).

Lemma in_sort_in :
forall l1 l2,
 sort l1 = Some l2 -> forall a : nat * pat, In a l1 <-> In a l2.

 Lemma is_sorted_inf_cons :
 forall l a, is_sorted (a::l) ->
  (forall b , In b l -> lt (fst a) (fst b)).

 Lemma is_sorted_bound_inf :
 forall l a , is_sorted (a::l) ->
 (forall k , In k (a::l) -> le (fst a) (fst k)).

II. Translation environment building and correctness

Fixpoint get_numC_list (gam : gamma) (l: list ident) {struct l}:option (list nat):=
 match l with
 | nil => Some nil
 | a::m => do na <- get_num gam a ;
                 do nm <- get_numC_list gam m ;
                  Some (na::nm)

Fixpoint enum_list (n p:nat) {struct n}: list nat :=
 match n with
 | O => nil
 | S m => (enum_list m p)++(plus m p)::nil

 Lemma enum_list_commut :
 forall p m, enum_list (S p) m = m:: enum_list p (S m).

Lemma not_in_enum:
 forall n m i,le (plus n m) i -> ~In i (enum_list n m).

Lemma enum_list_norepet:
 forall n m , list_norepet (enum_list n m).

Lemma get_numC_append :
 forall l1 l2 l3 gam ,
 get_numC_list gam (l1++l2) = Some l3 ->
 exists l4 , exists l5, get_numC_list gam l1 = Some l4 /\
                               get_numC_list gam l2 = Some l5/\
                               l3 = l4++l5.

Lemma get_numC_app :
 forall l1 l2 l3 l4 gam ,
 get_numC_list gam l1 = Some l3 ->
 get_numC_list gam l2 = Some l4 ->
 get_numC_list gam (l1++l2) = Some (l3++l4).

Lemma enum_is_sorted :
forall n m l, (@fst nat pat) l = enum_list n m ->
  is_sorted l .

Lemma enum_sort_eq :
 forall l n m , (@fst nat pat) l = enum_list n m ->
  sort l = Some l .

Lemma not_in_enum_inf :
 forall n m i ,
  lt i m -> ~In i (enum_list n m) .

Lemma nth_enum:
 forall l n m1 m pn, (@fst nat pat ) l = enum_list (length l) m1 ->
   le O n -> lt n (length l) -> In ((plus n m1), Patc m pn) l ->
   nth_error l n = Some ((plus n m1), Patc m pn).

Lemma in_enum :
 forall n m k , le m k /\ lt k (plus n m) -> In k (enum_list n m ) .

Lemma in_enum_inv :
 forall n m k , In k (enum_list n m ) ->le m k /\ lt k (plus n m).

Lemma enum_min :
 forall n m k , In k (enum_list n m ) -> le m k.

Lemma get_numC_permut :
 forall x l l2 gam,
 list_permut_norepet ident x l ->
get_numC_list gam x = Some l2 ->
 list_norepet l2 ->
 exists l0 : list nat,
    get_numC_list gam l = Some l0 /\
     list_permut_norepet nat l0 l2.

Lemma list_perm_sort :
 forall l1 l2 ,
 sort l1 = Some l2 ->
 list_permut_norepet (nat*pat) l1 l2.

Lemma bound_permut_enum :
 forall l n m , list_permut_norepet nat l (enum_list n m) ->
 forall k , In k l <-> le m k /\ lt k (plus n m).

Lemma bound_permut_enum_inv :
 forall l n m ,
    (forall k , In k l <-> le m k /\ lt k (plus n m)) ->
     list_norepet l ->
    list_permut_norepet nat l (enum_list n m).

Lemma enum_min_permut :
 forall l1 l2 a m ,
 is_sorted (a::l1) ->
 list_permut_norepet nat
 ( (fst (A:=nat) (B:=pat)) (a::l1)) l2 ->
 (forall k , In k l2 -> le m k ) -> In m l2 ->
 (fst a) = m.

Lemma list_permut_enum_sorted_eq :
 forall l2 n m ,
 is_sorted l2 ->
 list_permut_norepet nat ( (fst (A:=nat) (B:=pat)) l2) (enum_list n m) ->
 map (fst (A:=nat) (B:=pat)) l2 = enum_list n m.

Lemma list_perm_enum_sort_enum:
forall l2 l n m ,
  list_permut_norepet nat
   (map (fst (A:=nat) (B:=pat)) l) (enum_list n m ) ->
 sort l = Some l2 -> (fst (A:=nat) (B:=pat)) l2 = (enum_list n m) .