Library Fml_subst

Semantics based on substitution of Nml

Author : Zaynah Dargaye

Created : 29th April 2009

Require Import List.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Coqlib2.
Require Import Fml.

Ltac DO_IT :=
match goal with
| [ |- context[lt_ge_dec ?a ?b] ] =>
      case_eq (lt_ge_dec a b); intros; simpl; auto; DO_IT
| [ |- context[compare_dec ?a ?b] ] =>
     case_eq(compare_dec a b); intros; simpl; auto; DO_IT
| [ |- context[match ?x with Some _ => _ | None => _ end] ] =>
     case_eq x; intros; simpl; auto; DO_IT
| [ |-context[compare_bd_dec ?a ?b ?c] ] =>
     case_eq (compare_bd_dec a b c);intros;simpl;auto;DO_IT
| _ =>
     omega || (elimtype False; omega) || (progress f_equal; auto; DO_IT; fail) || auto

I. Lift and simultaneous substitution

Fixpoint lift_rec (t:term) (n:nat) (ari:nat){struct t}: term:=
 match t with
 | Var i => if lt_ge_dec i n then Var i else Var (i+ari)
 | Mu m b => Mu m (lift_rec b (n+(S (S m))) ari)
 |Lamb m b=> Lamb m (lift_rec b (n+(S m)) ari)
 | App t1 t2 =>
     let fix lift_list_rec (tl:list term) (n:nat) (ari:nat) {struct tl}:list term:=
     match tl with
     | nil => nil
     | a::m => (lift_rec a n ari)::(lift_list_rec m n ari)
     end in
     App (lift_rec t1 n ari) (lift_list_rec t2 n ari)
 |tLet t1 t2=> tLet (lift_rec t1 n ari) (lift_rec t2 (S n) ari)
 |Con k tl =>
      let fix lift_list_rec (tl:list term) (n:nat) (ari:nat) {struct tl}:list term:=
     match tl with
     | nil => nil
     | a::m => (lift_rec a n ari)::(lift_list_rec m n ari)
     end in
     Con k (lift_list_rec tl n ari)
 |Match t pl =>
      let fix lift_patlist_rec (tl:list pat) (n:nat) (ari:nat) {struct tl}:list pat:=
     match tl with
     | nil => nil
     | a::m => (lift_pat_rec a n ari)::(lift_patlist_rec m n ari)
     end in
     Match (lift_rec t n ari) (lift_patlist_rec pl n ari)
with lift_pat_rec (p:pat) (n ari:nat) {struct p}: pat:=
 match p with
 | Patc k t => Patc k (lift_rec t (n+ k) ari)

Definition lift (t:term) (ari:nat) := lift_rec t O ari.

Fixpoint lift_list_rec (tl:list term) (n:nat) (ari:nat) {struct tl}:list term:=
     match tl with
     | nil => nil
     | a::m => (lift_rec a n ari)::(lift_list_rec m n ari)

Fixpoint lift_list (tl:list term) (ari:nat) {struct tl}:list term:=
 match tl with
 | nil => nil
 | a::m => (lift a ari)::(lift_list m ari)

Fixpoint lift_patlist_rec (tl:list pat) (n:nat) (ari:nat) {struct tl}:list pat:=
match tl with
| nil => nil
| a::m => (lift_pat_rec a n ari)::(lift_patlist_rec m n ari)

Fixpoint subst_rec (tl :list term) (t: term) (d : nat) {struct t}:term:=
 match t with
 | Var m =>
    let u:= (length tl+d)%nat in
     match compare_bd_dec m d u with
      | INF _ => Var m
      | IN _ _ =>
   match nth_error tl (m-d) with |Some w => w | None =>Var m end
      | SUP _=> Var (m+d-u)
 | Mu ari b => Mu ari (subst_rec (lift_list tl (S(S ari))) b (d+(S (S ari))) )
 |Lamb ari b => Lamb ari (subst_rec (lift_list tl (S ari)) b (d+(S ari)))
 | App t1 t2 =>
     let fix subst_list_rec
      (tl :list term) (l: list term) (d : nat) {struct l}: list term:=
      match l with
      | nil => nil
      | a::m => (subst_rec tl a d )::(subst_list_rec tl m d )
      end in
       App (subst_rec tl t1 d ) (subst_list_rec tl t2 d )
 |tLet t1 t2 => tLet (subst_rec tl t1 d) (subst_rec (lift_list tl 1) t2 (S d))
 |Con n l =>
      let fix subst_list_rec
      (tl :list term) (l: list term) (d : nat) {struct l}: list term:=
      match l with
      | nil => nil
      | a::m => (subst_rec tl a d )::(subst_list_rec tl m d )
      end in Con n (subst_list_rec tl l d)
 | Match t pl =>
      let fix subst_patlist_rec
      (tl :list term) (l: list pat) (d : nat) {struct l}: list pat:=
      match l with
      | nil => nil
      | a::m => (subst_pat_rec tl a d )::(subst_patlist_rec tl m d )
      end in Match (subst_rec tl t d) (subst_patlist_rec tl pl d)
with subst_pat_rec (tl:list term) (p:pat) (d:nat) {struct p}:pat:=
 match p with
 |Patc n t => Patc n (subst_rec (lift_list tl n) t (d+ n))

Fixpoint subst_list_rec
      (tl :list term) (l: list term) (d : nat) {struct l}: list term:=
      match l with
      | nil => nil
      | a::m => (subst_rec tl a d )::(subst_list_rec tl m d )

Fixpoint subst_patlist_rec
      (tl :list term) (l: list pat) (d : nat) {struct l}: list pat:=
      match l with
      | nil => nil
      | a::m => (subst_pat_rec tl a d )::(subst_patlist_rec tl m d )

Definition Subst (w:list term) (t:term) :=
 match w with | nil => t
  | _ => subst_rec w t O end.

Fixpoint Subst_list (tl : list term) (l:list term) {struct l}:list term :=
 match l with
 | nil => nil
 |a::m => Subst tl a ::Subst_list tl m

II. big-step semantics CBV based on substitution
Inductive eval_term:term->term->Prop:=
| emu: forall ari t, eval_term (Mu ari t) (Mu ari t)
| elamb: forall ari t, eval_term (Lamb ari t) (Lamb ari t)
| eapp : forall t1 t2 vb t v ari,
      eval_term t1 (Lamb ari t)->
      length t2 = (S ari) -> eval_list t2 vb->
      eval_term (subst_rec (rev vb) t O) v ->
      eval_term (App t1 t2) v
| eappr: forall t1 t2 vb t v ari,
       eval_term t1 (Mu ari t)->
       length t2 = (S ari) -> eval_list t2 vb->
       eval_term (subst_rec ((rev vb)++(Mu ari t)::nil) t O) v ->
       eval_term (App t1 t2) v
|elet: forall t1 t2 v1 v2,
       eval_term t1 v1 ->
       eval_term (subst_rec (v1::nil) t2 O) v2 ->
       eval_term (tLet t1 t2) v2
|econst : forall n l vl,
        eval_list l vl ->
        eval_term (Con n l) (Con n vl)
| ematch: forall t n lv p ca v,
        eval_term t (Con n lv) ->
        nth_error p n = Some (Patc (length lv) ca) ->
        eval_term (subst_rec (rev lv) ca O) v ->
        eval_term (Match t p) v
with eval_list:list term->list term->Prop:=
 | enil: eval_list nil nil
 | econs:forall a va m vm,
        eval_term a va ->
        eval_list m vm->
        eval_list (a::m) (va::vm).

Scheme eval_term_ind6 := Minimality for eval_term Sort Prop
 with eval_list_ind6 := Minimality for eval_list Sort Prop.

III. Lift properties
Lemma lift_nth:
 forall l i n, nth_error l i = None ->
 nth_error (lift_list l n) i = None.

Lemma lift_nth_sm:
 forall l i n v, nth_error l i = Some v ->
 nth_error (lift_list l n) i = Some (lift v n) .

Lemma lift_list_length:
 forall l n, length (lift_list l n ) = length l.

Lemma lift_rec_lift_list:
 forall l n , lift_list l n = lift_list_rec l O n.

Lemma lift_list_app:
 forall l1 l2 n , lift_list (l1++l2) n =
                        (lift_list l1 n) ++ (lift_list l2 n).

Ltac LIFT_TAC :=
match goal with
| [ |- context[lt_ge_dec ?a ?b] ] =>
      case_eq (lt_ge_dec a b); intros; simpl; auto; LIFT_TAC
| [ |- context[compare_dec ?a ?b] ] =>
     case_eq(compare_dec a b); intros; simpl; auto; LIFT_TAC
| [ |- context[match ?x with Some _ => _ | None => _ end] ] =>
     case_eq x; intros; simpl; auto; LIFT_TAC
 | [ |-context[compare_bd_dec ?a ?b ?c] ] =>
     case_eq (compare_bd_dec a b c);intros;simpl;auto;LIFT_TAC
 | _ =>
     omega || (elimtype False; omega) || (progress f_equal; auto; LIFT_TAC; fail) || auto

Lemma lift_comm_prop:
 forall t n1 n2 k1,
 (lift_rec (lift_rec t n1 k1) (n1 + k1) n2) =
 (lift_rec t n1 (k1+n2)).

 Lemma lift_comm_eq:
 forall t s1 k1 k2 ,
 lift_rec (lift_rec t s1 k1) s1 k2 =
 lift_rec t s1 (k1+k2).

Lemma lift_list_comm_eq:
 forall t s1 k1 k2 ,
 lift_list_rec (lift_list_rec t s1 k1) s1 k2 =
 lift_list_rec t s1 (k1+k2).

Lemma lift_comm_lt:
 forall t s1 s2 k1 k2,
 (s1 <=s2)%nat ->
 lift_rec (lift_rec t s2 k2) s1 k1 =
 lift_rec (lift_rec t s1 k1) (s2+k1) k2.

Lemma lift_list_rec_comm_lt:
 forall t s1 s2 k1 k2,
 (s1 <=s2)%nat ->
 lift_list_rec (lift_list_rec t s2 k2) s1 k1 =
 lift_list_rec (lift_list_rec t s1 k1) (s2+k1) k2.

Lemma lift_list_prop:
    forall t k1 k2,
 (lift_list (lift_list t k1) k2) =
 (lift_list t (k1+k2)).

Lemma lift_comm_prop1:
 forall t n1 n2 k1,
 (lift_rec (lift_rec t n1 k1) (n1 + k1) n2) =
 (lift_rec t n1 (k1+n2)).

Lemma lift_list_comm_prop1:
 forall t n1 n2 k1,
 (lift_list_rec (lift_list_rec t n1 k1) (n1 + k1) n2) =
 (lift_list_rec t n1 (k1+n2)).

Lemma lift_rec_length:
 forall l n m, length(lift_list_rec l n m) = length l.

Lemma lift_rec_nth_sm:
 forall l n m i t, nth_error l i = Some t ->
                            nth_error (lift_list_rec l m n) i = Some (lift_rec t m n).

Lemma lift_rec_nth_none:
 forall l n m i , nth_error l i = None ->
                            nth_error (lift_list_rec l m n) i = None.

IV. Properties of theimultaneous substitution
Lemma subst_lift_prop:
forall t m l1 ,
 subst_rec l1 (lift_rec t m (length l1)) m = t.

Lemma Subst_comp:
 forall t l1 l2 m , subst_rec l1 (subst_rec (lift_list_rec l2 m
                                  (length l1)) t (length l1+m)) m =
                         subst_rec (l1++l2) t m .

Lemma subst_rec_length:
 forall l l1 n, length (subst_list_rec l1 l n) = length l.

Lemma subst_app_spec :
 forall t l1 l2 k ,
 subst_rec l1 (subst_rec (lift_list_rec l2 k (length l1)) t k) k = (subst_rec (l2++l1) t k).

Lemma subst_nth_sm :
 forall u l o i x, nth_error u i = Some x ->
                           nth_error (subst_list_rec l u o) i = Some (subst_rec l x o).

Lemma lift_subst_prop:
forall b a k n0 n, lift_rec (subst_rec a b (n+k)) k n0 =
 subst_rec (lift_list_rec a k n0) (lift_rec b k n0) (n + n0+k) .

Lemma lift_subst_list_prop:
forall b a k n0 n, lift_list_rec (subst_list_rec a b (n+k)) k n0 =
 subst_list_rec (lift_list_rec a k n0) (lift_list_rec b k n0) (n + n0+k) .

Lemma the_subst_para :
 forall t w u i j ,
 subst_rec w (subst_rec u t i) (i+j) =
 subst_rec (subst_list_rec w u (i+j)) (subst_rec (lift_list_rec w i (length u)) t (i+j+length u)) i.